Suggestions of features/tweaks of the new forum

Is it possible to tag people in posts so that they’re notified?

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Yes it is. Just use the @ symbol and then an autofill box will appear and you can search their name or some options will be up for you already. Pretty cool feature @sphere

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I like it.

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Also loving the photo posting simplicity. It was a PITA going to hosting sites like Imgur to host/copy/paste.

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Not sure if anyone’s noticed yet, but if you have your device set to dark mode (don’t most people?) it will carry over to your slowtwitch display. On the desktop computer the forum is white with black text, and opposite on my ipad and iPhone. I doubt there is a way to standardize that while still using dark mode.

I just set my regular color as “dark” and my dark mode to “same as regular.” So it’s dark gray all the time.

Has a layout change been announced or is that just wishful thinking at this point?

Where is the QUOTE button? I have seen post quoted but I can’t see it.

Right there

Not sure what change you’re referring to.

This IS the change, hombre. What you see is what we get.

From your post above (emphasis mine) “Until they change the layout, you can figure out the originator from the avatar icons.” In any case, Ryan explained above for now they aren’t implementing any fancier change until the whole record from the old platform is ported into this new one.

Still happening on both iPhone and iPad. The only way I can log in is to do a password reset every time, and if I try to use the current password as the new on it recognizes that it’s an existing password so I don’t know how to get around that.

Also, can you use your screen name to log in? I assume you can theoretically but it hasn’t worked so far.

Ah. Yes, they have said that they will eventually make some additional changes to the interface (such as signature blocks), once they get through the first stage of getting the updated site fully migrated and functioning. I don’t know if they will definitely add thread originators, but I know they can, so I would guess that it’s mostly just a matter of whether enough people want that functionality.

Yeah, you can theoretically use your email address or username to login. I have not had any success doing so.

Instead of changing your password each time, on the login pop-up, enter your username or email, and then there will be a link below that field that says something like “skip password, send me a login email.” You’ll get an email with a link that you can click to login. Not a ton easier, but at least you’re not reinventing a password every time.




Unable to comment on Lincoln Reilly’s inability to have a defense along with usual mocking of the literacy of LSU fans

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Sorry, that’s a spam-trap that has proven to be quite effective for us so far…

Gonna have to put more thought in first :stuck_out_tongue:

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In addition to enforcing the 3 posts in a row limit I’d like the moderators to also enforce people replying to themselves, in the name community building (thanks Obama!) Drunk posting to yourself is no way to go through life son.

Go White Sox! Of course there’s also the blur spoiler (go eat a bag of dicks) feature… Now about that pink font that I can’t seem to find.

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