ST Xmas-New Years Virtual Camp Dec 23-Jan 1 (10 days)

OK, here we go again. The second annual Xmas camp. We did one last year for 10 days and followed it up with 10 more days around Easter.

The concept here is to get in as many hours of training as possible. Intensity and speed do not count. In fact the 17 hour Ironman finisher can “compete” in this camp with sub 9 hour studs, cause it is all based on minutes of training, not distance covered (personally, I’ll be throwing in a bit of intensity as I start racing again within 5 weeks).

Below is the point scheme. Please do not debate it. It is what it is (refined after much debate from 2 camps last year). If you do something else not listed below, use the honour system and translate it into something (for example, 60 min of hard core pond hockey with your 14 year old kids skating circles around your middle age attempts might qualify for 40 points)
Run 60 min = 60 points Swim 60 min = 40 points XC ski 60 min = 40 points Snowshoe 60 min = 40 points Speedskate 60 min = 40 points Bike Indoors trainer or rollers on a real bike, or spin bike 60 min = 40 points Weights 60 min = 40 points Rollerski or In Line skate 60 min = 40 points Cardio equipment at gym (recumbant bike, lifecycle, elliptical) 60 min = 30 points Outdoor Biking 60 min = 30 points

translates to:
Run 1 min = 1 points Swim 1 min = 0.66666 points XC ski 1 min = 0.66666 points Snowshoe 1 min = 0.66666 points Speedskate 1 min = 0.66666 points Bike Indoors trainer or rollers on a real bike, or spin bike 1 min = 0.66666 points Weights 1 min = 0.66666 points Cardio equipment at gym (recumbant bike, lifecycle, elliptical) 1 min = .5 points Outdoor Biking 1 min = 0.5 points
OK, so who is in?

By the way, here are the “levels”
Platinum Club 2000 pts (rarified zone occupied only by gods like Francois or Kus) Gold Club 1500 pts Silver Club 1000 pts (my goal…I ended at ~1300 for the past 2 camps) Bronze Club 500 pts
Keep in mind that Platinum club is the “aerobic equivalent” of running 3:20 per day, Gold Club would be 2:30 per day, Silver Club 1:40 per day and Bronze Club 50 min per day.

Anyway good luck, and see ya on the “start line” on Saturday morning…may the suffering begin!

Alex, if you are out there, can you keep score? Please post your daily points and running tally of overall points only once a day.



I’m in.

Count me in! Thankfully I’m back into a good build week.



Done…I’m in. With the in-laws in town, I need a reason to take a break every now and then.

I’m in, although I am still in a run emphasis mode in preparation for Baaston. Swim and bike are in maintenance mode.

Also, I’ll vounteer for the points keeping business if you like.

I’ll participate. All my running pals will be out of town, visiting their family, etc, etc, during this time of the season … I need all the help I can get to get my running going :wink:

I’m in. This might just allow me to lose the final few pounds to meet my Jan 1 weight commitment!

I’m in. Thankfully, the snow situation in Denver will be calmed to the point that I can get to a pool starting tomorrow…

Who’s in Boston for Christmas? Anyone might be interested in a swimming partner?

I’m just back from two weeks in Australia, but am now home alone for the holidays. I have nothing else to do but train, so count me in.

Time to start up those 3-a-days again…


I’m in. The collarbone is healing and I’m just ready to start training. Have done lower body weights a couple of days, just to get going.


I’m in.

I’m in, but is there a slacker category? Training in the cold is fun!

I’m in.

But I’ll be doing the 8 day version. I already know that I’m “off” on the 24th and 25th. Maybe there should be a point scale for cooking, baking, wrapping, etc.??

Hopefully this won’t be nearly as humiliating for me as the November Run Challenge was!!

I’m in. I am training for the Phoenix Marathon and am in a run-emphasis mode.


I’m in! I’ll be visiting the fam in Portland, so finally some good training weather!

I’m kinda in…I’ll keep track and post my total if I get something respectable. Running a bunch but was planning an easier week next week. Also have 2 long haul flights in that period, won’t have a bike and only minimal pool access. Don’t think there will be snow in the UK…Dev, are there any fog related sports that count?

I’ll give it a shot.


I’m in. Going for the 18-25 age group win but with Tigerchick doing those 7km swim workouts i don’t know…

OK, Parkito is official scorekeeper (we’ll know if there is anything fishy if he pulls out 2200 pts and kicks Kus’ ass…)

Glad to see that there are others signing up for punishment…now I better prey for some snow, or I’ll have to get the pts through lots of running and indoor biking…

Hi Gang,

I have put together a simple Excel spreadsheet to help you tally your points for the week. Just enter your minutes of exercise in the proper box and the spreadsheet will keep running daily and 10-day-cumulative point totals for you.

If you would like a copy, PM me with your email address and I will send it out.

Happy Holidays!
