Sphere’s 2024 NFL football pool, who’s in?

As your Commissioner and defending 2023-2024 Champion (how very Trumpy of me), I am happy to announce the start of the 2024-2025 Lavender Room NFL Football Pool. Taking the advice of last year’s competitors I would like to keep it as simple as possible to encourage participation, while maintaining a few gamesmanship incentives. To wit, here is my proposal for this season:

  • Wins 1pt, losses 0pts, winner will be determined by point total after the SB.
  • No point spread consideration (I only included them last season to help guide your selections and to highlight the 3 and 5 point game decisions)
  • Game of the Week: 2 points win, 0 points loss. These are typically even odds if the matchup is between powerhouse teams, but I may pick them based on intrigue (ex: heated divisional rival matchup, Rodgers vs GB etc.) and not necessarily the strength of the matchup.
  • Escalating point value for playoffs as with last year, except no underdog points, no GOTW in playoffs. Wildcard weekend point values: 2/0, Divisional 3/0, Conference 4/0, Super Bowl 5/0. No gimmick SB points available like MVP etc.
  • One significant difference, which I propose will be called the Windy Rule, is that any participant who chooses all favorites in three consecutive weeks will deduct 3 points from their season total. There was incentive last year to pick underdogs, so it may be tempting to choose all favorites this year. I don’t expect this will affect anyone except the rule’s namesake. Make picks like you normally would and this won’t affect you. Game the system and deduct 3 internet points.

TL:DR, one point for win, zero for loss, no point spreads, one GOTW worth 2 points every week, escalating point values for playoffs, no gimmicks, don’t be a dick and pick only favorites, player with highest point total wins.

Who’s in?

Ah but I have a different system for this year as last year’s was somewhat tedious and boring

Do tell so I can write a new rule banning it.

I would also like to propose that the first place finisher gets to choose the avatar for the last place finisher for the period of one month.

Only pick winning teams. :wink:

It’s a work in progress that should not result in only favorites since it does not involve blindly picking only the favorites

So basically you’re going to crack the sports betting code. Got it.

Any preferences for the avatar you’ll be wearing next March?

Never mind, found it.

Why do you have the female walking two steps behnd the males?

Please to count me in this year. Good luck with the new formatting challenge.

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They’re walking a right turn loop. Staggered starts. She’s actually ahead. Maybe take off your sexist filter and you’d see it more clearly.

that response is worth windy points. Let’s see if he will be so humble as to admit same.

Replying to sphere’s inside lane right hand loop.

I will award you three points

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Count me in. But, not having played before, are you required to submit your picks for the entire slate of games before kickoff of the Thursday night game?

… and, go Bills!!!

Before the first kickoff of the week keeps it clean and easy to follow, so that would be my preference. But if a game changing development happens between Thursday night and MNF kickoff it’s reasonable to allow changes, so long as they’re posted before game time.

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Count me in. I will be in two weekly pools, well a pool and one fantasy league. My daughter’s boyfriend convinced me to join his fantasy league, which consists of mostly 20-somethings who have nothing better to do than eat/breathe/live fantasy football. I’m going to get smoked like a pack of Kools.

I’d like to play! I’m going to have to reread how to play though​:rofl::rofl:

I am in. Will try to not miss a week as to get booted like last year…. Love the avatar for the loser. Although I think the avatar should stick with the loser until the start of the next football season!

Mulligans allowed, glad you’ll be returning

Been wanting to do this for a couple years now. Maybe this year I can get off my ass…

  • Jeff

Roger mulligans allowed. Thanks. it might just take me 10 more attempts to get my picks out of this new door. cut and paste, quote, bold or no bold. Last two attempts I was alerted that I cant post an empty post :rofl:

IF I remember I’ll be in.

So to clarify, the only picking the favorites rule, as I anticipate later in the season, I could fall a foul. At what point are you defining the favorite? when you post it or at kickoff, as in close matchups the odds do flip. So when I pick my non-favorite I want to make sure I am using the same measuring stick as you.