Some asshole was blocking my path along the Upper Geyser Basin trail in Yellowstone. Who do I call?


No need to call anyone. Grab him by the balls and his heart will follow.

Just go rub his belly. He will fall asleep. Consider yourself a fortunate one. Big medicine in those beasties.

I’m well informed that you’re supposed to go right ahead and walk up to that asshole and make him move. Feel free to make loud noises, wave your arms in a threatening manner,…don’t be hesitant to go right up to him and push him out of the way if necessary. Really lean in and put your shoulder into it. I’m told they’re very docile creatures that couldn’t possibly do you any harm in any way, and anyway, you’re an American tourist and have the God given right to go where you want without interference from silly things like Mother Nature.

What could go wrong?

Great pics. That first one looks a little close, but all’s well that ends well.

It’s nice to put a face to the g-man, thx.

It was no closer than that second pic but perspective makes it look closer. Those two pics were basically taken from the same spot.

Standard yield order of wheels to heels to hoofs applies x 1000 percent.

Careful out there, it’s still tourist tossing season.

I hear this will work.

What’s crazy is there were six people that walked around him and passed within 10’-15’.

He was doing his thing and minding his own business but my guess is he could go from eating to human smashing in about two seconds. They’re pretty quick when they want to be.


September is such a great time to be out there. Great weather and fewer people.

We were out in the Old Faithful geyser basin when a nasty thunder storm came rumbling through. We were trying to get to shelter and one of these fuzzy critters had their head hanging over the boardwalk. So it was die of hypothermia and electricity or stomping. As we debated a couple more people came up behind us. We had to do a hop off the boardwalk on the other side and back on quick.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people will mess with the bison and elk out there. That is why I search Tourons of Yellowstone for the clips with violent content warning. I love to see the animals win.

We stood there for 25 minutes waiting for him to mosey on. Zero chance I was walking around him. I’m not messing around with the 2,000 pound animal that has horns and can run 35 mph.


A few days ago in the Fishing Bridge campground, we had a bull elk right outside our motorhome. We couldn’t go out until he moved. Then he stood in the road in front of us and stared down someone in a pickup with a trailer who was trying to leave. The elk bugled several times then finally moved away.

In the Hayden Valley a little while later we had a wolf cross the road right in front of us.

A few hours later we were on our way to Lamar Valley and there were 3 black bears in a tree right next to the road on top of Dunraven Pass. Of course, some of the idiots were getting out of their cars to take closeup photos.

Later, while at a small picnic area east of Lamar Valley, there was a bison sleeping in the grass about 50 yards away.

We did see bison in the Upper Geyser Basin as well, but not on the trails. It’s amazing how close some of them get to the thermal areas.

There are animal encounters almost every day we’ve been here and we still have several more days. Hoping to see a moose, but since there’s only about 200 in the entire park it will be amazing if we do see one.

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Yellowstone is so amazing & not subtle at all. It fills my heart with happiness to read about experiences there.

Are you sure you are Gman? You do look like an unemployed accountant not a fed :slight_smile:

My wife got stuck in a restroom for about a half hour once. A bison followed her then laid down right outside the door. She would have had to crawl across it to get out.

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We were in Yellowstone at the end of August. Saw this monster dude. Lots of elk at Mammoth, only saw 7 or 8 bison total, really wanted to see a grizzly in a meadow from the car but didn’t get to. We’d been in glacier for 6 nights before Yellowstone and saw some grizzly’s through spotting scopes. Saw a moose in a pond on a hike in the Tetons after leaving Yellowstone. Got home and this dude was outside my kitchen door.:rofl::rofl:

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To quote the great Samuel L. Jackson…
“English, motherfucker, do you speak it?” :wink:

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