Some asshole was blocking my path along the Upper Geyser Basin trail in Yellowstone. Who do I call?

Shit move telling him to push it out of the way without critical safety information.

You need to stand directly in front of it, make prolonged eye contact to establish dominance, wrap your hands around its horns and lean your shoulder hard in between its big stupid eyes, and push hard.

Any other technique is likely to get him hurt.

Iā€™m down in Jackson now. We did so much hiking in Yellowstone the last few days we are taking a break from that. Might just drive around Grand Teton NP a little today. Will hike in the Jenny Lake area tomorrow.

Staying at the Cloudveil. This place is nice. Great change of pace to the no frills and no amenities of the places we stayed in Yellowstone.

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When we were there in May we were trapped by 4 bison. It was a dead end board walk with a geyser on one side a bison on the boardwalk and 3 bison on the other side of the board walk. It was snowing, we thought that we were going to get hyperthermia. After about 30 minutes they moved. We were very, very happy to get back to the RV and turn on the heater.

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Beware of wearing bison colors. Weā€™re entering mating season.

Thereā€™s a hike near Jenny Lake called Moose ponds (or something like that). Thatā€™s where the moose photo is from. We spent 9 nights camping and did 1 night at Old Faithful Inn in a WOB. Had a phenomenal experience. Kids were rockstars. We werenā€™t supposed to go to the Tetons but they wanted one more night and we had one more dinner in the cooler and got a last minute cancellation camp site at Jenny Lake Campground. We were dirty and exhausted when we got home then sent the kids to school the next day. Only ended up with one staph infection from a bug bite and a case of Strep throat. A trip no one will forget! Hope you guys are having an amazing time!


Oops. ā€¦ ā€œyou lookā€

Iā€™m on vacation and, possibly, forgot my razor. :grin:

spockman, were you behind so many sheep? If so why?
I like watching border collies herd sheep. Was there a border collie nearby?

I often watch videos of dogs herding sheep on Youtube. It makes me smile to see them doing something that they love so much.

Maybe heā€™s Scottish. Like BLeP and moose. Donā€™t question other peopleā€™s kinks.