Slowtwitch Forum Support Lavendar Room

That does it. Thanks!

Any progress on this issue? It’s almost two weeks since the shift over to the new architecture, and I still can’t login to the site without using the login link option. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Hello Slowguy,

Please send us an email to so that we can dive into your specific login issue!

Thanks. I did that a week or so ago. I’m sure you’ll get back to me when it’s resolved.

This new forum format stinks. You really can’t even reply to anyone. Your post just goes to the end of the thread. You have to scroll forever and the forum keeps stopping to catch up.

It’s a real disincentive to using the forum. I’ve been here since 2000 and I’ve gone through at least 3 other formats, but this one is the worst.

It makes me not want to use it.

The previous forum had the ability to view either “threaded” or not. I never really used that, but I know a lot of people did, and preferred that to be able to follow the discussions within Threads.

It’s almost as if they don’t appreciate you.

Ok how did you quote/reply his post?

I was able to reset my password and stay logged in on my tablet, but none of my other devices work. I’ll likely wait until this is fixed to do any posting, other than this.

Cool, what are some of the other ways?

Click on the link in that section. I linked you to my post that had three or four ways.


Thanks. Cheers.

@50plus no problem.

I thought I saw it somewhere but how does one set things up to see a reply within an answer only? I’m seeing the reply nested within an answer and then the same reply at the bottom of the thread. The reply at the bottom of the thread doesn’t tie it back up to original op so it makes it a little confusing.

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Very confusing!

Just hit the End key on your keyboard.

The scroll bar works.

Having said that, my keyboard doesn’t have an end key. :wink:
I purposefully bought a simplified keyboard because of where it sits on my desk.

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I just found the keyboard shortcut icon. Hit the # sign and it will give you a pop up box to go to the exact post number instead of scrolling.