Slowtwitch Forum Support Lavendar Room

Hello Slowtwitch Community,

If you’re experiencing any issues about any aspect of the Slowtwitch forum, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help! You can contact us directly at

Thank you for being a part of our community!

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Cool, we have a Help Desk!

I unplugged my computer and plugged it back in but the settings are still different from last week

If we could leave this thread to be people who actually need troubleshooting assistance with their accounts, etc. versus being a smartass about the forum changes… that’d be great </Lumbergh voice>.

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I just had a bad gateway instance

Fix the login issue that many of us are having.

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Anybody with a login issue: you gotta email the support address, please and thank you.

shoot, I thought this was going to be an emotional support thread…

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Is there a way to add pages to click to at the bottom? I just clicked on a thread with ~400 posts, and I had to scroll for a long time to get to the last post.

You can grab the scroll bar and pull it to the bottom.

But that only scrolls a little bit before it has to load more posts. At least that is what I am seeing. In a long thread where it doesn’t jump you to the new posts that is a pain.

Maybe it needs an easy “jump to end button”.
The other solution for Barry is you can use the go to option to jump to whatever post. But that takes more clicks/keystrokes than the page drop down option in days of yore.

ETA - I just found the in thread scrolly thing - my bad - I was trying to use the browser scrolly thing

I’ve found at the bottom of the scroll bar, there will be a time hack of the latest post, click on that and it should jump you down to that point.

Hello Everyone,

We are working on the login issues and hope to have a solution soon. Thank you for your messages!

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That does it. Thanks!

Any progress on this issue? It’s almost two weeks since the shift over to the new architecture, and I still can’t login to the site without using the login link option. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Hello Slowguy,

Please send us an email to so that we can dive into your specific login issue!

Thanks. I did that a week or so ago. I’m sure you’ll get back to me when it’s resolved.

This new forum format stinks. You really can’t even reply to anyone. Your post just goes to the end of the thread. You have to scroll forever and the forum keeps stopping to catch up.

It’s a real disincentive to using the forum. I’ve been here since 2000 and I’ve gone through at least 3 other formats, but this one is the worst.

It makes me not want to use it.

The previous forum had the ability to view either “threaded” or not. I never really used that, but I know a lot of people did, and preferred that to be able to follow the discussions within Threads.

It’s almost as if they don’t appreciate you.