New Forum - How do I.....?

Lots of people trying to figure out how to use the new forum. We can probably collect some of the most common “how do I?” questions for easy reference.

I’ll start with:

How do I quote something in my reply?

-There are several ways to use the quotes function in the new forum.

  1. You can highlight the text you want to quote with your mouse, and a menu will pop up above the text. If you click the quotation marks, it will generate a new reply with that specific text quoted and the poster’s name indicated.

  1. You can hit the Reply button in the lower right, and then in the text editor window, click on the thought bubble in the upper left. That will quote the entire post you’re replying to, with the poster’s name indicated.

  1. You can open a reply or a new post, and paste text in from somewhere else (another post, another webpage, wherever you copied text from). Then highlight that text in the editor and click on the quotation marks at the top of the editor window. That will quote the text in your post, but without indicating a name of where the text came from.

  1. You can highlight some text in the post you want to reply to, and while the text is highlighted, hit the reply button, and a reply will be generated with that text quoted, indicating the poster’s name.

  2. You can copy and paste the text you want to quote and just manually type in the html code for quoting. Use [quote] in front of the quoted text, and [/quote] at the end of the quoted text. If you want to indicate the poster’s name, just add their username after the opening [quote].

Are you Fred Lewis? That’s whoI see in your avatar.

How do I get rid of all the space between topics so I can see more than 7 threads?

So far, the only thing I’ve seen that might get you more threads in the same screen space is to decrease font size. You can do that in the preferences tab of your profile, under the “Interface” section.

sadly no.

The only thing I can do is heart a post I can’t just thumbs up or thumbs down a post? I have to love it?

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Yeah, looks like for right now, that’s the only available reaction. I believe it’s just a matter of the admins installing a plugin later to add stuff like thumbs up or down or other reactions that the users might want.


Another one I was asked a bunch in the old forum and that might come up as election season continues.

How do I ignore/mute another user?

As in the previous forum iteration, this is not a recommendation to ignore/mute someone. Decide that for yourself. However, if you want to do so, here’s how, and what happens.

1.To Ignore a User. In the new forum, you can access info and settings about Users in your preferences (click on your own avatar in the upper right, then on the little person at the bottom, then on the gear icon next to preferences).

On your preferences screen, click on the Users section. In the Users screen, you’ll see a section for Ignored and for Muted. They are slightly different.

To Ignore a user, click on the “Add+” button in the “Ignored” field, then type in the username of the person you want to ignore. Once you start typing, potential usernames will pop up and you can pick the one you want.

Then select a time frame for how long you want to place the person on Ignored. You can choose various time frames from part of a day up to forever.

Click “Ignore.” You don’t seem to need to click on Save Changes at the bottom for the Ignored status to take effect.

After whatever time frame you select is up, the user automatically comes off of Ignored status without you having to make any changes. If you want to remove someone from Ignored status earlier, you can simply click the “x” next to their name in your list of ignored users.

2.To Mute a User. The Mute function is slightly different. In the same Users section, in the Muted field, click where it says “Select…” and start typing the name of the user you want to mute. When their username populates, click on that and it’s added. You don’t get to select a time frame for Muted status. To remove someone from Muted status, click into the field with the list of names under Muted, and click on the “x” next to the username you want to remove.

3.What does Ignored mean? If you put someone on your Ignored list, they are well and truly ignored, to a much greater degree than in the previous forum structure. The Ignored function covers any messages, posts, personal messages, chat direct messages, or basically any interaction with that User.

  • If they start a new thread, then you can see the thread in the main forum page, and if you open that thread, you can see a space for the opening post with the User’s info and a message that says “Ignored content”. You do not have the option to unhide that content.

  • For normal posts in other threads, unlike the previous forum, you won’t see the Ignored User’s content at all. You’ll see an indication that there are hidden posts that you can open if you like, but not who posted. If you choose to unhide those hidden posts, then you can see and reply to them.

  • If another user replies to or quotes your Ignored User, you won’t see any of the Ignored User’s content in that reply. All you’ll see is that someone replied to that Ignored username.

4.What does Muted mean? Muted turns off notifications, chat direct messages, and personal messages from the Muted User, but doesn’t block their content in threads, so you can still see and reply to their posts.

5.If you want the default to be that everyone can send you chat and personal messages except for a few Users, then check the block under “Messages” on the Users screen that allows that. Then you can ignore or mute specific Users as you see fit. If you want to prevent everyone from sending you chat direct messages and personal messages as a default setting, you can just make sure the box for that option is unchecked. If you want only specific users to be able to send you those messages, you can have the first block unchecked, and then check the second block that says “Only allow specific users…” and then add Users just like you did for the Muted function.

“How do I get girls to like me?” LOL :black_heart::sunglasses:

That question is surely beyond the wisdom of the LR.

The great thing about this new interface is tgat you don’t have to reply to a certain person to comment; you can just throw in

The old way, you’d have to either reply to the OP, or hook onto the most recent post and preface with “Just replying in general”

I’m a non sequitor kinda guy, so this works well for me

Is there a way to preview a post? Lot easier to see if you got pictures, gifs, quotesformatting, etc. right that way.

On iPad and desktop, the post is previewed on the right of the screen.

On iPhone, you can hit the little icon that looks like a monitor in the bottom right to preview, then the pencil to go back to editing.


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How do I get to the end of a thread without scrolling through every single post? I really don’t care for the non-stop scrolling and wish having pages were an option.

Sometimes when I want to read a thread that already has 5-10 pages, I only want to read a page or two at a time during a break from work.

On desktop/tablet, right hand slider to get you to a certain post number. The time stamp in the upper right hand corner serves as a link if you want to save that for your later consumption.

On mobile, lower right hand corner allows you to jump to a certain post number.

There is a trash can icon on your post, you might have to hit the 3 dots to see it if it is hidden

Got it. Yes. Interesting that there isn’t that trash can icon after going in to edit a post (or I’m missing seeing it).

When I open a thread, it pops me down to the last time I was in that thread instead of having to scroll through the entire thing. Unfortunately, that only works if there’s new content. Otherwise, I just use the scroll function on the right to drag down quickly.