Slowtwitch Forum Support: If You're Having Login Issues, This is The Post

Hello Slowtwitch Community,

If you’re experiencing any issues about any aspect of the Slowtwitch forum, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help! You can contact us directly at

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I don’t have issues logging in, but every next morning even if the tab is still open I have to re-log in on my laptop. No option that says keep me logged in.

Don’t have that issue on the phone, but I mostly use slowtwitch from a laptop.


yesss! I have the same issue and it’s pretty annoying.


Same issue here:(


So, maybe it takes up extra bandwidth or whatever, but it was always easy enough to re log in.
I changed my password, allowed it, then said today password was NG since it was too similar or some such. Fine, changed it to something ‘hopefully’ stronger, but can only imagine how many forum members being lost and giving up.


I got logged out only once so far, and the P/w didn’t work so I requested the login link

Somehow - and I forget where I saw it; there was a little wrench icon - it said I was still logged on to the same phone I had in my hand !!! In other words, logged in TWICE on the same device

I logged off from the one that I figured was the “inactive” one, and it’s been fine since

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I tried everything. Only logging in via the link works. Changed the password multiple times. Response is always that my newly created password is invalid upon reattempt. Passkeys always fail as well. Is there an ETA?


I’m getting this also… no password works, always have to get an email link.
I wonder if there are password strength requirements which we don’t know about


Are you also only able to use one device? I open ST on phone, home PC and work. I can only currently use one device without having to reset the password via the link. Oddly, I go to the site, it recognizes me via the hand gesture, but won’t accept the password.

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Ok Randmart, i’ll ‘assume’ you were replying to me :frowning: I had no such thing going on, only using a PC and not logged in twice. PC is the norm for me. quite disappointed the Spoilers Bike racing Thread has been nixed, a wealth of info there, which I’d go back into the volumes there to refresh my memory on things. A Horner made the cut though? actually, ryan did explain the why of that, being an in-active thread and all.

Randmart, please reply if you can, so i know i hit this right.

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At one point maybe the people responsible should give an update on the various issues and if they plan to bring back the missing threads.


Marcag, did you reply to me? i’m not seeing anything obvious to indicate that you did.

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@Twilkas , yes I did. You are right, I don’t see sign of it

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Thank you kindly marcag. i have a pic saved from when you had a bottle of champagne from the TDF and you took a shot of it with my post up on the forum on your screen behind it. (happenstance i’m sure) One of the beauty parts of the spoilers pro cycling thread! glad i screen shotted it and saved.

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Nope. If I’d replied to you, you’d see the little arrow in the corner pointing to your “dot”

In the “new” ST, people can reply in threads, without replying to anyone in particular

Which is kinda nice

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Add me to the list. I am getting kicked out periodically and when I try and log back in, I get this message:


Only way which works to get back in is use the email login link.

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Hello everyone,

We are actively working to resolve the ongoing issues and appreciate your patience during this time. Rest assured, we will continue reaching out to each of you to address any concerns you may have. If you need any assistance or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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Another login problem victim here. Can’t login without using the direct email link.

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+1 I am running out of passwords to think of…