Slowtwitch Forum Support: If You're Having Login Issues, This is The Post

Hello fredly and RobAllen,

Please send us an email to so we can address your specific login issues.

Agreed. I thought about making 2 more accounts so I don’t have to update my password every single time I log on. I’m thinking Littlefoot 2 and Littlefoot 3 with a signature that addresses the odd and similar names.

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Hello littlefoot,

Please send us an email to so we can address your specific login issues.

That sounds problematic in a One Person/One Account sort of way

That could lead to wholesale Puppetry (like on LetsRun) if it is allowed

I will send an email…again. I definitely sent you one prevoiusly.

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I fixed my login issue. New sign in name and password.

I’ve wondered about doing the same thing, but I’ve been under this name since 07 I think.

My username seems to have been changed slightly … previous login username was _Will_. For some reason, the trailing ‘_’ was dropped and it’s not just _Will. I was able to login using my email at least to find that.

I just got logged out a few minutes after logging in. Logging in a second time gave me “you don’t have permission to access this resource”. A few minutes later again, I’ve logged in ok.

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The new site has pros and cons, and I’m on board with most if it, but man. The automatic logging out is a massive con: I like to open a bunch of threads and read them over the day, or over the week but the logout function is a disaster!

E.g. today I logged in this morning, opened about 10 threads in tabs that I wanted to read. Made it through 2-3 of them, had some work calls, come back to quickly skim the next, only to see a “You have been logged out” box with the only option “Refresh”. Can’t close the box, can’t finish the thread, can’t log in w/o hitting refresh.

Refresh then takes me to the main login, I therefore log in, and either I get an error page “you are not permitted to view this resource” OR if I’m lucky, I’m back on the main menu. No returning to the thread I was on, now I have to go through the list again to see what I want to read.

Very user-unfriendly, I have much less interest in going through the effort to reread and reopen threads.

(Note: today is not the first or only time, it’s just the worst with 10+ tabs I was looking forward to catching up on over the day, and I was logged out within just a couple of hours.)

Two weeks after contacting you directly at

Still only able to log in (after seemingly random auto-logging out) via the email link.

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My problem is that I constantly get logged-out of Firefox on my main computer. But no other browser on multiple other devices does this.

I just got logged out today, but it seems like it has been happening less frequently.

So, still broken but better.

Happening to me on Safari.

I ended up having to create a new account, unfortunately. So it appears my post history and DMs are all gone, which sucks.

I tried resetting the cache and cookies, which didn’t work. I tried creating a new account the same as my old username, but it wouldn’t let me as there was a " ’ " character in it, and the new site won’t allow special characters. So I’ve gone from Callin’ to Callin. Might be where others trip up?

Also on Chrome (PC) it would not take my password, so I had to log in on my phone through the link, which worked. I then set up a passkey and now can access the site on a regular browser.