Show me your Scott 100k bar set up

Hello All:
I have a little project in the works right now and will likely be using a pair of Scott 100k bars. If you’re using now or have used them in the past them please post pics and any comments that might help me with my project. Tom and Jack, would you please start the proceedings?

Hello All:
I have a little project in the works right now and will likely be using a pair of Scott 100k bars. If you’re using now or have used them in the past them please post pics and any comments that might help me with my project. Tom and Jack, would you please start the proceedings?

OK…well, I know you’ve seen the pics, but here’s the link anyway:;search_string=s5%20tt;#3761058

The brake levers are CX levers mounted inside the “loops” (braking with thumbs) which actually could make it easy to mount another brake lever up near the shifters (I haven’t done that yet) due to the fact they are actually designed to be cabled between a road brake lever and the brake anyway.

The cups and pads are “CeeGees”…I modified the mount “groove” on the bottom of the cups (trimmed a portion away with a Dremel) to allow them to sit further outboard on the narrow 100K “basebar”. The last time I talked to the CeeGees guy he told me he was almost out of the cups and wasn’t thinking about having anymore molded, so you should call them and check.

Other than that, the only tip I have is “mount 'em and rock 'em” :slight_smile:

Thanks Tom! Am I seeing a Look Ergo drilled for cables? Very thorough!

mine was pretty much just like Tom’s but with vision brakes (requires some grinding) and electrical tape for bar tape.

It was always fine in races but I felt like the bars were holding me back from training in certain areas in town, so I no longer use them.

Thanks Tom! Am I seeing a Look Ergo drilled for cables? Very thorough!

No drilling necessary…they just routed up through the open middle link like it was made for it :wink:

I had originally planned on just using that stem until I made sure that was where I wanted the bars and sourced the right length/angle “regular” stem, but I actually like the way that turned out and may just keep it that way :slight_smile: