ROAD ID - Wrist or Ankle?

advice on placement and why? which ID do you like best and why? i’m leaning towards ankle, but not sure it will interfere with running/swimming…


I have the ankle and my wife has the wrist. I think ankle is better, wear a watch and do not want anything else. You totally forget it is there and when you have to wear a chip in a race if feels the same. Actually depending on the race you can use it to hold a chip. It is a great product that I really hope I never actually need.

I wear mine on my ankle, fits great and does not interfere with any activity.

Ankle and I have had to use it once already. :frowning:

thx. did you put your blood type on it?

Morbid discussion but (touch wood) I have the wrist. If a medical person is looking at you in a situation where you can’t tell them your name, they are likely going to look at your wrist before your ankle to check a pulse or for a medical alert bracelet.

no - name, town, home phone, wifes name and cell and health insurance plan and number - blood type may be a good idea

If you think about it even when training with friends how many of them know your wifes cell number? Further, even if I was alert I would have to look at it to know my health insurance info.

good point… just ordered the ankle though - with this discount code: ARR7988 ($2.00 off)

i like the dog tag best.

there was a post about rode id awhile back and an ER nurse said not to get the dog tag. Too many people wear dog tags in honor of soldiers so hospitals don’t think they have good info on them

Also you don’t need to put your blood type on the id either.;search_string=road%20id;#1159396
I’m the one who works in the ER.

The important things:
contact phone #s
medical problems

Blood type isn’t necessary. We have to crossmatch everyone.

Definitely go with a band of some sort rather than the dog tags. The best would be to carry a picture ID, or even a copy of an old driver’s license. The whole point of these IDs is to identify someone who can’t speak for themselves, so a picture is very useful.

I have both so I can switch back and forth. I switched to the ankle and haven’t switched back for 2 months now. It’s just easier to wear it on the ankle since I already wear a watch. I noticed it on my wrist, but I don’t on my ankle. I’ve used it riding and running, but not swimming.

I have the one designed for shoelaces, but I wear a garmin and keep it on the band of that. I know it’s probably not ideal (especially since when I bike the bike wears it and I don’t) but I’ve had a time that having one would have been nice, and I don’t know if I’d have any of the other placement ones with me as consistently.

In an emergency, the nurse on duty will still use universal blood and determine your blood type from extractions. It will be a risk if they cannot confirm medically your blood type and use a wrong type.

thanks Pam, i had no idea about that and dog tag! I always carry my license too, but will probably go ahead and get the wrist thing so have both.

I have a wrist. I forget it’s there also. I have 3 contact people, blood type, location, “no med allergies”, and my birthdate (in case they need to figure out my age, since I look younger).

I have the ankle one. I’ve also used it as a chip strap in a couple races.

chin strap? so the ankle ID has 2 uses for $20… yeah!

I have the RoadID tags that attach to the shoes on both my bike and running shoes; I attach them once and forget about them. The only time I’ve taken them off is when I get new running shoes, and then transfer both the orthotics and ID tag at the same time. The wrist and ankle IDs are just something else for me to forget to put on.

I go with the wrist but it’s whatever is most comfortable for you. I wear my watch on the left and the Road ID on the right wrists. I have name, address, 2 emergency phone numbers and organ donor on my mine.

I don’t have either, but I’ve been thinking of one or the other - think I’ll go with the wrist now.

On a humorous note - my cell-phone/PDA was lost about 2 years ago, so when I got a new one I had a “Reward” notice put on it. After about a year, my wife pointed out my ‘genius’ of using my cell phone number as the way to contact me if the phone was found.