PSA: Front Page, Forum Changes Aug 28, 2024

Any luck? I am missing almost all my messages and would like some.

These should back now…

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Yes they are back!


Actually Ryan, I think the “new look” is just that, a “new look”. I don’t see how anything has improved. Some have said the old site was “archaic” but whatever, it worked just fine IMO.

Username and password saved in iPhone for so many years now does not work….

had to create a new account because i could not get in, and then i get a badge. " Congratulations, you’ve earned the New User of the Month award for August 2024. ![:trophy:|20x20] "

quite bizarre.
not too happy with this format yet. using a laptop.

Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

This being Slowtwitch I read your note as “experiencing mild outrage” at the switch over.

Looking forward to being able to click a like button!

MRW I came to check out the new look:

I assume the historical content will be accessible in some form in the new forum in a live manner or does it get archived ?

It’s all going to be in (mostly) the same spot. Some URLs will update.

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I assume the historical content will be accessible in some form in the new forum in a live manner or does it get archived ?

It’s all going to be in (mostly) the same spot. Some URLs will update.

Oh, shit

If any young people were to read this, I’d say - Journal!!! Do it!!! It’s a wonderful exercise that focusses the mind.

As I’ve posted before; Slowtwitch IS - in many ways - my journal/diary. Both the Main Forum AND over here … when the time comes, if anyone wanted to write my biography, or 3rd person memoir, there’s plenty of material here

Just search on my username, copy & paste, and delete the duplicates — or KEEP the duplicates, to see how many times that I told the same story in different ways 😎

But will the site last forever?

I guess I was warned, but heeded not, did I

All the forum stuff should still have the same URLs so…you should be fine.

Should doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence though

Ryan, we appreciate all that you do, especially the things we don’t necessarily know about

“Do I cut the red wire or the blue one?”
“It’s ALWAYS red”
“What about yellow, green, and black?”

The wires are all swapping bright and early tomorrow AM – assuming somebody doesn’t break something along the way.

The wires are all swapping bright and early tomorrow AM – assuming somebody doesn’t break something along the way.

All the best for the transition

It’s a bit after 7 local time. Here’s me looking at all of the changes:

Still waiting to make some DNS changes, because everything else is staged.

We appreciate your patience.

If your old username contained a space in it…there will likely have been an issue.

Send a DM.

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