Prescient good advice you've received

I tell people that I put the PRO in procrastination. The good thing is that it is mostly in my personal affairs that I do that.

Stay loyal to the chaos of your decisions. You can try new things, mess up, succeed, whatever, but don’t try and go back and undo the chaos, most choices are made and cannot be undone.

In the same sense: Life is searching for a cliff that’s worth jumping off of.

Always drink with your gun hand, it shows your intentions are good.

Back when I used to play ultimate, we would talk about “conservation of greatness.” Basically, if you’ve just made one great play - usually a great D or a diving catch - just follow it up with a safe play. Don’t throw away all the greatness you’ve just earned by trying to make some ridiculously difficult throw.

I find that the concept transfers well to other contexts.