Prescient good advice you've received

because this forum is managed by MSNBC pundits. BLep you know this forum is the ultimate liberal O-jerk…

you sound like the Brazilian Orifice of Information - “don’t argue with my opinions” or I will censor your facts, opinions.

You’ve been here for less than a month and you have already concluded this? And you know me well enough to think that I know this?


Anybody have a link to the thread telling us how to block people? I can’t find it.


Account → Preferences → Users

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From my girlfriend who was an Eastern Airlines airport agent, who I used to fly all over in free first class in the 1970’w;

‘‘Always double up on your drink orders’’!

From my Union Business Agent in the 1980’s;

‘‘Trump is just another Mobbed up contractor who’s trying to screw our membership’’

From another Union Business Agent’’

‘‘If we didn’t work for the shitty contractors, we’d have nobody to work for’’!

Never bet on a horse name Tripod.

good choice for a boyfriend though

Username checks out, LOL.

Glad to see you’re coming around on voting for Harris.

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“Never piss against the wind” by boatswain on my first day on my first ship as an apprentice officer.

Reminds me of a quote from a crusty old Chief on my first boat: “Never put your d%&k in anything you wouldn’t put your tongue in.”

Sorry, but I’m not putting my tongue in my underwear.

Not prescient or probably appropriate but I was once told if it’s one of the three f’s rent it. I asked what the three f’s were. They replied; flies, f&&KS or floats…


OMG the forum wont let me just post the above, something about is that a complete sentence… I hit okay, and am back to edit it… so typing this hoping it finally takes it.

Never cut what you can untie.

Never question another man’s motive. Question his judgment but never his motive.

Few advices from the relaxed coast of Dalmatia…
What you can do today you can do tomorrow, too.
What you can do today, leave for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may not need to be done.

Never put off until tomorrow something that can be put off until the day after tomorrow

By then somebody else may have done it, if it is so bloody important.