Prescient good advice you've received

I’ll start

“Never bang a chick with less to lose than you.”

Old boss who was divorced several times

Don’t bother with what you wear, never let people know how much money you have… I’m worth eight figure and i have a hole in my crotch and this shirt is 10 years old.

Guy at trading firm i worked at right after college

My Dad: two things you never lend… your wife and your car.

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Oddly enough from my step father, not long before I graduated high school.

Never give a fuck about what other people think about you. Be yourself.

He and I never got along, but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t best advice I’d probably ever received.

Don’t eat yellow snow. - Mom

…never let people know how much money you have.

Follows by saying how much money he has…

That’s funny. Guy tells you he is worth eight figure and then tells you you shouldn’t tell people how much money you have. I guess I should have read Blep first.

In University Dr. Yeats told me… Go as far as you can as fast as you can because once you have a wife and kids its is harder to advance.

Don’t burn you bridges.

What does that mean, be yourself. My authentic self, I spent a lot of effort trying to not be that guy.

From my dad when he first met my wife when we were still dating

“Get her pregnant before she dumps you. Nutella men don’t get women like that”.


I took it mean don’t change who I am to impress someone else. It was a strange conversation, it the first time I recall him ever using the “F” word in conversation with me. I haven’t seen him in 35+ years but that advice has always stuck in my head.

I too spent a lot of years trying to be someone different. But I ended coming back around to myself, and my life has been great ever since.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night

Take suggestions in the spirit in which they are made. — from a camp counselor when I was about 12.

My first job was washing dishes part time, one night a waiter and waitress were in the back arguing, a manager walked by my station and said, “never date work” I never did.

Never date anyone in HR
Never share a secret with someone in Legal
Never borrow/lend money from/to someone in Finance

My father was a teacher at my high school. When I was 16 and started asking girls out, my father gave me some good advice. He told me not to waste my time on the super pretty popular girls because they always had dates. He told me to pay attention to the less popular girls “because they would work to get another date by being fun and interesting”.

To this day, a plain but still attractive woman with a nice smile and a kind/sweet/fun personality is 100 times more attractive to me than a Kardashian type.

I’ve always thought that my wife is pretty, but she is a plain pretty. She cares about how she looks but doesn’t spend a lot of time and money on clothes and makeup. But she is the kindest, sweetest woman I’ve ever met and I have never doubted that she loves me.

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That’s great advice, and I agree with you regarding attractive women. I don’t even find the Kardashian type remotely attractive. They’re like a walking Instagram filter. No thanks. I always found the more under the radar, naturally beautiful women more attractive. My wife has never dyed her hair and barely wears makeup. I always found it bizarre when some women need to spend an hour putting on their full ‘clown face’ before feeling comfortable leaving the house.

I could see his trading account balances and knew where he lived. He made the comment after i busted his balls for having a hole in his pants

“Never fck with a streak!” - Crash Davis

“Don’t think meat. Just giv’m the gas!” - Nuc LaLouche

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