Poll: Do you like the new forum?

Huge complaint:

I’m now seeing all my posts that I had explicitly deleted from the old forum have been restored on this one.

This is a serious issue.

Also apparently don’t have permission to delete my own posts on the new forum.


Applies to both topics I created, and replies to posts.

PM me if you need more details.

You’re gonna want to tag @SlowtwitchSupport for that.


I’m really livid about this. There are a variety of reasons for deletion, but if I can’t trust it to stay that way then I regret my past, and will curtail my future participation.

@spudone something to be aware of as well is that you can now see the details of edited posts in this new forum.

If you click on the pen/pencil on the upper right hand corner of an edited posts, it will show you what was changed, deleted, etc.

Makes you really think twice about what you put out there.

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I have no control over this. I’m just a user like everyone else. This functionality does work on mobile. I haven’t played much with the pc version of the site, but maybe you don’t have cookies enabled?

Discourse has an admin option - “edit history visible to public” or something like that. So they can easily turn that off. Although that history is still saved / available to admins.

To be honest I hate it. Visually it looks more messy, feel like there is info missing that used to be helpful or at least easier to find and pick out. As at lease one other person said, I will def be using it less now.


I agree. I don’t mind doing some clicking around to figure stuff out (figured out how to change background colors on my own) but I’d prefer not to do that too often. My current issue is that new “replies” column on the right hand side of the screen. That wasn’t on my screen earlier this morning but now it is. It is scrunching up the thread titles which is annoying. Would like to be able to remove that section from my screen. Worst case, just make the replying ONLY from the forum I’m currently reading ie. if I’m on the tri forum than only tri “replies” be over there. I don’t need LR stuff

i just noticed this too… and ya, not a fan of that.

I hope they don’t turn that feature off. I think if you post on a public forum, you should consider that public information. It would make people really think before they post sometimes.

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I think people should be able to correct their mistakes and not be raked over the coals for a hasty post.


Agreed, that new column is a pain and is showing me posts from different categories, even when I’m on the triathlon category. @rrheisler can you take that feature back out, it’s a big thumbs down from me

I get what you are saying to an extent but I think people should stand behind what they post. If you don’t, should you have posted in the first place? I think we should all give more thought into what we post and how we use our words. I have drafted a ton of posts on here that I ended up never hitting the reply/post button as I realized my post wasn’t adding any value to the discussion.

You don’t get a redo when talking to someone or a group in person. Should a forum be any different?

That said, I doubt the masses will know the features enough to click on that icon to see the edited post.

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No one’s perfect. You may not get a redo talking in person, but you also don’t get your words archived and googleable for all time.

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I think we should care more when people quote a user but change their words for the good old “FIFY” bullshit.

We should not be ok with peoples words being fabricated on a public forum. I’m ok with someone fixing their own words. If someone wants to quote it for posterity then that’s the price you pay for being on a public forum.

But we shouldn’t have to tolerate our own words being changed and made to look like it was our own.

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love the new forum!

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The weirdest layout this side of reddit. Dunno if I’ll come back tbh, although I get that the old layout was too outdated.

I disagree. I’m a fan of the GDPR and CCPA “right to be forgotten” principles. Particularly as it relates to minors. Or as related to people who become subject to internet abuse or harrassment.

I believe people should think twice before posting. But if you don’t want them editing or deleting, then don’t give a delete button.

But if give them a delete button, you don’t have the right, 5 years later to say “oh, I decided you can’t delete”