Poll: Do you like the new forum?

I suppose it’ll take some getting used to, but it is frustrating that a response to one of my FS ads, and my response to that post, are missing. Plus, virtually all of my direct messages, whether received or sent, are missing. Other than that, what’s not to love?

I am having a hard time signing in. My credentials don’t seem to work. I think I am number three in ranking seniority on Slowtwitch. This is a new issue for me. I am also old, so I welcome any instruction. Thank you so much, and I look forward to learning the new site.

There seem to be some nice updates, but I don’t like this feel. The old forum felt like it was vintage 2003 though.

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The question asked is the equivalent of the old line…

“Have you stopped beating your wife?”

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In the right side bar you can scroll the # / Total # down/up

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I don’t like or dislike the new forum
As long it makes it easier for the people that manage the side that’s cool for me , and that seems to be the case when all the moving is finished.
From a user point I was totally happy with the old forum style so I see no improvent for myself
And the big disadvantage is that when I open a thread it does not seem to direct me to the last post I read.
I was pleased to read the post by Ryan that I could change to a dark background ,as the default white background was truly awful for my liking.
And the like bottom is a nice addition ,which as far as I can see so far, is the only improvement for myself.

Another dislike I liked the clearer separation of Tri and lavender room better but I think it was mentioned to be on the to do list.

to add if they can make more advertising money and use some of that money to pay better for articles, on the front page and then write higher quality contend. iam all for it.
i do read or better click on most articles but pretty much only because when clicking on them that seems to provide revenue for st but not because i think i want to read them as on the forum there is most of the time better quality but i guess to keep the forum alive one has to click on the front page …

I changed the way that suggested topics are brought up at the bottom of each one – now should just be limited to the category you are in (think of topic = thread and category = forum). So if you’re in Tri, should only give you “new and featured” within tri versus pulling across from Lavender Room (and vice versa).


Yeah, how about another option of No because it looks worse, ugly, and looks like we went back to 1990’s boards instead of evolving.


so far, its not terrible.
Seems slow though. I get a loading animation of multiple seconds on almost every click.

Slow for me today as well. It was snappier yesterday.

x3 on slow. The loading times are consistent with the occassional slow times on the old system, e.g. sometimes as many as 10 seconds from hitting “post” to then having your post visible in a thread.

Edit: For me, getting worse as the day goes on. Borderline unusable for me.

I’ve asked our tech team what’s up on the speed thing…

Will the road cycling thread be back ?

This happens for me so it’s something on your end. Are you running any browser extensions that are blocking cookies or anything like that?

cheers i will have a look

Is there a place, or would it make sense to start a thread about “how to” and “bugs and quibbles” topics. Not a place to bitch, but how to do little things in this platform.

For example, is there a button anywhere to “mark all threads as read.” I use that often on all the other forums I use to help me quickly spot the threads I have seen and get rid of the distraction of the bolded threads that I will not open.

Another example would be the Smallest text size setting to help with the content per page.

This might wind up being an article for the front page, to be honest.

Also, preemptively putting it here: yes, the site is slow today. We’re all aware. Tech team looking at why.

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Yes. This. Communication is key, and goes a long way to reducing discontent. People can tolerate a lot of “please excuse our dust” if they are well-informed. There should be a sticky “Discourse Upgrade FAQ” updated in real time with common issues, the solutions (if any) and rough ETAs for critical things, and a list of things not being worked on currently (like CSS to reduce whitespace), but registered on the ST radar.

This is different than a “tip and tricks” article/thread.


Okay. It’s not as bad as I initially felt. Will take time to adjust.

I love new and effective technology that improves the user experience. However, I’ve been having trouble with the new forum. Specifically, I’m not able to log in using my iPad. It won’t recognize either my username or password. But I can log in on my iPhone with no problem. Anyone have a suggestion for that problem? Both devices are current on updates. I’d prefer to use my iPad as I find it difficult to type on the iPhone. Thanks!