OT: Fire the bastard!

well lessee the onlly structures/offices that weren’t destroyed were/was oil wells, offices which were connected to the oil and oil companies stuff like that…coincidence? I don’t think so…otherwise what the hell are we doing there? Vietnam pops into my head as another “war” we had no business going into either…but hey thats me and the way I think…

yeah I feel like I have been srewed big time…paying taxes and such to support the likes of Mr. Bush and his cronies…yipe…when will this crap end? I don’t see it ending anytime soon which is scary, Perhaps one day whats left of the “middle class” will start a revolt which will turn bloody…seems to happen in other countries after certain factions have had enough of being beaten down, lied to , cheated out of their hard earned money etc…so here I am still bending over …haven’t gotten used to it yet…boy I am angry today…and I thought I felt so relaxes after my long run this morning before work.

Where are you getting that information?

The original point of this thread was that our Secretary of Defense explicitly gave an order that violated the Geneva Convention. This is bad enough, but he has been on record as saying that the detainees in Iraq (not Afghanistan or Guantanamo Bay, of course) have been treated according to the Geneva Convention. Not only is he a liar, but he’s an unprincipled liar.

Makes me want to puke.

yeah I got it but what the hell are we doing over there in the first place…explain that me oh mr. brilliant person…and don’t forget we are all lied to and misinformed so who among us really knows the real answers anyway? please enlighten me…

Oh sometimes this whole damn process gets me pretty angry and sometimes I just feel like spouting off…my day today…however, what you have explained I don’t buy it either…but thats my opinion/thoughts anyway…which doesn’t matter a lick anyway…

Sand isn’t selling too well so it needs to sell oil. So in order for them to repay their debt they need to start making money. And that’s to sell oil. Get it?
I bought a couple bags of that cheap Iraqi sand at Home Depot last weekend for a paver-patio project I’m working on. It was ok but I kept finding little vials in it with the word “Botulism Toxin” on it. Hmmph!

guess I’ll just puke with you and agree with you and just try to ignore this crap for a day or two…HA!!!

cant argue that one…weapons of mass destruction …hmm

Nope forgot all my meds and decided our gov’t is packed with a bunch of lunatics…how about your meds?

Today is the 32nd anniversary of Watergate, btw.

Q Can I ask about Vice President Cheney, because yesterday he repeated what is a very controversial claim. He said that Saddam Hussein had long-established ties with al Qaeda. Does the President believe that Saddam Hussein had long-established ties with al Qaeda?

MR. McCLELLAN: We certainly talked about the ties with terrorism between the – between the regime that was removed from power, and we talked about those ties prior to the decision to remove that regime from power. So that was well-documented. Secretary Powell went before the United Nations and talked about some of those ties to terrorism, as well. And Zarqawi is certainly a senior al Qaeda associate who was in Iraq prior to the decision to go in and remove the regime from power.

Q There’s also al Qaeda in the United States. That does not mean the United States is cooperating with those members of al Qaeda. Just by the presence of someone does not mean there’s a cooperation.

wait, I wanted to stay out of this but this logic is too good to pass up. Let me see if I have this right:

We destroy their country for one of the following reasons

1.) they are connected to Al Queda and 9/11(so far no proof)

2.) they have weapons of mass destruction and may use them on us( we better keep looking)

3.) Saddam Hussein is mistreating his own people(along with a few hundred other dictators around the globe)

4.) GWB doesnt want his dad going to the grave being called a pussy by sadam(???)

so now that their country is destroyed they should thank their lucky stars that the good folks at Haliburton will rebuild it for them in exchange for oil.

“So in order for them to repay their debt they need to start making money”

how do the people of Iraq have a debt to repay? Maybe you want to go up to some Iraqui kid whose house is now rubble and say " hey kid get your ass to work drilling for oil, destroying your house wasnt cheap ya know and wait till you get the bill for the rebuild!"

Q Has the President been asked to answer questions before the CIA leak investigation?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don’t have any update at this point. But those are the types of questions that you need to direct to the prosecutors who are overseeing that investigation. And I’ll see if there’s any further update beyond what we said previously.

Q Why can’t you tell us? I mean, he’s the President of the United States. You aren’t going to tell us if he’s been questioned in a criminal investigation>

MR. McCLELLAN: I just said I don’t have any update from where he – what he previously responded to, Terry.

Q Right, but we’d like it from you, please.

MR. McCLELLAN: And I’ll see what else I can find out. But remember what we’ve made clear from the very beginning. There’s an ongoing investigation right now. We want to do everything we can to help that investigation conclude successfully and get to the bottom of this. And in that spirit, that’s why we’ve referred questions like that to the investigators, because if they feel it will help move their case forward, I’m sure that they will discuss that information with you. But I will – but I’ll go back and just check from our end to see what else I can find out.

Q It’s an historic event. Not many Presidents –

MR. McCLELLAN: Understood. No, understood, but I have to balance that with the ongoing investigation that’s underway.

Q Has he retained his lawyer yet, regarding this?

MR. McCLELLAN: That’s what I said. I don’t have any update from what he previous said. Let me look into things.

Go ahead.

Q Scott, Richard Clarke says that in the wake of his book, NSC lawyers were used to do opposition research against him, that they contacted his former colleagues to – quote – “dig up dirt” on him. Is that accurate? And is it an inappropriate –

MR. McCLELLAN: Arash, I think we’ve been through this issue and I don’t think there’s anything to add to what we’ve previously said.

On the war, first it was WMD, then Saddam is evil and now it is if we elave, the place will fall to shit.

From yesterday’s press conference:

  • the president has adopted a foreign policy based on a position that is contrary to the facts

  • the president is under investigation for a CIA leak

  • the president tried to smear his ex-NSC chief.

Last week at the g8 summit, he hoped to:

  • get debt relief for Iraq

  • increased NATO support for the occcupation

What did he get:

a hotel bill.

So there is a way to make terrorist believable?

Ooh! Ooh! I know! Pick me, pick me! I know the answer!


. . .Dang, the administration beat me to it.

I’ll always be able to determine the exact date I got my driver’s license: it was the day Nixon gave his resignation speech (August 8, 1974). Oh, happy day!

The senate did not come up with the idea out of the blue

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Bush and his administration are most certainly responsible for the war in Iraq. No way does the Senate get a free pass, though.

It’s the responsibility of Congress to declare war. If I remember correctly, they didn’t- what they did was abdicate their responsibility and “authorize Bush to use force,” or something like that, basically at his own discretion. The Executive Branch is running roughshod over the Consititution, and Congress is letting him. They are derelict in their duty. Cowards.

I guess it was difficult for dissident Senators, in the wake of 9/11, with an Administration and its minions who had no difficulty equating war with patriotism, and dissent with treason (see: Ann Coulter). Yes they are cowards, but with a national discourse at an all-time low, and jackasses like Limbaugh and O’Reilly who seem to believe they are the ultimate arbiters of who’s American and who’s not, its a big gamble to have an original opinion.

its a big gamble to have an original opinion.

Oh, cry me a freakin river.

This whole system we got is dependent on all three branches doing their job. I have zero tolerance for excuses from Congress about how hard it is to do their damn job. If it’s that hard for them, they should go the hell home.