Congratulations, Ken. Now you know what it’s like to have the ground shift beneath your feet.
As the rationale for the invasion of Iraq, Bush begins by arguing that Saddam has rebuilt his WMD capability. Subsequently, no weapons are found, anywhere in the country, David Kay even says there are not, as well as Hans Blix. Okay, onto plan B - invading Iraq is part of the “war on terror”, despite no meaningful interaction between Saddam and Al Qaeda (the only person who asserted this was Chalabi’s brother, and we now see how reliable he is). When questioned directly, Bush admits no connection, but that doesn’t stop him from peppering literally every speech he makes with liberal references to Al Qaeda and Saddam, as a not-so-smooth way of making Americans associate the two. Well, the 9/11 Commission debunked that effectively (they said Atta could not have allegedly met with Iraqi agents in Prague, as previously asserted, based on his ATM and cellphone records). Okay, onto Plan C - it was all done to free the Iraqi people. Well gee, given that Wolfowitz himself stated that that was not enough of a reason, and that Bush himself had railed against this type of military use in his campaign against that great nation-builder Al Gore, we can safely say that this is bullshit as well.
So then what was the reason? Don’t know really. I suspect it was just this overweening view that we should change the map of the world, simply because we can, and based on our strength and money, the rest of the world will simply fall in line, sooner or later. And without the oil, we wouldn’t be giving a shit, certainly, or else we’d be invading half of Sub-Saharan Africa as well.
It reminds of me of Whitewater - you begin a hunt for Clinton with Whitewater. After $70 million, it turns out nothing. So Plan B - start investigating sexual harassment charges. Then onto Plan C - perjury charges, which finally stick. Whatever gets the job done, right?
The problem is that in neither of these cases, the American people would have assented had they known the real and obvious agenda. They put up enough smoke about “principles” and “freedom” and the lemmings follow. They even have the audacity to evoke Goebbel’s “Big Lie” theory to attack their critics, knowing that nobody will remember their gall when all the dust settles.