Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

Okay how much of an effort is it too swim Olympic competition. Like swimmers swim 30k a week and lift weights to swim 100m race. It get it, it is an all out effort but is it pretty easy to recover. It isn’t like running a 5K for instance where the pounding coming in. Swimming is a non weight bearing sport?

For me for instance I swam a 5 K race a few weeks ago on 8-9 km of swimming a week. A day or two later I am back in the pool maybe a bit sore but good to go.

A half marathon run (I consider same time I’d say world class half marathon about same as world class 5K swim) I am really hurting.

How hard is it for instance for Summer MacIntosh to swim 7 events at the Olympics.

It’s not how hard is it to do all her events. She can do 10x400IM, 10x200IM, 10x200 fly in a single day if she wants over a few sessions. When you’re racing to do a 4:24 400IM, or a 4:25, or a 4:28 that’s the problem. If we ask her to swim them on 4:45 she’ll be doing them as repeats all day, but she is trying to shave fractions of a second off.

Maybe a better way for the rest of us to relate is doing a set of 8 reps bench press where the 8th is at failure. Now take 5 min rest, add 10 lbs and try to do it again. It’s that final bit of extra that they are competing for that makes things hard.

Maybe that is a good analogy. The 400 IM just starting now.

Jeez Marchand killed it. France is loving it.

Try to find the vid of Summer getting out of the pool to interview in Toronto after a WR.

Or the vid where she states that she slept for 3 days after the trials.

I ran for 45 years. (31:09 10k.) Swimming and running are very different, yes. But both have their unique “hardnesses”.

OK 100fly for women now. They have top 5 from Tokyo back

Super swim from Leon, was an easy 4;01 in a normal pool. And my prediction for the silver was right on, 4;08+, and super stoked for our guy to get the Bronze. Still dont know what happened to Kalish, something not right there for sure when the defending champ doesnt even make the final…

Wow just wow. I’m so stoked for Huske in that race, 4/100’s and finally gets out of the shadows. And there are many repercussions of this swim too, I think she earned the spot on the medley relay now too, as well as maybe the mixed depending on what the women swim there. This one swim may have earned her two more gold medals in finals…

And man she ran her and the chinese down on that last 25…

Finally a great swim from one of our 200 guys, Hobson wins his heat and gets a middle lane for the finals. I guess 1;45+ is the new 1;43/44, so have to adjust expectations accordingly. Next up some more of the best, but Luke is safe with that swim…

It won’t go well with you swimming fans, but for me as an observes there’re way too many swimming disciplines in Olympics.

There’re only 6 medals in football (soccer), while swimming gives away 111 medals. The whole athletics has 146 medals, and those include jumps, throws, decathlon or even a race walk. Not a run backwards nor 5-jump.

Seeing the medal history, it looks like a medal pump for USA.

It won’t go well with you swimming fans, but for me as an observes there’re way too many swimming disciplines in Olympics. //

No argument from me, just that it has always been this way ever since they finalized the 4 different strokes. And some sport has to give out the most medals, just happens to be swimming.

If I hear Rowdy say one more time that all the times have been disappointing thus far, without actually finally saying the pool here is a dog of a pool, well I guess I will do nothing actually but shake my finger at the tv and yell at him quietly…

Bad spot for Murphy hope this last heat obliges him and gets him an outside lane in the final

What a crazy 100 back, and how about China miles ahead of both heats. Good news for Murphy to at least get to defend his title, but what a blow for Hunter. He swims the fastest leg on our relay last nite in his off stroke, and then gets schooled and doesnt even get close to the final. Really thought going in he was a huge medal contender, but not to be…

100 breaststroke was a great race. Thought Fink had that one on the stretch.

It won’t go well with you swimming fans, but for me as an observes there’re way too many swimming disciplines in Olympics.

There’re only 6 medals in football (soccer), while swimming gives away 111 medals. The whole athletics has 146 medals, and those include jumps, throws, decathlon or even a race walk. Not a run backwards nor 5-jump.

Seeing the medal history, it looks like a medal pump for USA.

I wish all swimming was freestyle!! 😂

Winning time for Mens 100m Breast stroke is over 2 seconds off the world record.
0.02 seconds separate 1st to 3rd.
It’s not the swimmer.

That is one shit pool…

Yes that 100 breast was all over the place, and in the last 20 meters it was a true pick’em…Was rooting of Peaty to get the gold though, he has been one of the several come back stories I have followed and rooted for. Super stoked for Fink, really thought he was not going to get there this time around, but that slow pool seems to suit some more than others…

And yes it is a shit pool, and Rowdy stop talking about the slow times everywhere and tell the world what crap they all have to compete in this time around!! (-;

Does a slow pool help a breast stroker with more pull and kick who is less hydrodynamic in the short glide phase?

Winning time for Mens 100m Breast stroke is over 2 seconds off the world record.
0.02 seconds separate 1st to 3rd.
It’s not the swimmer.

That is one shit pool…

I think Etobicoke Olympium is faster and overall deeper lol

I am registered for Esprit but may need to head to Japan that weekend for work so trying to punt things by a few days. Hoping to swim in Tokyo Olympic pool.

In the women’s 100 fly I think our Canadian Maggie took it out harder than she normally does and did not have a great close . Great race by Huske but I was hoping for Walsh

Hey Dev

Hope I see you there at the Esprit, I have a limited number of these left in me.
But Japan is kind of fun. Hope you fly business, that’s a lot of hours in the air for a swim in that pool, you’ll need a nap.

Maggie didn’t have her kick working today, maybe that’s a reflection of the pool depth. I would imagine the last 5m she didn’t have the spark that defending a lead would have given her. Who knows all the reasons. I have off days, so I can accept she might have them too. She doesn’t have anything she needs to prove to me or Canada. But I’ll bet she has a banging fly in the 4 x 100.

Coming into the wall on that m100 br it was anyone’s game. Did you see the guy swimming one lane below the Italian, think it was the German. Dude was closing like an absolute truck. A meter or two more and he may well have outside lane smoke bombed the field.

because the french had no objection to him coaching his other athletes on other international teams. the US made him choose - his athletes didn’t lose out, the US in the aggregate probably lost out but they could have had him if they’d not objected to him coaching his own athletes.

Marchand clearly demonstrated why it was the right choice

Hey Dev

Hope I see you there at the Esprit, I have a limited number of these left in me.
But Japan is kind of fun. Hope you fly business, that’s a lot of hours in the air for a swim in that pool, you’ll need a nap.

Maggie didn’t have her kick working today, maybe that’s a reflection of the pool depth. I would imagine the last 5m she didn’t have the spark that defending a lead would have given her. Who knows all the reasons. I have off days, so I can accept she might have them too. She doesn’t have anything she needs to prove to me or Canada. But I’ll bet she has a banging fly in the 4 x 100.

Hey I was trying to watch Maggie’s breathing pattern in the first 50m in Paris vs Tokyo. As you mentioned the kick was not there. Her power from her core “looked” more impressive in Tokyo finishing the race, but that’s just from camera angles on top. I rememember watching Cavic vs Phelps in Beijing and for an outsider aside from the miracle touch, Michael just appeared to have more power coming from his core for the last 25m and phelps breaths every stroke. Maggie is also generally impressive off the wall but I THINK she pushed so hard in the first 50m, that her weapon off the wall may have not happened to the same degree. That’s just as an outside watching and going off memory from Tokyo and how she executed there.