Official Canyon Speedmax CF Owners Thread

The photo above is actually fit variability for the Speedmax SLX (I wish it lived in the SLX thread)… so they’re Ergon pads, built for the Speedmax SLX.

I tossed my stock arm pads for the PD Ergo ones and was able to get much more narrow. I also tossed the long crank arms, but that’s another story.

Cool! On the 2019 model or an older one?

I have a 2018

Here are some photos of my cockpit. Sorry about the quality, lightning isn’t the best in my pain cave in the basement.

Haven’t had time to trim the rubber “thing” hugging the frame, currently there is some extra overlapping with the head tube.

Hey! Can you maybe describe in some detail how you got to this nice setup? You replaced the stem with the PD aeris ultimate stem I presume. Did you remove the spacer as well (can’t see it on the pic) and bought the flat bento box from canyon? How did you get your armpads narrow like this? Did you swap the pads for the PD F-40? Thanks, appreciate!

Thanks for the insights here. As a new Speedmax CF owner it’s super useful.

I had my Speedmax CF professionally fitted in the autumn (post season) and in the past few weeks I’ve been experimenting with set-up and comfort on the trainer.

It’s my first TT bike so obviously there’s going to be a period of adjustment. The one issue I’m wrestling with is base bar width and elbow pad width. As currently set up (based upon the bike fit), the elbow pads obstruct the hands/arms when using the bullhorns. It’s not impossible to ride with on the trainer but I wouldn’t want to ride a long mountain climb nor tackle a fast descent on the bullhorns with what is an awkward and unnatural grip. I tend to seek out bike courses with lots of climbing as it suits my riding background.

It seems to me that I have 2 options i) move the elbow pads and extensions inboard thereby narrowing the grip or ii) keep the pad spacing as per the bike fit and go for a wider base bar.

Looking at many images of Speedmax set up (and TT in general) most seem to have plenty of room between the outside edge of the elbow pad and the bullhorns. I’m thinking that this might just be an issue which wasn’t focused on in the original fit (although it lasted 3hrs there was a lot of other issues to set right)? I’m now experimenting option ii) to determine comfort in this narrower position.

Wondering if any other Speedmax owners have experienced this with initial set-up and/or specific insights out there?

Many thanks.


Hi Paul and everyone—

—been observing the thread for quite some time and there are a couple of things I can relate to. Purchased my Speedmax CF 8.0 in September, and undergone a bike fit soon thereafter.

Paul, I do seem to have the very same issue as you do. I’m quite fine with the base bar width, however due to the width of elbow pads, my grip is also obstructed.

It was not possible to go narrower with the stock (PD F35) elbow pads—this is why I will be swapping them with PD Ergo or Race in March.

My fitter also suggested not to go narrower as of now - this is due to the fact that my reach is shorter than it should be, and I will be replacing the stock stem with a PD Aeria Ultimate one (adding 2 cm to the reach). Wider elbow position with a shorter, 80 mm stem, facilitates breathing and I don’t need to be aero riding a turbo anyway.

I have also ordered the HSF Aeria hydration and am cutting the steerer tube soon… Until then I’m running a very weird construction with the spacer on top of the stem, clamped with the top cap. Might post a picture later :slight_smile:

Cheers from Poland,


Picture would be gr8 thanks

So… the H30 basebars is 41mm wide, measured center-to-center. Most bars (iirc) measure 40/42/44, so it’s on the narrow side of medium width, by 1mm. That said, I think a lot of the challenge you’re having with the pads is going to come with the Profile Design clip-on. The 2018 Speedmax CF has a PD T4+ clip-ons, and their narrowest width is 35cm. By contrast, the new 2019 Speedmax CF sees a spec change, with a Profile Design 35A with subsonic brackets. They also have greater pad width-adjust (and narrower cups). In short, if you have a 2018 bike, you’ll likely have to remedy any issue with the pads hitting your forearms by getting into a different clip-on. I like the new profile spec because of both the pad width variances compared to the old one, but also the fact that it has less stack, so you can get lower.

Hey! Can you maybe describe in some detail how you got to this nice setup? You replaced the stem with the PD aeris ultimate stem I presume. Did you remove the spacer as well (can’t see it on the pic) and bought the flat bento box from canyon? How did you get your armpads narrow like this? Did you swap the pads for the PD F-40? Thanks, appreciate!

I removed the spacer and cut the steerer tube, replaced the stem and added a really thin spacer under the stem. After that ordered the smaller bento box from Canyon. I also swapped the pads for F40, which make the look so narrow. However, F40 pads are really wide and I have a hard time finding a proper position with them and I’m planning on changing them for the race cups.

Awesome, thanks!

Do you happen to know the narrowest width of the 2019 model?

Cool, thanks!

It can go 28cm outside-to-outside to outside with the pads in their innermost setting, 31cm when bolted down in the center position, and 34cm in their widest. So you definitely a get narrower pad position with the new setup. (and lower).

It can go 28cm outside-to-outside to outside with the pads in their innermost setting, 31cm when bolted down in the center position, and 34cm in their widest. So you definitely a get narrower pad position with the new setup. (and lower).

You’re awesome, thanks! Still might change to ergo armpads or so to get even narrower. But the option of getting lower than before is great!

Edit: now that I think of it, 28cm outside-to-outside is actually pretty narrow already for a non-pro. That makes the CF 2019 even cooler. Figure out a matching hydration system and it’s a go

Thanks for the response Jay.

I noted the change on the 2019 model. For now I’ve moved both the pads and the extensions inboard. This creates enough clearance to ride on the bullhorns unobstructed. It feels a heap better than having to bow your wrists around the pads.

Obviously that creates a narrower aero position which I’ll have to see how it works out. I’ve completed a couple of trainer sessions (up to 1hr) and haven’t noticed a major difference when aero. Looking forward to getting outside once we emerge from winter here in the North of Scotland.

Cheers. Paul

Jay, can you confirm that the switch plate (and even team switch plate) will work on the CF model, and not only the SLX?

The switch plate is specific to the integrated aerobar (and cup affixment) on the SLX . Because the CF uses standard aerobars and stem (Profile Design as spec’d, but can fit any standard 31.8 aerobar), each of which have their own bolt sizes/locations, you’re beholden to that, and their pad adjust capabilities.

So in short, the switch plates only work for the integrated bar on the SLX.

A question concerning the 25mm spacer on the front between frame and stem. The manual and the website say that the spacer can be removed in order to get lower. I keep on reading here about having to cut the steerer. Is this true? When this spacer is removed the steerer would stick out?

Here is an image of the spacer removed:


Hey! Can you maybe describe in some detail how you got to this nice setup? You replaced the stem with the PD aeris ultimate stem I presume. Did you remove the spacer as well (can’t see it on the pic) and bought the flat bento box from canyon? How did you get your armpads narrow like this? Did you swap the pads for the PD F-40? Thanks, appreciate!

I removed the spacer and cut the steerer tube, replaced the stem and added a really thin spacer under the stem. After that ordered the smaller bento box from Canyon. I also swapped the pads for F40, which make the look so narrow. However, F40 pads are really wide and I have a hard time finding a proper position with them and I’m planning on changing them for the race cups.

Do you mean the 25mm spacer between the stem and the frame? Isn’t it intended to be removable without cutting the steerer like on this image here?
Or does cutting the steerer have something to to with specifically mounting the Aeria Hydration system?

Yes, the 25mm spacer between the stem and the frame. You have to cut the steerer tube to make it fit flush. Otherwise you would have to put the spacer above the stem (if I understood correctly the spacer doesn’t fit above the stem without minor modification. In the picture you posted the steerer tube is cut and smaller bento box is used.

Yes, the 25mm spacer between the stem and the frame. You have to cut the steerer tube to make it fit flush. Otherwise you would have to put the spacer above the stem (if I understood correctly the spacer doesn’t fit above the stem without minor modification. In the picture you posted the steerer tube is cut and smaller bento box is used.

Hmm… interesting that this is never mentioned anywhere by canyon. They keep mentioning that the spacer is intended to be removed in order to switch between time trial and triathlon setup (as they call it) but the smaller bento box has to be used to to make it fit.
But concerning the Aeria Hydration system the installation is quite easy apart from that? Just reroute cables through the new stem I guess