More gunfire associated with Donald Trump

The real Mr. Tibbs would never call, and has never called a fellow poster a clown. I know Mr. Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs was my friend of mine. Fake Tibbs, you’re no Mr. Tibbs.

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Trump has sent a fundraising email stating “Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!", so we can be reassured that there will be no pause in the golf and the grifting.

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7:00am: trump tweets that he hates Taylor Swift.

4:30pm: shots fired at trump

It’s been said before but bears repeating. Don’t mess with the swifties.

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The mentally unstable have spent the last decade calling Trump Hitler and saying he was going to end Democracy and every other vile thing they can think to say. Spreading hatred and division toward one person and the group that supports him

People begin to act upon this rhetoric.

The mentally unstable conclude Trumps lack of support for Ukraine is the cause. Along with the gun and the bad debate.

Actually it takes someone of sound mind, intellect, and logic/reasoning to connect the dots surrounding an obviously unstable individual who is tied to the Ukraine and watches a polarizing presidential candidate, who previously expressed buddy-buddy vibes with Russia, sidestep the question regarding hopes of Ukraine winning the war.

Takes some grounding and understanding of reality to recognize that is a plausible scenario given the existence of sick people with guns.

  • Voted for Trump in 2016
  • Became a BIG Tulsi guy in 2019
  • Wanted Biden to beat Trump in 2020
  • Wanted a Vivek-Nikki ticket in 2024

So basically nuts

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Were there shots fired at Trump as I’ve only read that SS did the shooting?

That wouldn’t make for nearly as funny a meme, though.

Add in, went to Ukraine to try to get Afghan soldiers to fight against Russia there, offered to buy a rocket from Elon Musk so he could bomb Putin, and once barricaded himself in an office for a 3 hour “standoff” after fleeing the scene of a traffic stop where he allegedly reached for a gun.

I think a bit nuts is probably right.

So reading comprehension isn’t one of your strong points. Read it again. If you don’t understand it, get someone else to read it to you.

The fact that a mentally unstable person with a long criminal history is able to get an AK-47 should disturb anyone.

You’re flailing. Offer something useful or just stop. That actually is an option.

Your schtick is to criticize Trump critics, nipping around the edges while never sinking your teeth into the meat of the offense. Always critiquing the critics, skirting the substance. Over and over and over and over again.

Trust me on this; we understand why, but it doesn’t improve your standing here.

You are etching your place in history in real time. So am I. Only one of us will be on the side of righteousness and it isn’t the person who supports the insurrectionist felon whose own VP acknowledged that he puts himself above our Constitution. Not my words, Tyler, the former VPs. You’ve cast your lot. Don’t expect me or anyone else to treat you kindly at this point when you support an anti-American candidate and maintain your charade that we are the problem.

If you’ve felt Ive treated you with bias, I have. You’ve earned it.


NYTimes reports gunman wanted to fight in Ukraine against the Russians, and that he supported Gabbard in 2020. They did not mention that he supported Haley and Ramasmarmy this year. Why is that?

Also, they seem to take for granted that the gunman was telling the truth about traveling to Europe, and various other things he said to the NYTimes in an interview back in 2023. Lots of “it is not clear if…,” but no “there is no evidence that…” Journalism at its finest!

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And I have a message into the real Mr. Tibbs to see if he knows that someone is trying to impersonate him here.

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Yep. Whoever it is, surely creating an account and impersonating a past user, for the sole purpose of coming in here to belittle the users, must be deserving of at least a “time-out?”

Mr. Apartheid brings up an interesting both sides thought…

No one could have foreseen getting a bunch of whackadoodles with guns involved in politics could go badly.

Before this info came out my prediction was complete nutter who is mad that Trump is not nutty enough.

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so his ultimate safe space has been violated.

Will this affect him? He seemed to be spinning some after the first attempt.

Anyway bless those SS agents who did a tough job right.


All BS to distract from the moron’s incompetence and egotistic bollox.

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Fake or not, it’s not going to move the needle on anything. Trump is still an incompetent orange boob surrounded by clowns.

It might be nice if MAGA decides gun violence is a problem worthy of a solution, but I doubt they will.