Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Tonight, Joel Greenberg - former Republican elected official and Matt Gaetz’s child-sex-trafficking wingman - was arrested yet again and hit with yet another superseding indictment with an additional 21 charges.

It always shocks me when public servants boldly commit so many visible crimes expecting to get away with them

You are shocked? Do you live in the US of A?

They are counting on not being touched, due to their money, their status, or popularity.

And their boldness stems from the fact that they got away with crimes before.

You are shocked? Do you live in the US of A?

They are counting on not being touched, due to their money, their status, or popularity.

And their boldness stems from the fact that they got away with crimes before.

I assume you don’t think this behaviour is only in the US of A, right?

I think it’s far worse in a lot of countries because they can get away with things far easier with their cultures of corruption. The U.S is nowhere remotely close to the most corrupt nations and this kind of thing goes on all the time.

I’ll swap stories with you. There was a 47 year old high school teacher who ended up having a “sexual relationship” (emotionally manipulating & raping) a 14 year old female student who came from a tough home life. The case was prosecuted as statutory rape. The teacher was found guilty, but at sentencing Billings, Montana Judge Baugh ordered a 30 day sentence because the girl “appeared older” than she was. Not long after that, the girl committed suicide. Judge Baugh was censured and retired in shame.

For many crimes, there is the actus reas and *mens rea *elements that must be proven for conviction. Actus reas is conduct which is a constituent element of a crime. *Mens rea *is the intention or knowledge element of a crime.

Strict liability crimes don’t have a *mens rea *element. These crimes don’t require any intent or knowledge on the part of the offender. Statutory rape is a strict liability crime.

I don’t think anyone is arguing about the nature of the current laws, we’re discussing if they are just or not.

Why would the solution for a bad judge (your example) be to convict people of crimes they were in essence tricked into committing (the couple of situations we’re discussing)?

Tonight, Joel Greenberg - former Republican elected official and Matt Gaetz’s child-sex-trafficking wingman - was arrested yet again and hit with yet another superseding indictment with an additional 21 charges.

I’m guessing that Matt will not be making any more visits to Cheyenne Wy. to rile up the base against Liz. You think Liz is crazy enough to head down to the panhandle of Fla. to roust up a primary challenge to Gaetz? Nope, she aint dope. The boy can self destruct without help.

I assume you don’t think this behaviour is only in the US of A, right?

I think it’s far worse in a lot of countries because they can get away with things far easier with their cultures of corruption. The U.S is nowhere remotely close to the most corrupt nations and this kind of thing goes on all the time.

Even in the U.S. it’s probably only in recent decades where this sort of behavior would have been exposed.

I assume you don’t think this behaviour is only in the US of A, right?

I think it’s far worse in a lot of countries because they can get away with things far easier with their cultures of corruption. The U.S is nowhere remotely close to the most corrupt nations and this kind of thing goes on all the time.

Even in the U.S. it’s probably only in recent decades where this sort of behavior would have been exposed.

Does anyone know anyone who has been shaken down by the cops in the US?

There seemed to be lots of stories form fellow travelers when we in South America. I seem to recall we had to pay the border crossing official to get from Ecuador into Columbia. That was after he made us wait for some time while he got his shoes shined. It actually seemed like it could have been out of a movie stereotyping the corrupt third world official.

Does anyone know anyone who has been shaken down by the cops in the US?

Not personally, but in my city there was recently a cop charged and sentenced for extorting women for sex. E.g. pulling them over for a traffic violation, and then bringing up alternative ways of getting out of a ticket.

Does anyone know anyone who has been shaken down by the cops in the US?

Not personally, but in my city there was recently a cop charged and sentenced for extorting women for sex. E.g. pulling them over for a traffic violation, and then bringing up alternative ways of getting out of a ticket.

Must have been one hell of a fine.

Does anyone know anyone who has been shaken down by the cops in the US?

Not personally, but in my city there was recently a cop charged and sentenced for extorting women for sex. E.g. pulling them over for a traffic violation, and then bringing up alternative ways of getting out of a ticket.

That happened in our town too, only it was hookers he’d busted but agreed to let go if they gave him a freebie.

This gets more interesting:

So there was a PIZZA GAETZ after all.

This gets more interesting:

I think this little news “development” makes Gaetz the most most highly qualified candidate for VP if dumbf*ck Drumpf runs in 2024 …

What effing moron would vote for that ticket?

What effing moron would vote for that ticket?

My guess?

About 70 million americans …

Also, a 17 year old girl is really not a woman. A 17 year old is likely a junior or senior in high school, living at home.

I knew a girl who turned 18 her junior year at Michigan. Of course as a minor, he did live at home as a freshman and sophomore.
A couple guys I knew in high school went away to college at 17, but they turned 18 the first month of freshman year.

Neither here nor there though.

I turned 18 during winter break of my freshman year. Was definitely among the youngest in my year.

Anyway, I’ve no idea what Gaetz did or didn’t do. It’s not like I liked him before all this. Yet smehow, he seems to have been the one person Sacha Baron Cohen couldn’t fool (it’s at the 8 minute mark):

This gets more interesting:

The sources, including two people directly shown the material, said Gaetz displayed the images of women on his phone and talked about having sex with them. One of the videos showed a naked woman with a hula hoop,
This appears to be a totally normal thing for the MAGA crowd. Trump showed up to his CFO Allen Weisenberg’s house for a shiva, loudly proclaimed the house was a dump, and then proceeded to pass around nudes of his latest sexual conquests (read: prostitutes). Of course Mr. Weisenberg thought this was just charming because he is just as big of a sleaze ball.

The party of family values?

Suddenly the article this morning about him looking to leave politics and join Newsmax makes sense.

Hahaha. This was my reaction last night.

You know what, I always figured he would go in a scandal. These guys always do. And they are always the dudes with the loudest mouths. We’ve got some local officials here facing the same deal.

I’m convinced trump made people comfortable enough to act like the shit lords they really are not fearing consequence. The reckoning seems to be coming. Gaetz may go to prison, Hawley and Cruz’s stock is way down. Trump is like a boogie man whose real power isn’t really known, but he will be facing criminal and civil actions the rest of his life. Oh and all these assholes who stormed the capital I’m sure got a rude awakening their hero isn’t coming to save them.

Receipts of payments made through CashApp and Apple Pay have been found. This guy is beyond smoked.

One reason this interest me is because some of you may remember I was active in Florida politics.

He has recently become somewhat of a hero even among libertarians for his hands off approach to thing. But his libertarian streak, I never liked hi. I met him when he was moving up the Florida poltical scene. Dude was the normal empty suit pol when I met him at a hobknob, but he had a reputation as a drunk frat boy. You could tell the only reason he was where he was because of his dad This is all that coming to life. A party loving rich boy in over his head, but basically circumstances made his bullshit acceptable or even desirable. But he got ate up in his own persona and now will pay a price.

Wait, it just got even better, or worse…

Reporting now that Greenberg and Gaetz are on video going in to the Seminole County tax collector’s office after hours and riffling through a pile of surrendered ID cards.

"Joel Greenberg and U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz on at least one occasion several years ago were recorded together entering the Seminole County Tax Collector’s Office when it was closed on a weekend night, according to a person familiar with office operations who saw the videotape.

The person said the footage showed Greenberg and Gaetz walking into the Tax Collector’s Lake Mary office on Primera Drive. Greenberg was seen going through baskets where driver’s licenses, turned in by residents for disposal, were stored and later went into a back room, the person said."