Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Receipts of payments made through CashApp and Apple Pay have been found. This guy is beyond smoked.

He is about to go through some things.

Based on the articles I read this morning and rumors in the party. There are more shoes going to drop. They didn’t say what. But NOBODY is coming to his defense. Between targeting people like Cheney, and what I suspect events that are more common knowledge among his colleagues are coming. His only defenders are Jordan and Greene. What a choice. Jordan has been accused of some shit with minors when he was a wrestling coach and Greene? Well, nuff said!

Hard to vote for folks in prison. But Repubs not too bright since they drank the kool aid.

He keeps good company.


Hey now. There is a picture of me floating around in a hotel room party thrown by shirtless Roger Stone wearing an eye patch.

I think there is a special place in hell for people like Roger.

He keeps good company.

Can they all use the same group shot for their prison ID’s?

Well Jim Jordan is focused on the important scandal.

He keeps good company.

Stone would convert any bro brags at that table to political leverage later on. Wonder if he’s involved in the middle east hostage deal.

But NOBODY is coming to his defense… His only defenders are Jordan and Greene…

In addition to his two (relatively prominent within the party) defenders… I don’t think anyone in the party has condemned it yet either?

He keeps good company.

Stone would convert any bro brags at that table to political leverage later on. Wonder if he’s involved in the middle east hostage deal.

Good points. I wouldn’t put anything past Stone. Birds of a feather…

Fox News hasn’t mentioned Gaetz since Wednesday morning, but they are focused on the real scandal here:

From the twitterverse

Luke Ball, the communications director for Rep. Matt Gaetz, has resigned, according to a person familiar. Ball quit out of principle, according to the person.

Why is he being cancelled!?!?!?

With it coming out how public he was about being an asshole, it is incredibly telling that he was elevated by the gop. (Not too different from menedez being chair in the senate).

From the twitterverse

Luke Ball, the communications director for Rep. Matt Gaetz, has resigned, according to a person familiar. Ball quit out of principle, according to the person.

I actually feel bad for people like that, even if they are working for the Gaetz’s of the world.I went to law school with the intent of working in politics, this kind of job. After getting involved in a couple elections while I was still in school I decided that was a bad idea. I always said that I didn’t want my career to come crashing down because the guy I was working for got caught fucking the neighbor’s cat.This might be even worse than that.

Gaetz is definitely a deserving douchebag and you can say the people working for him should have known. But this kind of stupid stuff doesn’t always happen to the people you think it will. And now everyone has this as their last job on their resume.

Yeah, but… At some point, it almost always seems to be the case that the type of people who end up working for these guys end up being the types of guys who’d work for people like that. It felt like we spent the first 3 years of the last presidency handing out “let’s-wait-and-see” passes… but then, EASILY 80% of the time… The enablers ended up being exactly who they seemed like they’d have to be.

From the twitterverse

Luke Ball, the communications director for Rep. Matt Gaetz, has resigned, according to a person familiar. Ball quit out of principle, according to the person.

I actually feel bad for people like that, even if they are working for the Gaetz’s of the world.I went to law school with the intent of working in politics, this kind of job. After getting involved in a couple elections while I was still in school I decided that was a bad idea. I always said that I didn’t want my career to come crashing down because the guy I was working for got caught fucking the neighbor’s cat.This might be even worse than that.

Gaetz is definitely a deserving douchebag and you can say the people working for him should have known. But this kind of stupid stuff doesn’t always happen to the people you think it will. And now everyone has this as their last job on their resume.

One of my best friends worked for Enron. She knew nothing of the shenanigans, but lost her job when it all blew up. In the end, she did ok. But, it sure isn’t the highlight of her resume.

From the twitterverse

Luke Ball, the communications director for Rep. Matt Gaetz, has resigned, according to a person familiar. Ball quit out of principle, according to the person.

I actually feel bad for people like that, even if they are working for the Gaetz’s of the world.I went to law school with the intent of working in politics, this kind of job. After getting involved in a couple elections while I was still in school I decided that was a bad idea. I always said that I didn’t want my career to come crashing down because the guy I was working for got caught fucking the neighbor’s cat.This might be even worse than that.

Gaetz is definitely a deserving douchebag and you can say the people working for him should have known. But this kind of stupid stuff doesn’t always happen to the people you think it will. And now everyone has this as their last job on their resume.

My take on reading the articles, is that he was a well know douchebag and that most of this is not that shocking to insiders. Would think that most senior aides would have some knowledge that he’s a shady character. if the CNN story is accurate about showing pics of naked women then would think he showed to aides as well. you go to work for something like that then it should be an albatross around their necks.

Yeah, but… At some point, it almost always seems to be the case that the type of people who end up working for these guys end up being the types of guys who’d work for people like that.

This is patently false. They’re mercenaries. I know a ton of people who do this and they’re not all ideologues (they’re all Democrats though). Broad strokes they agree but it’s a job and that’s all it is. Sure they want their boss to win and/ or set them up for a promotion by moving to another Pol but at then end of the day it’s all about the power, prominence and cheddar.

From the twitterverse

Luke Ball, the communications director for Rep. Matt Gaetz, has resigned, according to a person familiar. Ball quit out of principle, according to the person.

I actually feel bad for people like that, even if they are working for the Gaetz’s of the world.I went to law school with the intent of working in politics, this kind of job. After getting involved in a couple elections while I was still in school I decided that was a bad idea. I always said that I didn’t want my career to come crashing down because the guy I was working for got caught fucking the neighbor’s cat.This might be even worse than that.

Gaetz is definitely a deserving douchebag and you can say the people working for him should have known. But this kind of stupid stuff doesn’t always happen to the people you think it will. And now everyone has this as their last job on their resume.

My take on reading the articles, is that he was a well know douchebag and that most of this is not that shocking to insiders. Would think that most senior aides would have some knowledge that he’s a shady character. if the CNN story is accurate about showing pics of naked women then would think he showed to aides as well. you go to work for something like that then it should be an albatross around their necks.

Well you’re a judgemental

so enabling a douchebag is a legitimate way to get ahead? How about if your name is Hillary?