Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Shocking! He voted against renewing a law that includes stricter penalties for sex-trafficking

Also of note is the states where reps voted no. Very correlated in my feed with places where people shared #savethechildren

Hash tags good- real laws bad apparently

I can’t wait for this POS to be perp walked.

Shocking! He voted against renewing a law that includes stricter penalties for sex-trafficking

Also of note is the states where reps voted no. Very correlated in my feed with places where people shared #savethechildren

Hash tags good- real laws bad apparently

I can’t wait for this POS to be perp walked.

Can someone with some insight into the criminal justice system weigh in re. what we’re to read into how long this case is taking? It just seems nuts to me that someone can be under active investigation for sex trafficking minors for going on 18 months and still be a sitting member of congress with no real indication of if and when he’ll ever be charged with anything. Justice deferred and all that.

Shocking! He voted against renewing a law that includes stricter penalties for sex-trafficking

Also of note is the states where reps voted no. Very correlated in my feed with places where people shared #savethechildren

Hash tags good- real laws bad apparently

9 of the 20 who voted against this were also among the 18 that voted against Sweden and Finland joining NATO. They simply have no interest in the US having a functioning government. But it is almost a certainty that their well-informed voters will send them back to Washington this fall.

Shocking! He voted against renewing a law that includes stricter penalties for sex-trafficking

Also of note is the states where reps voted no. Very correlated in my feed with places where people shared #savethechildren

Hash tags good- real laws bad apparently

I can’t wait for this POS to be perp walked.

Can someone with some insight into the criminal justice system weigh in re. what we’re to read into how long this case is taking? It just seems nuts to me that someone can be under active investigation for sex trafficking minors for going on 18 months and still be a sitting member of congress with no real indication of if and when he’ll ever be charged with anything. Justice deferred and all that.

Not only a sitting member of congress, but still able to vote on legislation directly related to the alleged crimes for which he’s under active investigation.

Not only a sitting member of congress, but still able to vote on legislation directly related to the alleged crimes for which he’s under active investigation.

That seems like a bad thing.

Fuck this guy.

Matt Gaetz disclosed some redacted information found in the Mueller report to Stone. That’s a crime. No wonder he wanted a pardon.

Of course he did.

At** **an event at a Trump property that October (2019), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) predicted that Stone would be found guilty at his trial in Washington the following month but would not “do a day” in prison. Gaetz was apparently unaware they were being recorded by documentary filmmakers following Stone, whom special counsel Robert S. Mueller III had charged with obstruction of a congressional investigation.

“The boss still has a very favorable view of you,” said Gaetz, stressing that the president had “said it directly.” He also said, “I don’t think the big guy can let you go down for this.”

Gaetz at one point told Stone he was working on getting him a pardon but was hesitant to say more backstage at the event, in which speakers were being filmed for online broadcast. “Since there are many, many recording devices around right now, I do not feel in a position to speak freely about the work I’ve already done on that subject,” Gaetz said.

The lawmaker also told Stone during their conversation that Stone was mentioned “a lot” in redacted portions of Mueller’s report, appearing to refer to portions that the Justice Department had shown to select members of Congress confidentially in a secure room. “They’re going to do you, because you’re not going to have a defense,” Gaetz told Stone.

The 25-minute recording was captured by a microphone that Stone was wearing on his lapel for a Danish film crew, which was making a feature-length documentary on the veteran Republican operative. The filmmakers allowed Washington Post reporters to review their footage in advance of the release of their film, “A Storm Foretold,” which is expected later this year.

There is a video of the two worst humans at the WaPo or their twitter.

Gaetz is looking for new recruits.

when’s this sleazebag going to get dragged in front of a judge? i thought it was pretty open and shut that he’d been paying teens for sex.

Gaetz is looking for new recruits.

Gaetz is due to appear Tuesday night at the annual Academy Night at Niceville High School, where students typically learn about how they can attend U.S. service (or military) academies.

The ole pay to play scheme.

Gaetz is looking for new recruits.

Gaetz is due to appear Tuesday night at the annual Academy Night at Niceville High School, where students typically learn about how they can attend U.S. service (or military) academies.

The ole pay to play scheme.

Oh my…

when’s this sleazebag going to get dragged in front of a judge? i thought it was pretty open and shut that he’d been paying teens for sex.

Except for him broadcasting it to the world we never would have known he was being investigated. But I am still very disappointed he hasn’t been locked up.

Witness credibility issues = charges

Witness credibility issues = no charges


Witness credibility issues = no charges


The key to getting away with crimes is to make sure you commit them with criminals.

Witness credibility issues = no charges


Thank you

Matty’s commitment to getting Trump elected just shifted into overdrive.

Are you just trying to show off your search skills?

So, the move to this new forum really makes reading old stuff very difficult - no reply delineation at all.

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nice catch. But then sphere’s snatch from deep left field was a first?

And he will win re-election in Florida by a huge margin.

The GOP is unrecognizable.