Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

I refuse to discuss this with you unless you first admit that Anthony Weiner should have gone to prison.

We’ve had this discussion before. And need I remind you that there is no Anthony Weiner. There is only Carlos Danger.

Well then we are in luck. He should have and he did. That dude is creepy as shit.

That’s the joke. Work with me here.

More lying from Gaetz.

Can we just lock him up for being terrible at humanity?

“Have you seen these women at pro-abortion rallies? They’re disgusting! Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb."

Can we just lock him up for being terrible at humanity?

“Have you seen these women at pro-abortion rallies? They’re disgusting! Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb."

Can we just lock him up for being terrible at humanity?

“Have you seen these women at pro-abortion rallies? They’re disgusting! Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb."

It gets worse.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

They’ve really just become the party of assholes.

Anyone voting for these idiots is a fucking degenerate.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

They’ve really just become the party of assholes.

Anyone voting for these idiots is a fucking degenerate.

Concur with the party of assholes. A race to the bottom.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

They’ve really just become the party of assholes.

Anyone voting for these idiots is a fucking degenerate.

Concur with the party of assholes. A race to the bottom.

I’m sure some of our resident conservatives will be along soon to point out how Obama said something worse.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

They’ve really just become the party of assholes.

Anyone voting for these idiots is a fucking degenerate.

Concur with the party of assholes. A race to the bottom.

I’m sure some of our resident conservatives will be along soon to point out how Obama said something worse.m

clearly, you’ve forgotten all about her emails.

Can we just lock him up for being terrible at humanity?

“Have you seen these women at pro-abortion rallies? They’re disgusting! Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb."

If trafficking underage girls doesn’t get him jailed, nothing will.

We can always hope though.

Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

Yeah. That’s what I was thinking. He is a congressman and he still has to pay for it.

He looks like Syndrome from The Incredibles.


Not sure he has any room to talk… that motherfucker has to pay teenagers to get laid.

It’s very possible that his kompramat was manufactured given the logos on everyone’s NASCAR cars involved in the situation. I’ve been trying to clue people in to the fact that we are awash in kiddie porn and sexual blackmail for a reason, and it’s obvious as to the who, how, and why.

That said, he’s a goon and a stooge, and nearly every utterance he makes is Russian propaganda.




That was right to the point, wasn’t it?

I see no lies in either man’s words.

Came here to check if that was posted already. Gaetz is a fucking POS who deserves to be in jail.

Shocking! He voted against renewing a law that includes stricter penalties for sex-trafficking

Also of note is the states where reps voted no. Very correlated in my feed with places where people shared #savethechildren

Hash tags good- real laws bad apparently

No surprise there. Really hope to see that POS pedophile in prison.