Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

my deranged posts only make sense after about a year of hindsight… check back with me next January.


Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

Me too. But I can imagine he or his lawyer will say that he’s just being persecuted because he is an enemy of the deep state. A few will support him because they see nothing wrong with paying underage girls for sex.

Guess who’s ex-girlfriend got immunity today.

Immunity from what? Did she Ghislaine his girls?

Immunity from what? Did she Ghislaine his girls?

Immunity from obstruction. 10 months later and another bit of progress.

Immunity from what? Did she Ghislaine his girls?

Immunity from obstruction. 10 months later and another bit of progress.

It is unclear if she has immunity for obstruction alone or also the sex trafficking charges. But the fact that she was given immunity means she has something worthwhile.

Immunity from what? Did she Ghislaine his girls?

Immunity from obstruction. 10 months later and another bit of progress.

It is unclear if she has immunity for obstruction alone or also the sex trafficking charges. But the fact that she was given immunity means she has something worthwhile.

Let’s hope so. Every time I see this thread I hope he’s been perp walked. Hasn’t happened yet.

Let’s hope so. Every time I see this thread I hope he’s been perp walked. Hasn’t happened yet.

Me too. I would love it if they arrested him while he was visiting trump or giving a speech.

I would love to see both Gaetz and trump arrested at the same time. Just imagine the fun those two would have in a jail cell together.

Let’s hope so. Every time I see this thread I hope he’s been perp walked. Hasn’t happened yet.

Me too. I would love it if they arrested him while he was visiting trump or giving a speech.

It’s stunning to me that his constituents don’t see the grifter sack of shit that he is. Guaranteed he doesn’t give one shit about them.

Immunity from what? Did she Ghislaine his girls?

Immunity from obstruction. 10 months later and another bit of progress.

It is unclear if she has immunity for obstruction alone or also the sex trafficking charges. But the fact that she was given immunity means she has something worthwhile.

And is (legally obligated to) singing like a canary.

I would love to see both Gaetz and trump arrested at the same time. Just imagine the fun those two would have in a jail cell together.

It’s stunning to me that his constituents don’t see the grifter sack of shit that he is. Guaranteed he doesn’t give one shit about them.

Is it really that stunning?

I’ve stopped being surprised.

When all around you are taking deals it doesn’t look good.

Joe Ellicott, a “shock jock”-style host for CBS Sports Radio Orlando, plead guilty to charges of illegally selling Adderall, a drug meant for the treatment of attention deficit hypeactivity disorder, as well as a charge of fraud via agreeing to bribe a public official, The Daily Beast first reported on Wednesday.
The plea came as part of an agreement with federal prosecutors for cooperation on their further investigation into Mr Gaetz and potentially others. An attorney for Mr Ellicott told the news outlet that he was cooperating with regard to the probe into the congressman specifically.

the thought of Matt getting comprehensively probed sparks joy

When all around you are taking deals it doesn’t look good.

The silence of the GOP is deafening.

Matt Gaetz should resign.

The GOP should grow a spine and demand that he does, but they won’t because the are fucking cowards. Absolute fucking cowards. Every single silent one of them.

And then Gaetz should go to prison.

On Sept. 4, 2017, according to his confession letter, Joel Greenberg called his friend Rep. Matt Gaetz with some bad news.
A teenager both men had paid to have sex with was underage, Greenberg claimed. Now, two sources tell The Daily Beast, a cooperating witness can confirm details of that call for one damning reason: He was in Greenberg’s office when the call took place.
The witness, “Big Joe” Ellicott—Greenberg’s longtime best friend and an employee at the Seminole County tax office—recently pleaded guilty to fraud and drug charges as part of a cooperation agreement with federal prosecutors.
Although Ellicott has so far avoided any charges regarding sex trafficking of a minor, which Greenberg pleaded guilty to last May, he was present for the call that Greenberg made to Gaetz on Sept. 4, according to two people briefed on the matter. The call, they said, was short—and Gaetz was the one who ended it.

This does open a door that could show that he was unaware that she was underaged - though I do not know if ignorance of her age will help him.

He stated at the beginning of this coming out that he has never had sex with an underage female while he was an adult - and the testimony shows that that was a lie.

I bet the bastard skates as he has the money to put up a fight and won’t resign. Turmp’s supporters appreciate guys who have any sex - so this won’t hurt him with them.

Matt Gaetz should resign.

The GOP should grow a spine and demand that he does, but they won’t because the are fucking cowards. Absolute fucking cowards. Every single silent one of them.

And then Gaetz should go to prison.

On Sept. 4, 2017, according to his confession letter, Joel Greenberg called his friend Rep. Matt Gaetz with some bad news.
A teenager both men had paid to have sex with was underage, Greenberg claimed. Now, two sources tell The Daily Beast, a cooperating witness can confirm details of that call for one damning reason: He was in Greenberg’s office when the call took place.
The witness, “Big Joe” Ellicott—Greenberg’s longtime best friend and an employee at the Seminole County tax office—recently pleaded guilty to fraud and drug charges as part of a cooperation agreement with federal prosecutors.
Although Ellicott has so far avoided any charges regarding sex trafficking of a minor, which Greenberg pleaded guilty to last May, he was present for the call that Greenberg made to Gaetz on Sept. 4, according to two people briefed on the matter. The call, they said, was short—and Gaetz was the one who ended it.

Ellicott has made his deal, see my post above. If he cooperates fully and honestly it looks like he will avoid any sex charges.

I refuse to discuss this with you unless you first admit that Anthony Weiner should have gone to prison.

I refuse to discuss this with you unless you first admit that Anthony Weiner should have gone to prison.

Well then we are in luck. He should have and he did. That dude is creepy as shit.