Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Matt Gaetz at Ohio event when someone starts singing “she was just 17”

Funny, but the singing was terrible!

By the way, in his speech in the background, Gaetz mentions “those crazy sex scandal allegations” and jokes, “that was Jordan.” Was he referring to Jim Jordan and the Ohio State scandal, or some other “Jordan?” I can’t imagine Jim Jordan would be too happy about being the butt of that joke…

Matt Gaetz at Ohio event when someone starts singing “she was just 17”

Funny, but the singing was terrible!

By the way, in his speech in the background, Gaetz mentions “those crazy sex scandal allegations” and jokes, “that was Jordan.” Was he referring to Jim Jordan and the Ohio State scandal, or some other “Jordan?” I can’t imagine Jim Jordan would be too happy about being the butt of that joke…

He should stop talking.

frat bros at Animal House

Matt Gaetz at Ohio event when someone starts singing “she was just 17”
Is it Donnie? Or is it Matt?

Matt Gaetz at Ohio event when someone starts singing “she was just 17”

Funny, but the singing was terrible!

By the way, in his speech in the background, Gaetz mentions “those crazy sex scandal allegations” and jokes, “that was Jordan.” Was he referring to Jim Jordan and the Ohio State scandal, or some other “Jordan?” I can’t imagine Jim Jordan would be too happy about being the butt of that joke…

The falling flat, poorly delivered Joke reference was Jim. It was so Trumplike. Well done Matt, Donnie is pleased. As to how Jim took it? It would not surprise me if the combative ex wrestler doesn’t take Matt to the mat over this gaff.

The thing I don’t understand about Gaetz is why (allegedly) pay for it? I could see maybe a married politico doing it. Paying for the discretion and transitory nature. It’d be pure slime, but I could understand the motivations at some level. But Gaetz was young, powerful, ascendent, good-looking, and single. With big poofy-hair. And a celebrity. He should have to fight off women. Why pay?

Because he wouldn’t be able to have sex with a minor unless he paid and he didn’t want a relationship so easier to just pay and you’re done.

this is sort of true. But the real answer is that for a rapist sex is about POWER. If Gaetz is a typical rapist - he probably is - what he really enjoys is exploiting and violating. Most men don’t understand this which is not entirely a bad thing because most men don’t think like a rapist.

The joke he made about Jim Jordan. Wow. There is a lot there to unpack. He has been enabled, clearly.

Matt Gaetz at Ohio event when someone starts singing “she was just 17”

Funny, but the singing was terrible!

By the way, in his speech in the background, Gaetz mentions “those crazy sex scandal allegations” and jokes, “that was Jordan.” Was he referring to Jim Jordan and the Ohio State scandal, or some other “Jordan?” I can’t imagine Jim Jordan would be too happy about being the butt of that joke…

The falling flat, poorly delivered Joke reference was Jim. It was so Trumplike. Well done Matt, Donnie is pleased. As to how Jim took it? It would not surprise me if the combative ex wrestler doesn’t take Matt to the mat over this gaff.

It’s Gym Jordan. He’d just deny ever hearing anything about it.

Guess who’s ex-girlfriend is now helping with the investigation.

He must be flipping out.

Guess who’s ex-girlfriend is now helping with the investigation.

He must be flipping out.

They are flipping like pancakes…life is good…

So when does this pedophile get arrested and perp walked?

Seems like he’s enough of a creepy douchebag without accusing him of something like that.

I’ve come around. You are correct he’s not a pedophile… the correct term is ephebophile.

And there is this from his fiancée’s sister.

I read that yesterday. She’s on one side, and Gaetz and the woman who has agreed to stand by him is on the other side. Sounds like they all have some issues, but I wouldn’t put anything past Gaetz. Let me correct that… I wouldn’t put anything past Gaetz if it involves a woman under the age of 30.

Justice Dept. Adds Two Top Prosecutors to Matt Gaetz Case

The prosecutors — one a public corruption investigator with an expertise in child exploitation crimes, and the other a top leader of the public corruption unit — have been working on the Florida-based investigation for at least three months, the people said.

It is not unusual for prosecutors from the Justice Department in Washington to be added to local teams of federal investigators in high-profile cases that require a deep and specific expertise like sex crimes.

Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

Me too. But I can imagine he or his lawyer will say that he’s just being persecuted because he is an enemy of the deep state. A few will support him because they see nothing wrong with paying underage girls for sex.

Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

Me too. But I can imagine he or his lawyer will say that he’s just being persecuted because he is an enemy of the deep state. A few will support him because they see nothing wrong with paying underage girls for sex.

As long as he goes to prison it really doesn’t matter what nonsense he spouts.

Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

That suit should be grounds for 5-7 years minimum.

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend testified Wednesday before a federal grand jury investigating him for sex crimes, a major development that suggests the Department of Justice may be moving closer to indicting him

Nothing would make 2022 better then Gaetz behind bars.

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend testified Wednesday before a federal grand jury investigating him for sex crimes, a major development that suggests the Department of Justice may be moving closer to indicting him

Nothing would make 2022 better then Gaetz behind bars.

How about Trump and Gaetz behind bars?

Matty boy’s ex-girlfriend testified against him today before a federal grand jury.

I’m still looking forward to his perp walk.

Me too. But I can imagine he or his lawyer will say that he’s just being persecuted because he is an enemy of the deep state. A few will support him because they see nothing wrong with paying underage girls for sex.

He is an enemy of the deep state because he’s a foreign asset.

Rule of projection: actually, the deep state is good, and our state, and is worried about our state’s sovereignty, as it should be. By property of association there is a “shallow state”, that is NOT aligned with our sovereignty, ie. are foreign assets and/or a criminal syndicate.

Institutions are good. Follow the money.



I’ll be honest with you. I won’t be reading any more of your posts. GoFigure’s moniker for you “The Riddler” fits. Most of your posts are along the lines of “there is a conspiracy that you can’t see, but I can. If you look backwards through a mirror while walking sideways, you can see it”.

You kind of remind me of a few people I used to see at church who saw demons everywhere. You are welcome to your theories and beliefs, but I won’t be reading them.

Best of luck