Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

Do you think for a minute that the party that whole hog supports Trump would consider Gaetz’s behavior to be bad behavior?

I think some of these guys make the mistake, however, of thinking that the Trump Rules are the New Rules.

E.g. Duncan Hunter Jr. He (allegedly but almost certainly) had affairs with 5 women while in office, and spent campaign money on them. While married. At least Gaetz, I think, is single. Didn’t work out well for him. Trump pardoned him, of course. But he’s probably politically done? Or maybe not. I think I started this post thinking I was going to make a counter-point, but am now going full circle. You’re right. These are maybe the New Rules. Bang as many women as you want, spend campaign money on them. All good. (allegedly but almost certainly) had affairs with 5 women while in office, and spent campaign money on them. While married. At least Gaetz, I think, is single. Didn’t work out well for him. Trump pardoned him, of course. But he’s probably politically done? Or maybe not. I think I started this post thinking I was going to make a counter-point, but am now going full circle. You’re right. These are maybe the New Rules. Bang as many women as you want, spend campaign money on them. All good.

LMAO - That picture says a lot.

But, No. I’m sure that the Trump supporters still intend to hold Democrats to the higher standard.

A couple of weeks back my mother-in-law posted a montage of Dems who had been accused of sexual impropriety. Gaetz and Trump were excused and forgiven for their weaknesses.

Have high level GOP officials told Matt he should resign (like people did in NYC)?

Have high level GOP officials told Matt he should resign (like people did in NYC)?

The cacophony of Republicans calling for his resignation is deafening. Just one dude standing in an empty field.

Legal Eagle did a pretty good summary about Gaetz.

Florida, again…


Now THAT is funny!

Chapeau, +3

I guess we shouldn’t be suprised that Gaetz hangs around with someone so dumb they actually put in writing their crimes, including sex with an underage girl, how your friend Gaetz is also exposed, and how you want to pay for a pardon with Roger Stone. But I guess it does make sense when you imagine who Gaetz would be friends with.

I did google at the offer of 250k in bitcoin being the price apparently for a pardon.

“A confession letter written by Joel Greenberg in the final months of the Trump presidency claims that he and close associate Rep. Matt Gaetz paid for sex with multiple women—as well as a girl who was 17 at the time,”

From the letter: “On more than one occasion, this individual was involved in sexual activities with several of the other girls, the congressman from Florida’s 1st Congressional District and myself. From time to time, gas money or gifts, rent or partial tuition payments were made to several of these girls, including the individual who was not yet 18. I did see the acts occur firsthand and Venmo transactions, Cash App or other payments were made to these girls on behalf of the Congressman.”

The confession letter was given to Roger Stone in the hopes of getting a pardon from President Trump.

(The best part of this story: Roger Stone set their Signal messages to delete in 10 seconds but Greenberg took screenshots and saved them. Stone wanted $250,000 to facilitate a pardon.)

Still my favorite part is just how fucking dumb these people are.

How exactly did this go?

"Mr. Stone, I need a pardon.
“Well write confession and also provide money for the pardon.”
"“Thanks, Mr Stone. I know you have you are currently under federal indictment, and are seeking a pardon for yourself, so thanks for taking the time to document our uncharged criminal conduct involving myself and sitting member of congress, including this corrupt conspiracy. I am sure you will not use this for your own benefit, since you are such an honorable man.”

So when does he get perp walked?

These are some sick individuals.

“A confession letter written by Joel Greenberg in the final months of the Trump presidency claims that he and close associate Rep. Matt Gaetz paid for sex with multiple women—as well as a girl who was 17 at the time,”

From the letter: “On more than one occasion, this individual was involved in sexual activities with several of the other girls, the congressman from Florida’s 1st Congressional District and myself. From time to time, gas money or gifts, rent or partial tuition payments were made to several of these girls, including the individual who was not yet 18. I did see the acts occur firsthand and Venmo transactions, Cash App or other payments were made to these girls on behalf of the Congressman.”

The confession letter was given to Roger Stone in the hopes of getting a pardon from President Trump.

(The best part of this story: Roger Stone set their Signal messages to delete in 10 seconds but Greenberg took screenshots and saved them. Stone wanted $250,000 to facilitate a pardon.)


How is it that Matt Gaetz hasn’t been arrested?

Why is a drunk dude talking to himself in a park arrested (and killed) and Matt Gaetz is on the judiciary committee in Congress?

Still my favorite part is just how fucking dumb these people are.

How exactly did this go?

"Mr. Stone, I need a pardon.
“Well write confession and also provide money for the pardon.”
"“Thanks, Mr Stone. I know you have you are currently under federal indictment, and are seeking a pardon for yourself, so thanks for taking the time to document our uncharged criminal conduct involving myself and sitting member of congress, including this corrupt conspiracy. I am sure you will not use this for your own benefit, since you are such an honorable man.”

It’s too bad Matty Boy doesn’t know a good lawyer or someone to give him legal advise. I hear Rudy is looking for work.

These are some sick individuals.

Party of family values

The confession letter was given to Roger Stone in the hopes of getting a pardon from President Trump.

I love this alleged quotation from Stone, “cannot push too hard because of the nonsense surrounding pardons.”

I think by “nonsense” he means laws making it illegal to openly sell them.

These are some sick individuals.

Party of family values

Bbbbbut Both Sides!

Matt Gaetz and I paid to have sex with all of these young girls, including a 17-year-old…I pray that the Lord Jesus will see me through all of this."

Actual Joel Greenberg quote.

This pic is totally their look while they’re waiting for that date-rape drug to kick in.