Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

rog is corruption incarnate.

he’ll do anything to infest a dodgy situation. he lives for it.

quote Nutella]Matt Gaetz and I paid to have sex with all of these young girls, including a 17-year-old…I pray that the Lord Jesus will see me through all of this."

Actual Joel Greenberg quote.

This pic is totally their look while they’re waiting for that date-rape drug to kick in.

I’m pretty sure that “Lord Jesus” saw him the entire time - through all the theft and underage sex. Well, if you believe in that. Typical that someone that corrupt only starts believing when he needs a bail out. Apparently Stone and Trump didn’t come through, so he’ll have to fall back on religion.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I saw that yesterday…Maybe she’ll hook up with him too even though he doesn’t go to her gym?

Typical that someone that corrupt only starts believing when he needs a bail out. Apparently Stone and Trump didn’t come through, so he’ll have to fall back on religion.

Consistent with the Trump cult leadership hierarchy: Trump first, Jesus second

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I saw that yesterday…Maybe she’ll hook up with him too even though he doesn’t go to her gym?

Frankly I’d be shocked if it wasn’t already happening.

These two deserve each other, as does anyone who’d show up to see them.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I saw that yesterday…Maybe she’ll hook up with him too even though he doesn’t go to her gym?

Frankly I’d be shocked if it wasn’t already happening.

These two deserve each other, as does anyone who’d show up to see them.

She’s way to old for him. I mean, she can legally drink and everything.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I saw that yesterday…Maybe she’ll hook up with him too even though he doesn’t go to her gym?

Apparently she likes to get her freak on

holy smokes. Polyamorous tantric sex guru Craig Ivey’s ‘shorts’

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

Now that would be must see tv. Gaetz and Greene pay a visit to Wyoming to convince the otherwise sane citizens that Liz Cheney is a traitor RINO. I would hope Liz gets an invite to speak for herself at the same event. And then if the conservative Joe and Jane’s of Wyoming go over to the true dark side that is the Gaetz --Green version of republicanism, then I will know the apocalypse is upon us.

Crikey she looks like a man or a Russian chic

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

I was talking about this last night with the wife. We were debating how Congress shakes out in '22 and '24. An awful lot of people are making the assumption that the GOP will retake Congress very soon, especially when you take redistricting into account.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

I was talking about this last night with the wife. We were debating how Congress shakes out in '22 and '24. An awful lot of people are making the assumption that the GOP will retake Congress very soon, especially when you take redistricting into account.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

You assume that those voters for the GOP look at the world in the same way you do. I saw this poll today from CNN:

Did Biden Legitimately Win Enough Votes for The Presidency?

                     Yes   No

Democrats 97% 3%
Independents 69% 27%
Republicans 23% 70%

We have a large group of people living and operating under a different set of facts and a totally belief system than you are.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

I was talking about this last night with the wife. We were debating how Congress shakes out in '22 and '24. An awful lot of people are making the assumption that the GOP will retake Congress very soon, especially when you take redistricting into account.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

You assume that those voters for the GOP look at the world in the same way you do. I saw this poll today from CNN:

Did Biden Legitimately Win Enough Votes for The Presidency?

                     Yes   No 

Democrats 97% 3%
Independents 69% 27%
Republicans 23% 70%

We have a large group of people living and operating under a different set of facts and a totally belief system than you are.

But for the GOP to get back in control they need to gain voters. Not just keep the ones they have.

Their outreach program sucks balls.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

I’m interested on how Hunter can help the cause.I know the GOP is a little bit back on their heals but is the best Team Donkey can do? I thought the bench was deeper to draw from.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

I’m interested on how Hunter can help the cause.I know the GOP is a little bit back on their heals but is the best Team Donkey can do? I thought the bench was deeper to draw from.

I was just picking all of the GOP’s current favorite people.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

I was talking about this last night with the wife. We were debating how Congress shakes out in '22 and '24. An awful lot of people are making the assumption that the GOP will retake Congress very soon, especially when you take redistricting into account.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

You assume that those voters for the GOP look at the world in the same way you do. I saw this poll today from CNN:

Did Biden Legitimately Win Enough Votes for The Presidency?

                     Yes   No 

Democrats 97% 3%
Independents 69% 27%
Republicans 23% 70%

We have a large group of people living and operating under a different set of facts and a totally belief system than you are.

But for the GOP to get back in control they need to gain voters. Not just keep the ones they have.

Their outreach program sucks balls.

Do they really need to gain voters? They were not far from taking the house in 2020. They could take the house if there are a few less Democratic votes and/or redistricting put the right voters in the right areas. I don’t think they need to gain voters at all. In fact I will bet good money less people vote in 2022 than 2020.

Did Biden Legitimately Win Enough Votes for The Presidency?

                     Yes   No 

Democrats 97% 3%
Independents 69% 27%
Republicans 23% 70%

We have a large group of people living and operating under a different set of facts and a totally belief system than you are.

R’s are not going to vote Democratic. For the “plan” to work, they have to melt down internally. Gaetz and Greene apparently are willing to do their part.

As Gaetz life goes down in flames what does he do? Double down on the crazy

**Gaetz, Greene plan national tour to call out RINOs **

I fully support their attempt to burn the GOP to the ground.

I was talking about this last night with the wife. We were debating how Congress shakes out in '22 and '24. An awful lot of people are making the assumption that the GOP will retake Congress very soon, especially when you take redistricting into account.

But if Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden got together to lay out a plan to destroy the GOP and ensure the GOP stays out of power for a long time they couldn’t put together a better one than the GOP is executing right now.

You assume that those voters for the GOP look at the world in the same way you do. I saw this poll today from CNN:

Did Biden Legitimately Win Enough Votes for The Presidency?

                     Yes   No  

Democrats 97% 3%
Independents 69% 27%
Republicans 23% 70%

We have a large group of people living and operating under a different set of facts and a totally belief system than you are.

But for the GOP to get back in control they need to gain voters. Not just keep the ones they have.

Their outreach program sucks balls.

No disagreement.

But a record number of voters turned out to vote to trump last year. The Dems just did a better job of getting out the voters. And the anti-trump sentiment was strong.

So the question becomes, can either group increase the number of non voters or minimally sustain the voting of levels 2020 in an off year election?

As a wise man pointed out earlier- they stand for nothing, have no platform, and live on faux (fox) outrage.

I don’t see a future for a party with no rudder and a twitterless and impotent captain living in exile in Mar-a-Lago while letting fuckwits like Cruz, McCarthy, Gaetz, MTG, Nunes, Fucker Carlson, etc take the wheel. But here we are with near equality in the house and senate.