Matt Gaetz-Come on down!


Matt Gaetz is headlining a conservative womens’ event at a Trump golf club this Friday.

it’s been revealed he sought and was denied a blanket pardon from the former President

will he take questions from the audience . . .

Conservative women. Likely all Trump nutters. This is fake news. A witch hunt.

Gaetz releases statements from unnamed women in his office.


The letter continued: “In our office and under Congressman Gaetz’s leadership, women are not only respected, but have been encouraged time and time again to grow, achieve more, and ultimately, know our value.”

Did their value increase if they agreed to have sex with him? And according to his name, they had a higher point value if they were married - is that what they were talking about?

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

Is it a crime to pay for someone’s school?

He’s just a generous guy. You guys are all bitching about how expensive private high school is.

Gaetz releases statements from unnamed women in his office.


The letter continued: “In our office and under Congressman Gaetz’s leadership, women are not only respected, but have been encouraged time and time again to grow, achieve more, and ultimately, know our value.”

Did their value increase if they agreed to have sex with him? And according to his name, they had a higher point value if they were married - is that what they were talking about?

He is so great, they felt they did not need to put their names on the letter.

Gaetz releases statements from unnamed women in his office.


The letter continued: “In our office and under Congressman Gaetz’s leadership, women are not only respected, but have been encouraged time and time again to grow, achieve more, and ultimately, know our value.”

Did their value increase if they agreed to have sex with him? And according to his name, they had a higher point value if they were married - is that what they were talking about?

He is so great, they felt they did not need to put their names on the letter.

I feel very confident that this was put out by John Barron.

The letter continued: “In our office and under Congressman Gaetz’s leadership, women are not only respected, but have been encouraged time and time again to grow, achieve more, and ultimately, know our value.”

the going rate appears to be $300 plus travel expenses for taking dictation


Matt Gaetz is headlining a conservative womens’ event at a Trump golf club this Friday.

it’s been revealed he sought and was denied a blanket pardon from the former President

will he take questions from the audience . . .

I always wonder in amazement at the “Women for America First” who would still consider having Gaetz as the headlining speaker this weekend, but I always revert back to one of my wife’s good friends. Hardcore southern Baptist, gun nut, Trump cult member, who just weeks ago sent my wife Simone Gold’s website (of America’s Frontline Doctors, hydroxychloroquine, and capitol riot fame) to check out while she was battling COVID. Otherwise perfectly normal person who we have shared many dinners with. Scary to think what some people truly believe behind mostly closed doors.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Still waiting to see this shit bag perp walked.

But what about unity?!? You lefties disgust me.

The party of invertebrates is largely silent.

This is only going to get worse for Matty G- I have reason to think that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The GOP will look even more foolish for their lack of condemnation of him.

Party of family values? Party of the rule of law? Hilarious. What a bunch of spineless fuckwits.

While I think that he is a despicable person, I don’t agree with billboards like that as they can be used to distort the facts too much. Billboards like that could be used to attack every representative out there since a few words can imply much more than the truth supports.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

And his Venmo was set to public not private. Not only is he a shit bag who wants to have sex with children, but he’s dumb as a box of rocks.

Who is going to look after Nestor (the lack of adoption papers notwithstanding)?

NEW: Rep. Matt Gaetz has retained legal counsel as the investigation continues into allegations of sex trafficking.

@GarrettHaake reports Marc Mukasey and Isabelle Kirshner are representing the Congressman

NEW: Rep. Matt Gaetz has retained legal counsel as the investigation continues into allegations of sex trafficking.

@GarrettHaake reports Marc Mukasey and Isabelle Kirshner are representing the Congressman

Kirshner is a smart choice. Mukasey, who defended Eddie Gallagher, was likely picked to run the media/behind the scene campaign

And now…

Rep. Matt Gaetz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over allegations including sex trafficking and the improper use of campaign funds.

Friday, April 9, 2021 4:25 PM EST

Though the committee shared few details about its work, the scope appeared to be exceedingly broad and overlap with an ongoing Justice Department inquiry into the third-term congressman.
The decision by the ethics panel could further complicate Mr. Gaetz’s attempts to fight the allegations and remain in his House seat.

In a terse statement disclosing the inquiry, the top Democrat and Republican on the panel wrote that they would seek to determine whether Mr. Gaetz, 38, had violated House rules, the law or “other standards of conduct.”

“The committee is aware of public allegations that Representative Matt Gaetz may have engaged in sexual misconduct and/or illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift,” said the joint statement from Representatives Ted Deutch, Democrat of Florida, and Jackie Walorski, Republican of Indiana.

They all do it. Both sides of the aisle.

I think that’s what I am supposed to say here.

And now…

Rep. Matt Gaetz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over allegations including sex trafficking and the improper use of campaign funds.

The search for life on Mars has a better chance of success than a search for ethics in Gaetz.

They all do it. Both sides of the aisle.

I think that’s what I am supposed to say here.

Deep State.

Revenge by the Cheney Clan.

The girls were democratic plants.

They all do it. Both sides of the aisle.

I think that’s what I am supposed to say here.

Well. They do, or at least many of them do. And I’d like to see them all drug through the mud. He’s a good start.

They all do it. Both sides of the aisle.

I think that’s what I am supposed to say here.

Well. They do, or at least many of them do. And I’d like to see them all drug through the mud. He’s a good start.

Well, sex scandals cross the aisle. But I’m not willing to say they all do this. Gaetz is a special sort of despicable.

There also seems to be a lot fewer sex scandals involving congresswomen, women in general. Not to say it doesn’t happen, but the odds are a lot lower.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

What’s wrong with helping with tuition?
The girls also learn valuable life lessons on how to use transferable skills in the political ‘arena’.

Most of these guys in DC that join the hunt right now just hate on him because he was leading the scoring board and was rubbing it in too hahd…