Matt Gaetz-Come on down!

That is one of many refreshingly candid tidbits out of Boehner in the piece. The hatred of Barak Obama tie is there too. I don’t know if it is an over simplistic view, but the tie of the Fox guest rolls of pols to instant fame, credibility, voice and outsized influence to these tea partyers at the expense of the more moderate Tuesday group caucus helped build Crazytown. So now it is Jim Jordan’s freedom caucus and still Fox.

One day they are going to realize this is what has cost them the most. Despite some stalwarts attributing it to socialist Californians invading the far reaches of Republican strongholds, it’s actually those of us who have historically not voted along party lines who no longer recognize the various levels of GOP governance and can’t, in good faith, cast a vote in their direction. I concede others may see the same thing happening on the Democratic side and to a certain extent, I would agree.

I saw that article and something that came to mind was that over the years people kept on saying “this is what led to trump.”

But from Boehner it seems like what led to trump was high level gop members driving wedge issues.

It was all started by one man: Newt Gingrich.


Eyeroll emoji

Maybe you’re right. The real “crazy” started in about 2010-2011, according to Boehner:

I’m not too swayed by Boehner’s attempt to rewrite history and his place in it. He can try to score points by calling other Republicans “crazy” and “lunatics” and pointing to the 2010 election cycle as the beginning of the end for common-sense conservatism, but I seem to remember him giving a floor speech in opposition to the ACA, and talk of death panels and killing grandma, all that helped usher in that wave of Republicans.

Here’s the real Boehner:


Matt Gaetz is headlining a conservative womens’ event at a Trump golf club this Friday.

it’s been revealed he sought and was denied a blanket pardon from the former President

will he take questions from the audience . . .

I guess the good news here is that he’s precisely who he always seemed to be… Some Republican supporters like performative antics because they make people who are reasonable and responsible uncomfortable… They thinks it’s provocative or interesting in some way?.. There are definitely moments when I have a tough time distinguishing them from people who—at their core—are actual deplorable pieces of shit. At this point, it seems like Gaetz was being genuine the whole time…

The audience is there to gawk at the “hunk” of a “conservative.” And are all WAY too old for him. But he will take their money with a smile.

The audience is there to gawk at the “hunk” of a “conservative.”

i’m trying to imagine perving on matt, and can’t get past his face

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Greenberg’s lawyer was just answering questions outside the courthouse. He said “I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.”

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Greenberg’s lawyer was just answering questions outside the courthouse. He said “I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.”

I love it!


Matt Gaetz is headlining a conservative womens’ event at a Trump golf club this Friday.

since the Feds know he will be there, it’ll be a good place to arrest him

Feds are looking into a trip he took to the Bahamas - (he lives in a beach town in Florida - why go to the Bahamas?)

I love it!

I don’t. Now he’s got a tip-off about what investigators are likely to know, which allows him to respond accordingly. If he was unsure, he might continue to lie to investigators in ways that can be used against him. (assuming he’s lying/has lied)

I don’t understand why so many people just can’t STFU.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Still waiting to see this shit bag perp walked.

I love it!

I don’t. Now he’s got a tip-off about what investigators are likely to know, which allows him to respond accordingly. If he was unsure, he might continue to lie to investigators in ways that can be used against him. (assuming he’s lying/has lied)

I don’t understand why so many people just can’t STFU.

Also, that article makes it appear that Greenberg won’t be pleading guilty to child sex trafficking. So, there could be a weird courtroom dynamic where Gaetz is being charged with a crime for which Greenberg (who seems criminally more culpable) didn’t plead guilty.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Greenberg’s lawyer was just answering questions outside the courthouse. He said “I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.”

I love it!
This story is good and a great precursor to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

Is it a crime to pay for someone’s school?

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

$900 went from Gaetz to Greenberg, the next day 3 girls received a total of 900— What a coincidence!

Is it a crime to pay for someone’s school?

If it is, the entire exotic dancer industry is in real trouble.

Word is that Gaetz’s homeboy Joel Greenberg has flipped…

Still waiting to see this shit bag perp walked.

But what about unity?!? You lefties disgust me.