Like clockwork: yet another school shooting

You can almost set your watch to the frequency of these:

These make me sick.

‘No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - The Onion

‘Thoughts and Prayers’, says the NRA - reality

i think things will change when this occurs more often. i think the tipping point is a school shooting every single day in rural areas. when that happens, people might wake the f up when someone they know, or their own kids are shot dead that maybe, just maybe it’s a gun issue. until then, there is always canada :smiley:

Nothing will stop these until some Congressperson’s kid is murdered


SCOTUS would strike down most of the significant gun control measures. Not all, but most. It would take a generation to substantially change the composition of SCOTUS. And, even then, there is no guarantee that the 2A and 14A precedents would be overturned.

Not even sure that will do it. Like the guy who voted against same-sex marriage then days later went to his son’s same-sex wedding.


US Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot in the head. And gun violence continued. More recently, another president was the target of gunfire. And gun violence continued.

Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them each and every time you or they leave and remember: you may never see them alive again.


I’d say it’s most likely to take a generation, but I don’t think it’s out of the question that it could happen quickly. Thomas is 76 and Alito 74. If Harris were to end up being a two-termer (or even one-termer), it could swing to 5-4 pretty quickly. Things can happen quick around that age.

I do think that if Harris wins Sotomayor (70) should retire in her term. If the game is now generational, fight fire with fire, and put someone in their 40’s in her place.

Use hubris against the conservative faction. I don’t see either Thomas nor Alito as the type to step down while healthy out of interest of preserving a conservative majority long-term. They’re both wrapped up in their own mini cults of personality. Like RBG was.

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Maybe when kids who survived Active Shooter Drills in Elementary School become the age to run for office, themselves?

After Sandyhook showed that nothing happens after 20 1st or second graders were murdered, I don’t think anything will change the minds of the monsters that are in charge of this shit.


But unless they also control the Senate, you’ll get another Mitch saying we can’t vote on a SC judge in the last two years of your term.


True…but I’m assuming this time the Democrats show some balls. Maybe not the best assumption.

LOL… Sandyhook, was not the first, or the second… I will go out on a limb and guess it was somehow close to you. It was just another in a long line, this country accepted this and has moved on, it just is what it is.

The days after shootings at other schools always put the rest of us teachers on edge for a while. Well, even more so than normal. It’s exhausting.


Also, find it funny here, the only comments are we gotta ban the guns.

There are tons of other suggestions by both sides. But no one is going to support the others ideas. Personally, show you care, vote FOR the other sides ideas on how to stop this, then if it works great, if not you can say well you were wrong. Personally If they were even close to serious they would be approving parts or all of both sides, but we cant do that.

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Can you explain how implanting solutions that have been shown to work in every other advanced economy in the world, is not being serious?

Because I would think looking at what solutions actually work is evidence of being serious.


I didn’t see anything that suggested we ban guns. Sure, that is an option, but the only suggestion of something was a vague “some sort of gun control”. In that same post it was dismissed because in the current environment any sort of significant or reasonable gun control is not possible. Even things like red flag laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable run into massive resistance. There is a massive spectrum of options between our current situation and ban all guns, but it turns out none of them seem possible.