Like clockwork: yet another school shooting

The phone call Wednesday morning warned there would be shootings at five schools, and that Apalachee would be the first.

I don’t know how many prank calls schools get. I also don’t know what the time gap was between the call and first shots. But that’s gonna get some scrutiny.

I also wonder if this was some kind of pact between 5 boys and maybe only one went through with it.

Or the “5 schools” part could have been a lie, or the call could have been totally unrelated. Though that’d be a hell of a coincidence.

Agree with almost all of that. Minor quibble: I don’t put Alito in the cult of personality category. He strikes me as a true believer in the cause and will fight to the death (perhaps literally) for that cause. He’d like to get personal credit, ala Scalia, but would do it even without personal credit.

You don’t know what you are talking about. Those solutions are being widely implemented nationwide. But shootings that don’t happen don’t make the news.

Just last week, my agency intervened and might have prevented a shooting. I won’t go into details - suffice to say, kid has gun at school, kid has lots of issues, parents uncooperative, kid is charged with felony crimes and removed from school. No school shooting occurs.

This happens every day all over the country. There would be a lot more school shootings if the tactics you say aren’t being used actually weren’t being used.


So where were the good guys with the guns the NRA said would stop this happening?

I visited SCOTUS last week. I was outraged to find that guns are banned in the building and they even make you go through a metal detector. It is almost as though SCOTUS doesn’t think that more guns make you safer.
RIP to the victims.


I have zero doubt that some crimes are being prevented in much the same way security and anti terrorism agencies prevent other atrocities but just the fact that this needs to happen in schools is mad when viewed through the eyes of people from other countries that do not experience (they obviously experience their own issues but this is a pretty unique to the US problem)

Many other countries are having the debate about banning phones for kids in schools…


This is the Congressman who represents the area where the shooting happened

He was asked in 2022 if he favored ANY gun laws including red flag laws. His answer was no, he said God is the answer.

He also claimed that “Biden sent the orders” for the Trump assassination attempt

Nothing. They will do nothing.


This is satire, right? He didn’t actually say this?


If l hear “thoughts and prayers” one more time, l’m gonna throw up.

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Sadly, I think the opposite will happen. The more this occurs, the less likely things will change. It will become routine and run of the mill. If not already.

The time to have made change is when the first event occurred.

I feel like this is already the case. This story barely made the news.

Columbine was talked about for months.

“The father of the mass shooting suspect accused of killing four people at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, told investigators this week he had purchased the gun used in the killings as a holiday present for his son in December 2023, according to two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation.“

Maybe just don’t.

I can’t explain how incredibly fucking nuts the concept of buying a gun as a gift sounds to anyone outside of the US.

“This year, give the gift of violence”.


Now he is charged with 4 counts manslaughter, 2 counts 2nd degree murder and 8 counts of cruelty to children.

May make dads think about getting an “assault type” weapon for their 14 year olds birthday

Dad has been arrested and charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children.

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No matter how grotesque the abnormal becomes normal when normalized over time.

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Add to this the dad bought the gun for a 14 year old with a history of mental illness and after the police investigated the teen for making online threats about shooting up a school.

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That picture is absolutely insane.

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Because you can’t think that a family can have a fun time with the sport of shooting or hunting? It is ok, I am sure that there are activities that that family thinks your family is absolutely insane too.

Should the father of a kid with a potential mental illness and past history threatening people? Hell no! That doesn’t mean that shooting sports can’t be done in a fun and safe manner.

I think shooting sports are fun and can be shared with the family. Training and secure storage are critical. Giving a gun to a 14-year-old with mental illness issues is totally insane. The dad belongs in prison for a very long time.

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