Kristian to pro cycling?

He has the build of a sprinter but says he sees himself as a GC rider targeting winning the T de F. All of the climbers are very slender. Could he change his composition that much?//

Dude, I see your name here posting a lot on these types of threads, you certainly cannot be this ill informed. What the hell does his build have to do with anything, he has shown that he can race from 1 hour to a full ironman distance at the super pointy end of the field. What in his resume says he is anything close to a sprinter? His looks are irrelevant, the clock doesnt care what you look like, it only cares when you cross the line, and I think he has proven he has world class enduranceā€¦

His looks are irrelevant, but his weight isnā€™t if he wants to be a GC rider

You are right, I had a faint memory that that happened at some race and was fooled by Chat GPT. So I stand corrected. When I have time I will check if that happened at any race, because Chat GPT is really bad at that. It kept changing races and repeating itselfā€¦

of course you can check but i am 99 .99 percent sure they where the first males that did the podium sweep

this is becoming an interesting trivia question for me. maybe iā€™ll do the donkeywork later to research this.

how far back do we go? when i was a kid in the 90s, i have to imagine australian men or women could have swept some world cup podiums: bennet, bevan, stewart, macca, robbo, hill, etc, then the emmas, erin densham, lorretta, nicole, etc. and then similarly the american women during that period - barb, shiela, laura, etc.

oh man, this is kind of interesting!

i think world series started 2009
you could start your seach here ā€¦

and please lets end this here .

We are all in speculation mode - so letā€™s hope for the best. In prognostication mode - he might get it done on a one day race, but a stage race doesnā€™t seem like it will suit him. When we look at Wurf, he drives and guys sit on, then overtake. Theyā€™ll do the same to KB. In sprinting situations, van Der Poelā€™s 1500w is going to drop KB like a brick. When JV or Kuss look across the road at KB at the bottom of a climb, I dont know that KB will even be on their radar. Especially if itā€™s stage 17. All-in-all, we just canā€™t see it yet. And when team tactics get involved, KB will have to be told what to do, rather than instincts. And KB versus other teams and coaches with team radios is a mis-match.

This would be a different conversation if KB were 24 or 25, but at 30yo, I have this feeling like heā€™s not going to do well, and then wonā€™t be able to compete at triathlon afterwards and weā€™re really just seeing the end of an athlete. One post was probably far more accurate in stating heā€™s more of an intellectual/ training knowledge acquisition rather than a motor.

Comparing group ITU/WTS riding or IM TTs to a cycling race has far less semblance than most realize. Most may think Evenepoel would beat Ditlev or Laidlow in a TT, but for 180k, with nearly zero turns on course, think again. And vice versa. Theyā€™re not wrong when they say ā€œtwo different sports.ā€

So, Iā€™m with ya on this thought, but just adding to the thread.

this is becoming an interesting trivia question for me. maybe iā€™ll do the donkeywork later to research this.

how far back do we go? when i was a kid in the 90s, i have to imagine australian men or women could have swept some world cup podiums: bennet, bevan, stewart, macca, robbo, hill, etc, then the emmas, erin densham, lorretta, nicole, etc. and then similarly the american women during that period - barb, shiela, laura, etc.

oh man, this is kind of interesting!

i think world series started 2009
you could start your seach here ā€¦

and please lets end this here .
It is hilarious that you are trying to dismiss the history of the sport for anything before the change from a single race World Championship to a multi race World Series Championship. The thing is,there was an World Cup Series running at the same time,just like the one we have now. It was the ITU World Cup Series.
Celebrating 20 years of ITU Triathlon World Cup history Ć¢ā‚¬Ā¢ World Triathlon
World Triathlon Cup - Wikipedia
So ignore history to try and be right in your head if you like,I will continue to appreciate and give full credit to,what the guys and girls did back in the pre World Tri and Olympics eraā€¦
Here is my old mate Brad who did okay at this World Series thing back in the day.
4x ITU World Cup Series Champion
5x F1 Series Champion
1x ITP Series Champion.ā€¦?si=aFLxl3pBMlp-_nfF

We are all in speculation mode - so letā€™s hope for the best. In prognostication mode - he might get it done on a one day race, but a stage race doesnā€™t seem like it will suit him. When we look at Wurf, he drives and guys sit on, then overtake. Theyā€™ll do the same to KB. In sprinting situations, van Der Poelā€™s 1500w is going to drop KB like a brick. When JV or Kuss look across the road at KB at the bottom of a climb, I dont know that KB will even be on their radar. Especially if itā€™s stage 17. All-in-all, we just canā€™t see it yet. And when team tactics get involved, KB will have to be told what to do, rather than instincts. And KB versus other teams and coaches with team radios is a mis-match.

This would be a different conversation if KB were 24 or 25, but at 30yo, I have this feeling like heā€™s not going to do well, and then wonā€™t be able to compete at triathlon afterwards and weā€™re really just seeing the end of an athlete. One post was probably far more accurate in stating heā€™s more of an intellectual/ training knowledge acquisition rather than a motor.

Comparing group ITU/WTS riding or IM TTs to a cycling race has far less semblance than most realize. Most may think Evenepoel would beat Ditlev or Laidlow in a TT, but for 180k, with nearly zero turns on course, think again. And vice versa. Theyā€™re not wrong when they say ā€œtwo different sports.ā€

So, Iā€™m with ya on this thought, but just adding to the thread.

Huh? You think laidlow and ditlev have a chance against remco in a 180k tt?

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

I love Wurf, but he is pack fodder in the WT.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

What would be interesting is how fast Remco can swim? We already knows he can run OK. My estimate is if he can swim 100m no matter how slow, in a year he could be a 1 hrs swimmer + 4 hrs ride + 2:50 run + 5 min transitions, so heā€™s probably a 7:55 guy on a rolling course like Kona. We know Remco runs as part of his cycling training


You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

What would be interesting is how fast Remco can swim? We already knows he can run OK. My estimate is if he can swim 100m no matter how slow, in a year he could be a 1 hrs swimmer + 4 hrs ride + 2:50 run + 5 min transitions, so heā€™s probably a 7:55 guy on a rolling course like Kona. We know Remco runs as part of his cycling training


Using Wurf as an exampleā€¦even though heā€™s not a fantastic swimmer, heā€™s ā€˜adequateā€™ - most likely because he grew up around water & spent a bit of time in it as a kidā€¦ it would indeed by fascinating to see just what Remco could do if he spent a year learning to swim.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

Yeah, good point.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

What would be interesting is how fast Remco can swim? We already knows he can run OK. My estimate is if he can swim 100m no matter how slow, in a year he could be a 1 hrs swimmer + 4 hrs ride + 2:50 run + 5 min transitions, so heā€™s probably a 7:55 guy on a rolling course like Kona. We know Remco runs as part of his cycling training


Using Wurf as an exampleā€¦even though heā€™s not a fantastic swimmer, heā€™s ā€˜adequateā€™ - most likely because he grew up around water & spent a bit of time in it as a kidā€¦ it would indeed by fascinating to see just what Remco could do if he spent a year learning to swim.

What we have, in general, are data points that are all over the place. KB beat Mark Cavendish in a 90k TT when in 70.3 Bahrain, 2019. Is that a data point? Heā€™s generally been even with Wurf in races. What does that show, if anything?

We have no examples of pro tour riders coming across to lay waste to the triathletes. Itā€™s not only bc of the swim and run, but also bc the cycling is way different.

Since IM is a participation sport, the courses are generally accommodating to recreational riders, so an IM bike leg is not a good reference point. KB hasnā€™t needed to practice sprinting, climbing or teamwork, all of which he has (in his timeline) 3 years to perfect. Nor have pro tour riders tried to perfect 4 hr rides at 400w steady, straight and on a tt bike.

I wonder how much of this new endeavor is KB and how much is his coach.

He has the build of a sprinter but says he sees himself as a GC rider targeting winning the T de F. All of the climbers are very slender. Could he change his composition that much?//

Dude, I see your name here posting a lot on these types of threads, you certainly cannot be this ill informed. What the hell does his build have to do with anything, he has shown that he can race from 1 hour to a full ironman distance at the super pointy end of the field. What in his resume says he is anything close to a sprinter? His looks are irrelevant, the clock doesnt care what you look like, it only cares when you cross the line, and I think he has proven he has world class enduranceā€¦

And you canĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t be that naive. Look at the top 20 in the T de F. Every single one is below a very low weight (I am guessing about 65 kg). Look at the podium this year and see how low weight they are. You canĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t drag your arse over the Pyrenees and the Alps and be at the head of the GC for 21 days as big as he is. The bigger guys are the sprinters but he says he is aiming to win the T d F. Massive difference between 8 hours and 21 days.

Froomes winning era he was gaunt.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

What would be interesting is how fast Remco can swim? We already knows he can run OK. My estimate is if he can swim 100m no matter how slow, in a year he could be a 1 hrs swimmer + 4 hrs ride + 2:50 run + 5 min transitions, so heā€™s probably a 7:55 guy on a rolling course like Kona. We know Remco runs as part of his cycling training


Using Wurf as an exampleā€¦even though heā€™s not a fantastic swimmer, heā€™s ā€˜adequateā€™ - most likely because he grew up around water & spent a bit of time in it as a kidā€¦ it would indeed by fascinating to see just what Remco could do if he spent a year learning to swim.

What we have, in general, are data points that are all over the place. KB beat Mark Cavendish in a 90k TT when in 70.3 Bahrain, 2019. Is that a data point? Heā€™s generally been even with Wurf in races. What does that show, if anything?

We have no examples of pro tour riders coming across to lay waste to the triathletes. Itā€™s not only bc of the swim and run, but also bc the cycling is way different.

Since IM is a participation sport, the courses are generally accommodating to recreational riders, so an IM bike leg is not a good reference point. KB hasnā€™t needed to practice sprinting, climbing or teamwork, all of which he has (in his timeline) 3 years to perfect. Nor have pro tour riders tried to perfect 4 hr rides at 400w steady, straight and on a tt bike.

I wonder how much of this new endeavor is KB and how much is his coach.

Who rides 400W for 4 hours as far as triathletes go? KB has most definitely Ć¢ā‚¬ĖœpractisedĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ climbing. He often goes to Sierra Nevada and i think was also going to Morocco for altitude lately. You canĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t go to those places and not climb if you are riding outside.

You are 100% delusional. Remco, Ganna, Tarling et al. would make quick work of Laidlow and Ditlev in a 180 km TT.

Again, you folks donā€™t like numbers, but most logical folks like me do: a triathlete biked just over 51 km in a velodrome, a cyclist bikes almost 57 kmh. That same rider averages the wattage what a guy like Laidlow does for 180 km on any random 5 hour training ride. There is no houdini-magical bs triathlete specialty about biking 4 hours on a TT bike, is an aerobic effort that the guys who are the best riders in the world on a TT bike would do 5-6 kph faster than the best triathletes.

Check out Wurf stats on procycling stats against these guys, do you think he will magically beat 200 guys better than him on a TT bike just by making the TT distance a little longer?

I remember when yā€™all were wearing your little yellow bracelets and would play the whole ā€œI am sorry you donā€™t believe in miraclesā€ cardsā€¦I donā€™t :wink: Blu needs a miracle to win the tour or even place top 80 in a TT against these guys.

You read that correctly. The pro riders donā€™t train for 180k TTs like pro triathletes do. People want to point to the wrong examples when saying the pro riders would dominate triathletes. Triathlon has taken so many steps forward, especially on the bike, that even though Wurf (most peopleā€™s only example) canā€™t ride off the front of an IM anymore.

No one has solid evidence that KB could out-ride an IM field. But does that have any bearing on his ability in the Tour de France? Who knowsā€¦ bc theyā€™re different sports. Hence my comments.

Dudeā€¦ Remco would beat the best Ironman biker over a 180TT by as much as he wanted to.

What would be interesting is how fast Remco can swim? We already knows he can run OK. My estimate is if he can swim 100m no matter how slow, in a year he could be a 1 hrs swimmer + 4 hrs ride + 2:50 run + 5 min transitions, so heā€™s probably a 7:55 guy on a rolling course like Kona. We know Remco runs as part of his cycling training


Using Wurf as an exampleā€¦even though heā€™s not a fantastic swimmer, heā€™s ā€˜adequateā€™ - most likely because he grew up around water & spent a bit of time in it as a kidā€¦ it would indeed by fascinating to see just what Remco could do if he spent a year learning to swim.

What we have, in general, are data points that are all over the place. KB beat Mark Cavendish in a 90k TT when in 70.3 Bahrain, 2019. Is that a data point? Heā€™s generally been even with Wurf in races. What does that show, if anything?

We have no examples of pro tour riders coming across to lay waste to the triathletes. Itā€™s not only bc of the swim and run, but also bc the cycling is way different.

Since IM is a participation sport, the courses are generally accommodating to recreational riders, so an IM bike leg is not a good reference point. KB hasnā€™t needed to practice sprinting, climbing or teamwork, all of which he has (in his timeline) 3 years to perfect. Nor have pro tour riders tried to perfect 4 hr rides at 400w steady, straight and on a tt bike.

I wonder how much of this new endeavor is KB and how much is his coach.

Who rides 400W for 4 hours as far as triathletes go? KB has most definitely Ć¢ā‚¬ĖœpractisedĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ climbing. He often goes to Sierra Nevada and i think was also going to Morocco for altitude lately. You canĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t go to those places and not climb if you are riding outside.

IĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢d imagine Ditlev is close to that if his reported FTP of 500ish is correct.

This is not true. He recorded 500 W over 20 minutes. Again, something Ganna can do in a much more aggressive position and thus will always be moving faster on the road.

Had me until the yellow bracelet part. Cycling has never been more doped than it is now. Keep believing in miracles.

That same rider averages the wattage what a guy like Laidlow does for 180 km//

You do realize the numbers you are comparing to are likely close to hard training days too? I mean they race a 2 1/2 mile swim first, then have to conserve for a 2;40 or so marathon after. So we really dont know what power they would do in a flat out TT for that distance. We just know it would be considerably faster than the 4 hour or less times they are doing in the actual racesā€¦