JD Vance

Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

Didn’t Kamala imply Biden was a racist prior to dropping out of Presidential race then joining the ticket?

Well even taking those two statements as completely true, you actually think they’re comparable condemnations?

Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

Didn’t Kamala imply Biden was a racist prior to dropping out of Presidential race then joining the ticket?

I would have to go back and check but I’m certain she trash talked Biden during the primaries

Good idea. Please post side by side quotes of the worst things K Harris has said about Biden and JD Vance has said about Trump. Let’s make this an open and honest discussion, and avoid the gaslighting. Thanks.

Definitely the same as comparing Trump to Hitler: https://www.yahoo.com/news/harris-confrontation-with-biden-a-defining-moment-for-first-debates-090000956.html?guccounter=1

Reposting, just because:


Do you believe Trump is America’s Hitler?

Do you believe Trump is America’s Hitler?

Better question: was Vance lying then, or is he lying now?

Not sure what he brings to the ticket that didn’t already exist.

He brings exactly that: full-blown Trump all the way, now and forever.

Someone who won’t have to be threatened with a hanging to do the right thing"

If there were doubts whether Trump would endorse Project 2025 - picking Vance those doubts are squashed.

Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

Didn’t Kamala imply Biden was a racist prior to dropping out of Presidential race then joining the ticket?

No, but that was the bad faith spin the MAGA crowd put on her comments at the debate.

Kamala Harris did not call Joe Biden a racist on the debate stage | AP News

Do you believe Trump is America’s Hitler?

Time will tell, but if Trump wins he’s going to hit the ground running (unlike 2016) . . . if he does what he says he’s going to do, and if if he follows Project 2025 game plan - then Yes.

So more seriously, does JD add any value to the ticket?

White dude from a trumplandia state who is more anti-abortion then trump and owned by a billionaire.

Not sure what he brings to the ticket that didn’t already exist.

He allows Trump to moderate.

So more seriously, does JD add any value to the ticket?

White dude from a trumplandia state who is more anti-abortion then trump and owned by a billionaire.

Not sure what he brings to the ticket that didn’t already exist.

He allows Trump to moderate.

That’s a smart take.

lol. Nikki Haley’s son twitted “Tim scott calls off wedding.”


Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

I guess he came up poor and overcame a lot of adversity to get where he is today. It leaves me to wonder what makes a person over come that adversity and have affinity for the down trodden vs a feeling of “I did it, if you cannot that is your problem” Apparently he got baptized as a Catholic in 2019 so probably not an Ayn Rand type objectivist. I don’t really know too much about him. He is very much opposed to abortion maybe makes it harder for Trump to soft pedal that? I think Trump is feeling quite confident but when was he ever not?

So more seriously, does JD add any value to the ticket?

White dude from a trumplandia state who is more anti-abortion then trump and owned by a billionaire.

Not sure what he brings to the ticket that didn’t already exist.

Presumably Locks up OH and gives Trump a nod in the other big mid-West states he lost. He’s young and more than willing to do the lords’ bidding.

Do you believe Trump is America’s Hitler?

You’re not very good at this, are you?

Am I the one who said it, and who is now Trump’s VP pick? Is “you’re Hitler” comparable to “you’re racist”?

Delta aspirant.

I found this post in a 2016 thread, I believe the first on Vance.

I think he nailed it on many of his points, but the ones that resonated with me were:

Judging by the current political conversation, no: Americans are not capable of hearing that anymore. I was speaking with a friend the other night, and I made the point that the meta-narrative of the 2016 election is learned helplessness as a political value. We’re no longer a country that believes in human agency, and as a formerly poor person, I find it incredibly insulting. To hear Trump or Clinton talk about the poor, one would draw the conclusion that they have no power to affect their own lives. Things have been done to them, from bad trade deals to Chinese labor competition, and they need help. And without that help, they’re doomed to lives of misery they didn’t choose.

Obviously, the idea that there aren’t structural barriers facing both the white and black poor is ridiculous. Mamaw recognized that our lives were harder than rich white people, but she always tempered her recognition of the barriers with a hard-noses willfulness: “never be like those a–holes who think the deck is stacked against them.” In hindsight, she was this incredibly perceptive woman. She recognized the message my environment had for me, and she actively fought against it.

Interestingly, both in my conversations with poor blacks and whites, there’s a recognition of the role of better choices in addressing these problems. The refusal to talk about individual agency is in some ways a consequence of a very detached elite, one too afraid to judge and consequently too handicapped to really understand. At the same time, poor people don’t like to be judged, and a little bit of recognition that life has been unfair to them goes a long way. Since Hillbilly Elegy came out, I’ve gotten so many messages along the lines of: “Thank you for being sympathetic but also honest.”
I think that’s the only way to have this conversation and to make the necessary changes: sympathy and honesty. It’s not easy, especially in our politically polarized world, to recognize both the structural and the cultural barriers that so many poor kids face. But I think that if you don’t recognize both, you risk being heartless or condescending, and often both.

My biggest fear with Trump is that, because of the failures of the Republican and Democratic elites, the bar for the white working class is too low. They’re willing to listen to Trump about rapist immigrants and banning all Muslims because other parts of his message are clearly legitimate. A lot of people think Trump is just the first to appeal to the racism and xenophobia that were already there, but I think he’s making the problem worse

“Trump: Tribune of Poor White People”: Lavender Room: Slowtwitch Forums

It’s hard to want to invest the time in reading his source material having seen him metastasize into yet another cancerous Trump node, but I suppose it’s worth the effort since he’s now poised to lead the MAGA movement after Trump.

((spoiler alert for post #9: I never read the book)

I like that post. :wink:

JD used be a reasonable dude. I even liked him then and his book. He’s from a region of Ohio that my grandmother, aunt and cousins live(d) so the challenges he brought forth in that book resonated with me as two of my cousins fell into some of the paths he talked about in the book.

Then he became an eyeliner wearing, trump ring kissing fuckstick bought and sold by Thiel.

Well if JD Vance can call Trump Hitler and get selected to be his VP, it is going to seem a bit silly to get mad when the Dems do it.


Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

maybe that’s the way to get on the ticket, after all Kamala called Biden a racist or have you forgotten.

Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

maybe that’s the way to get on the ticket, after all Kamala called Biden a racist or have you forgotten.

Never happened. Scroll up just one thumb flick.

Vance has trash talked Trump in the past more so than plenty of GOPers. “Could be America’s Hitler” is I think one of his.

Then reversed course as Trump became increasingly popular and Trump’s bandwagon looked increasingly popular. He’s even tried to make a virtue out of his expediency.

Who needs principles or ethics? Kissing a ring is so much easier.

maybe that’s the way to get on the ticket, after all **Kamala called Biden a racist **or have you forgotten.

No, she did not.
Harris Hasn’t Called Biden a ‘Racist’ or a ‘Rapist’ - FactCheck.org

In the interest of unity please do not post lies from the MAGA echo chamber.

This guy?


Yep, that guy–the one claiming that women staying in violent marriages is better for kids than divorce.

Should pair nicely with the recent Roe reversal.
