JD Vance

It’s probably only a matter of time before he’s screaming “■■■■ you, Harris, you dirty c***!”

It’s not against LR rules to say couch.

It’s probably only a matter of time before he’s screaming “■■■■ you, Harris, you dirty c***!”

It’s not against LR rules to say couch.

I think you win internets today. :slight_smile:

I won’t try to paraphrase this. JD saying JD things as only JD can.


He is smooth like butter

“Semper Fi, guys!”


It’s probably only a matter of time before he’s screaming “■■■■ you, Harris, you dirty c***!”

It’s not against LR rules to say couch.

Bravo. I award you unlimited Windy points

Aides Beg J.D. Vance To Stop Carrying Model Of Woman’s Pelvis While Meeting Voters

It’s probably only a matter of time before he’s screaming “■■■■ you, Harris, you dirty c***!”

It’s not against LR rules to say couch.

Bravo. I award you unlimited Windy points

Thanks but those Windy points are probably worth less than tickets to a Bears or Cubs game.

Vance just admitted he made up the pet stories in Springfield. I wonder how the residents of Ohio think about their Senator.


That POS JD will refuse to apologize no matter what. It’s actually somewhat remarkable. He and Dump have politicized the death of a child and the kid’s dad has come out forcefully against them and essentially demanded an apology, but we’ll likely never hear one. The lows that JD will go to are evidence of how Dump brings out the absolute worst in (some) people. It seems like there’s no end in sight.

I think the hope was he’d be a credible-seeming advocate for the white working class, a key Trump demographic. Trouble is that doesn’t help them appeal to swing state moderates.

Also though he should have some credibility with his book and upbringing, I think he’s struggling even at his main strength. He comes off as more Yale and elite than someone who could walk down Main Street Appalachia and connect with people.

He comes off primarily to me, as someone who is woefully unprepared for the national stage. Uncertain about what his image or message is supposed to be. Awkward, combative, hard to pin down because he’s constantly shifting, pretty much all the things you don’t want in a national political leader. I don’t know how he’s perceived as bringing anything positive to the Trump campaign, but I’ve long since come to the realization that I’m never going to really understand the calculus that goes on within that movement.

I suppose that’s probably actually a good sign, personally.

Trump has said the immigrants have destroyed Springfield. Who has actually done more damage, Vance or the immigrants?




It’s a bad sound bite, but I read his comments as saying that he was “creating” in terms of rasising or giving voice to the issue where nobody was paying attention to it. I.e. creating awareness of what’s his constituents are telling him.

I’d agree with you except there doesn’t appear to be any real story or evidence to back Vances’s created story. So I’m inclined to believe either he made it up, or he heard it from a sketchy source and believed it and spread it. Either way it’s not an activity a VP should be engaged in.

Rich Lowry, Editor of National Review, seems to suggest only two calls have been reported about missing animals and both are involving geese, and no one gives a shit about geese.

Those Haitian…migrants?…might be doing Springfield a favor.


On a related note, I remember a Hispanic lawn maintenance worker fired by the City of North Charleston for taking a goose from one of the city ponds. The reaction was similar: who gives a shit about geese.

Look, it only matters when it’s a Haitian. Legally in the US.

It’s almost like Trump insisting that he didn’t call Tim Cook, Tim Apple.

Sure Rich, I believe you…

“Yep, this is exactly what happened — I began to mispronounce the word ‘migrants’ and caught myself halfway through,” he explained of himself afterwards on X (formerly Twitter).

I didn’t say the N word

Oh, for sure, it’s messed up. I just don’t think, in Vance’s mind, that he was cofessing to making the story up from whole cloth. I think he meant that he was shedding light on a story that “the media” wouldn’t cover. Whether he actually believes the words coming out of his mouth is a separate issue.