Israel exploding Hezbollah's handhelds?

Could being the key word there.

Do you really think Hezbollah handed the pagers out to randos on the street. Come on man, you’re trying to hard.

We are all talking past each other. What are you guys arguing? The legitimacy of the op or the risk of injuring civilians? As it has been mentioned numerous times, Hezbollah supplied the pagers to their militants, not to civilians. Risk of injuring civilians is hard to quantify specially since any casualty numbers will be provided by a terrorist organization, but again, Hezbollah has deliberately targeted Israeli civilians for decades now, whether the woke/radical lefties agree or not, I don’t see IDF shutting down a counter terrorism op due to a 10% risk for example when is open season 365 days per year on all Israeli civilians.

Kinda sucks being falsely labeled a “Hamas Supporter” doesn’t it Windy?

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Not math. Do you really think he would have passed on the chance to accuse Israel of blowing up innocents if they had? Take what he said at face value. They were in the hand’s of his operatives.

BTW, I’m not defending either side, just pointing out that claiming that civilians were directly targeted, and several did above, is not the case.

Harken back to your navy days in the cold war and let us begin a mind exercise.

The Navy buys a 1000 super secret decoder ring pagers from a known supplier.

The Navy hands you and 999 of your shipmates a pager and says keep this on you at all times in case we need to contact you and put to sea immediately to fight the Soviets. Have a great shore leave and remember about the beeper. What do you think would have happened?

This whole indiscriminate targeting or not exactly “knowing” who would have possession of the pager is at best specious if one is being kind.

As we learn more information on the distribution of pagers, things are tilting toward a more reasonable action by Israel. I would say my only issue on this is it seems like Hezbollah has been trying to deescalate the conflict while Israel keeps racething both actions and words. So even if this was a highly precise action with minimal civilian casualties, was it a good course of action?

The Trans-Siberian gas pipeline explosion might be a better example as it actually happened. The US caused it by inserting a bug into the control software. It was approved by Reagan. The big difference is it happened in the middle of nowhere. Nobody died but it certainly hastened the downfall of the USSR.

Again, the fact that he didn’t say it happened doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened. Widely reported that two of the deaths were 11 and 8 year old kids.

Once the beepers, walkie talkies, and other devices left the hands of whoever rigged them, they were no longer under any kind of positive control. Like I said earlier, it then becomes a calculation about how likely those devices are to be available to or in proximity to people you didn’t intend to target.

I’m not saying the risk might not have been worth it, but it’s decidedly false to claim it couldn’t happen.

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I am happy with this news. that is all.


Yes, it appears that way but for decades we have been told how advanced the Israeli intelligence are and that no one messes with them. It was a colossal failure and I haven’t been following if there are any repercussions within their intelligence agency but in my mind, they are not nearly as invulnerable as I thought.

Perhaps you are.

But, l follow a different philosophy, one that does not celebrate the death and disfigurement of even my enemies. Especially the soldiers and the small fry. Or my enemies’ children.

I also believe that evil people are fundamentally stupid. So, if one uses one’s patience and wits, evil people are easy to defeat and outsmart. Without blinding them in both eyes, or blowing off their hands.

Kind of like our clearly crazy founding fathers: they were passionately against “cruel and unusual” punishment. Even for murderers.

Brilliant strategy. We should preach your hippy-happy warfare tactics to our brave Ukrainian brothers and sisters: “Hey folks just sit tight, no need to defend yourselves and attack Russia, just seat tight because if we use patience and wits, evil people are easy to defeat and outsmart”.

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Nope, wrong in all ways. Because the Ukrainians ARE using their wits to outsmart their far bigger (but stupid) enemy. And the Ukrainians are also (on the whole) treating their captured russians POWs with some modicum of decency. But the Russians are doing no such thing because, just like terrorists, they are cruel and savage. And collateral damage? The russian military clearly has no such concerns when they attack Ukraine.

I never thought of our founding fathers as “hippy-happy” folks! :rofl:

And still avoiding my other question about your made up and woke sources, eh?

Airlines are becoming more lax with cellphone’s, doesn’t this worry anyone? I’ve seen a battery fire from an ebike online in a home, and it’s pretty nuts how it’s happened so fast. No added explosives needed.

Btw that Israel did this, 2kids killed. As with the many in Gaza. But because they are high tech killings, no need to sanction them like another country using crude weapons to kill?

It clearly wasn’t crude nor indiscriminate. The terrorists leaders have stated it was targeted and specific. Obviously not knowing who is around an individual when it happens is a risk, but it is not remotely the same as shelling a school, hospital or apartment building because someone may be in the basement.

Objections to Israel’s approach in Gaza are devalued when arguing that out of >1000 specifically targeted individuals, all members of a known terrorist organisation there was collateral damage and unfortunate deaths

Don’t kid yourself: the founding fathers of the USA waged guerrilla war tactics (of the time) on the British. It’s how we won.

So my super-lefty, woke-AF perspective: Targeting, blinding and incapacitating one’s enemies instantly stops them from prosecuting an attack. BONUS: disrupting comms prevents a quick response. It could save lives on one’s side.

The targeted attack on the terrorist group Hezbollah was tactically effective in disrupting comms and strategically brilliant (at least for now) in making them fearful of low-level tech and everyday household items.

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It all looks great through a smartphone from Starbucks. I encourage you to have a frank conservation with anyone from the Ukraine about the horrors themselves, friend and relatives have gone through since February 2022 and the sacrifices they have made so far fighting for their freedom. War is messy.

We can at least agree that Ukrainians are outsmarting a bigger and dumber enemy, but you are completely delusional about the cost and sacrifice that this is requiring. e.g. you sit and wait, and the russians murder and rape all your civilians while turning cities and villages into rubble. I don’t really think we can have an intelligent conversation if you think “patience” is as reasonable warfare strategy to “defeat and outsmart” a warfare. Plenty of videos showing the horrors of Ukrainian troops storming trenches with few grenades.

And you are so wrong about “evil people are fundamentally stupid” some are, but plenty aren’t. I just don’t have “patience” myself to continue this argument =oP (hint: did we ever catch Jack the Ripper"?)

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I never ever said, “sit and wait”. I just said, use wits and patience. Also, if it helps, I speak to Ukrainians and argue with russians (russians presently living in russia) on a regular basis. So I have no delusions at all about what is happening. That is why I despise republicans (seems like most, if not all, trump supporters) who say we should basically just abandon Ukraine.

Since this is clearly an area of interest for you, you ever see this? Full film (for free) is here. Trailer below:

ps. I don’t go into starbucks. Ever.

It’s not “the Ukraine.”

Were irgun and haganah terrorists in your view