Israel exploding Hezbollah's handhelds?

I am not so worried about hysteria.

But, based on what I have seen so far, the actual number of very bad people that are injured or dead are very few. And the actual number of savagely injured regular schmoes and innocents just trying to live and survive in a highly flawed country is very very high.

But Israel (based on their behavior in Gaza and other places) doesn’t give a flying f*ck about this distinction. It is kind of like putting the blame of all of the ills of US foreign policy on the backs of the people that were working in the high powered businesses in the twin towers on Sept 11. Sure, you can try to do that, but it is meaningless and indsicriminate.

I was on a long drive yesterday and can’t remember if it was a BBC or NPR discussion, but it was mentioned that how the devices got from manufacturer to delivery to recipients was not so clear cut.

The point was that hezbollah/hamas/ and similar orgs often procure their equipment through murky indirect channels - and sometimes getting hold of stuff never intended for them. It’s not like the clarity of tracking the supply chain of tainted meat from farm to processing plant to supermarket to consuming public.

Makes the fact that Israel (despite no comment from them being involved, right) were able to get into the supply chain and pull this off, quite impressive.

Don’t disagree, but it’s easy to be woke and righteous when we don’t have any skin in the game. Israelis civilians have been targeted by terrorist neighbours for decades. Yet, IDF seems to be under constant scrutiny and pressure to the point that it looks like political gaslighting and pressure to sit back and not attack. That was the whole point of the terror tunnels/human shields strategy. And of course, thousands of woke useful idiots in the western world have been brainwashed to support terrorism (interesting times).

These folks had over 1,200 of their civilians raped, burned alive, tortured for months. How would you feel if your sister or daughter would have been murdered, raped and her body paraded through “civilians” celebrating and spitting? Not implying they should behave like their neighbour animals and do the same, but I am certain your tolerance for collateral damage might be a bit different than it is today.

Collateral damage is always tragic and biggest horror of war, in my view, but Israel has the right to defend themselves.

On a separate note, read some reports that solar panels are exploding today. Curious to see what other appliances these idiots purchased from the Mossad. Mark my words, this counterterrorism op ain’t over yet.

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that i agree to. but that’s not what you wrote. while iran-aligned terrorist groups want to eliminate (your word) israel, israel has never vowed to eliminate a corresponding existent state. your words would have more power if they were used to state your thesis accurately.

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Not sure how credible any of your info is if you get it all from “secret” woke sources that you refuse to reveal …

Some might call them useful idiots and mouthpieces for terrorist organizations.

I have a hard time thinking this is indiscriminate.

Hezbollah bought a bunch of pagers to communicate. The terrorists were told to keep them close to await a message from leadership.
Message came from Israel instead

The fact these were pagers purchased by Hezbollah for internal communications is key to this NOT being indiscriminate.

An imperfect analogy

If Dan ordered a bunch of LR For-Evah hats with instructions you have to wear them to be eligible for the grand prize, handed them out at a race check in, and then blew them up a few hours later, there’s a good chance the intended targets would be the ones injured with a small chance of collateral damage.

I’m still waiting for an explanation of how my mind is polluted by thr BBC and I don’t support Israel as a consequence.

Was that conduct illegal? If not, then no, it isn’t terrorism.

Do we need a reference to report that hostility exists among the parties such that they are in a state of war and not at peace? That reports from either side might not be factually accurate is a given when at war? That independent observation of events is restricted, manipulated, steered and managed such that their statistics are suspect? The righting of wrongs here is by hostile kinetic action and not diplomacy. Innocents are being killed. Right and wrong sorting happens after shit stops blowing up.

You seem confused: whether something falls into the criminal code or not is separate from terrorism and I would think it varies from country to country. Don’t think killing Jews is punished under Palestine laws. However, responding to your particular example, yes, harassment fall under the Criminal Code in Canada:

Pretty sure it would be similar in the USA.

There seem to be a not insignificant number of israelis that have a problem with government approach. Netanyahu, gvir and smotrich do not speak for all israelis.

Not sure what you are asking, but I think that, no, we do not. But Mr Engner66 made quite a wild claim that, very conveniently, he refuses to provide any evidence for. It is this evidence that I would like to see.

(That said, usually when this happens, the claim is of course totally made up.)

You are free to think whatever you want, not here to prove anything to anyone. This is the internet, not Judge Judy’s court. If you still think “terrorism” has a different definition and that IDF is targeting civilians instead of this being a counter terrorism move, by all means, keep believing. I think you have been brainwashed by Iran’s propaganda. It’s kind of silly that “internet judges” like yourself expect to get sworn testimony or affidavits through an internet forum =oP

This is certainly true. And criticism towards Netanyahu goes both ways. I personally know of Israelis that criticize him for not doing enough to bring the hostages back and others criticize him for trying to negotiate with terrorists and being “soft” on their enemies due to political pressure.

Not sure who you are replying to. But, fyi, I am not looking for any affidavits. I am just asking for how/where you learned a certain thing (as previously explained above).

Heck, if you could share this, I might even be convinced by your arguments. Unless, of course, you just made it up.

If the “string” attached to that can has a spark moving towards you…

This operation is incredibly impressive. The pagers, the walkie talkies, this is james bond level shit.

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I’m not confused. Terrorism is generally defined as illegal conduct. The fact that you’re citing Canadian criminal code would seem to make that fairly obvious, although what you cited is “criminal harassment” not terrorism.

Canadas criminal code very much defines terrorism in terms of committing acts which are offenses under Canadian law or other international law or convention.

The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, is not claiming that the devices were in anyone but Hezbollah’s operatives hands..

What he is saying is that innocent civilians were near the operatives with the pagers and the explosions put them at risk.

So, the people that are saying that anyone could have had the electronic devices are incorrect, right from the head guys mouth.

Your a + b = c isn’t adding up. He’s not saying specifically that someone other than Hizb’allah personnel had pagers. That doesn’t mean that no one else did. And even if no one else did, that doesn’t mean no one else could have.

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