Israel exploding Hezbollah's handhelds?


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: “simultaneous targeting of thousands of individuals, whether civilians or members of armed groups, without knowledge as to who was in possession of the targeted devices, their location and their surroundings at the time of the attack, violates international human rights law and, to the extent applicable, international humanitarian law.”

Even if they were sure that the devices were being held by Hezbollah at that moment, just like Hamas, not everyone in Hezbollah is engaged in military activities…they are a recognized political party in Lebanon and run hospitals and schools. The radios were issued to people with tasks that included directing traffic.

While I’d agree with the point that the civilian casualty ratio is probably not as high as Gaza (an extremely low bar), it still likely falls well below the standard of what the broad international community should and does consider acceptable, and I don’t think raising objections devalues the ongoing objections to what is going on with Gaza.

Israel’s goal is to broaden the war and provoke Iran/Hezbollah to respond, and it’s pretty certain that is exactly what they will achieve.

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Did he happen to mention his position on firing unguided rockets from Lebanon?

Israel has shown their technical superiority, they have elevated the targeted killing of Palestinians to an art form. I am all for eliminating Hamas, and the various other groups, but the lack of plan beyond killing lots of bad guys is a concern. Bibi, and Israel, have shown zero indication that they have any long-term plan.

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This guy clearly has some serious skin in the game.

and yet …

Father of American hostage held by Hamas says Lebanon attacks treat ‘agony with more agony’

The long term plan is the total elimination of Palestine and it’s replacement with a Jewish state, preferably with as few Arabs/Muslims/Christians as possible.

I don’t disagree despite him being in America and not facing any daily rocket threats. Oct 7th could generate more violence in the distant future. Unfortunately, these terrorists (unlike more rationale countries such as Jordan) have zero interest in any kind of reasonable conflict resolution unless it involves the extermination of all Israelis. Let’s not forget that many folks believe the attack occurred as Israel was about to reach an agreement with Saudi Arabia. Non-retaliating for the Oct 7th would have empowered the terrorists, kept all of their 24 battalions active and armed and would have caused them to receive more attacks. So caught between rock and hard place. After the abysmal security and intelligence fiasco of not being able to detect the Oct 7th attack, I think Israel has the right choice by going after Hamas and Hezbolla, mistakes are still being made but the overall strategy seems like their only option.

I hadn’t seen that Mossad operated the pager manufacturer. That is a long game.

Since I brought the word indiscriminate into the conversation, I will clarify that how I meant it was there is no chain of custody.

I don’t think that can be argued.

(post deleted by author)

What would the number considered acceptable be?

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I agree, they have to go after the terrorists…but can you explain what the overall strategy you refer to is? There does not appear to be one.

“You see the sophistication of the technological minds of Israel and the total failure of the political leadership to carry out any moves of consequence,”

Ehud Olmert, former Israeli prime minister.

Like any war, strategy is fluid, but the way I see it their short term main strategy is to dismantle hamas and hezbollah, try to rescue the hostages although this unfortunately seems harder and harder everyday. Maybe be this could buy them a few years of stability despite Iran arming everyone in the area.

We are coming up on the one-year anniversary. We are long past the “short term” phase.

The reality is Bibi has no plan.

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Correct, it’s getting harder and harder every day because the current moronic, corrupt, and unhinged leaders of Israel are doing things daily to deeply entrench old enemies and to also create new enemies by the millions.

Good luck with that.

Holy crapola; that is a long game indeed.

They’re not a recognised political party outside the Lebanon

Sinn Fein was separate from the IRA, no such distinction with hzbolla

Their plan actually IS to create new enemies. It’s the only thing keeping Netanyahu in power.

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So why was he trying to work on a deal with Saudi Arabia just before Oct 7th? He is not looking for chaos, his neigbours are. Also, if he is removed from power, who should succeed him? Y’all repeat the same antisemitic left wing critical rhetoric, yet never provide a reasonable argument for a solution.