Israel exploding Hezbollah's handhelds?

Maybe we should ask Windy about that. A very strong majority of revolutionary guards are ideologically aligned with the Iranian regime. This issue has been seriously considered when designating the organization a terrorist one. I would think that almost every former member of the guard who has located in a Western country would say, “It wasn’t may choice I didn’t agree with the organization”

I could very well have an okay relationship with such a person but would be wary esp if I was an intelligence organization.

When I went to undergrad 35 years ago half the students in our chemistry dept were from Iran They failed their exams every year so they had to repeat the year. When they successfully completed their degrees it was off to war against Iraq. We are lucky to live where we do

You can’t think of anyway to avoid the possibility of civilian casualties than rigging hundreds or thousands of pagers and then having no control over where they go or who has them when you detonate them? You can’t imagine any possible way to target Hizb’allah that might manage collateral damage better, except for not attacking at all?

I’d suggest you need some serious work on your imagination.

For the amount of damage done vs the collateral damage done my imagination cannot come up with much better. This was a massive blow to Hezbollah. Yes they could have taken out a few guys by sniper attack etc. But more than that a bomb for instance there always seems to be much collateral damage.

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Well yeah, that’s always the question. Is the amount of collateral damage worth it to get the amount of intended legitimate damage or casualties? That’s the whole point.

If we wanted to kill every single Hamas operative in Gaza, we could nuke it. For the amount of damage done, it’s hard to imagine a way with less collateral damage. But really obviously that’s not an acceptable solution.

That’s the whole crux of the questions people have had about Israel’s conduct of this conflict. Have they been making a good faith effort to manage those calculations or have they been relying on US sympathy to give them more rope to respond however they wanted?

So you think known collateral damage going in is the better targeting option?

BBC couldn’t interview any people at the hospital because they were Hezbollah

Is he currently working for them? If not then no I wouldn’t support him being targeted

BBC is as reliable as Al Jazeera or UN in this conflict.

So what’s the better option that still results in a significant degradation of Hezbollah communications while simultaneously rendering their militants combat ineffective?

Um care to expand in that? I find the BBC to be quite reliable and objective when reporting news.

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That’s like asking if Fox is pro Trump/MAGA They constantly repeat the terrorists rethoric without any scrutiny, bring experts that are clearly criticizing Israel with a heavy bias, they were one of the first ones to grill Israel over the “hospital attack” and never stood corrected after it was clearly demonstrated that it was a terrorist rocket that misfired into the hospital’s parking lot, etc. just read the comments on YT whenever BBC releases a video of the terrorists dealing with a setback. If you can’t see the bias…it’s because you are biased too.

BBC Australia seems to be very anti woke/lefty, which amuses but would prefer it a bit more objective.

To be clear, you are accusing me, Windy, of selecting an extremely left biased news source as one of my main and trusted news sources?

And consequently I, windy, am biased against Israel?

He’s not been here long enough :rofl:

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this, its possible to be a supporter of the state of israel but not its currently leadership

its possible to view its right to exist and the idea of a palestinian state

its possible that Gvir and Smotrich are genuinely no better in their beliefs than the worst of the other side; inciting racial hatred and a deep xenophobia

being critical of Israels approach does not make one antisemitic any more than being pro-isreal makes one an islamophobe however there are critics of israel who are antisemitic and pro-israelis who are islamophobic

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Speaking of reliable sources of information, can you share your source on the bolded/capitalized info?

Why do you even ask if you are going to ignore anything I will provide? Whatever you folks read from hamas/UN or radical left news sources you accept it as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Anything that does not align with the terrorist’s agenda is immediately tagged as “zionist propaganda” or whatever nonsense term you folks like to use.

Seems as if you did not even know what the definition of terrorism was a few posts ago, so maybe you should do a bit more reading before probing others views?. So that we are clear: for example, college students harassing and intimidating Jewish college students on campus is considered terrorism. These kids are active terrorists. It ain’t all about partying with C4 and blowing up dozens of civilians.


You are missing the fact that he would have had to have had a pager procured through a terrorist organizations supply chain. If you formally were in the Revolutionary Guard and also had a terrorist organizations pager, you probably are a terrorist.

So, to summarize then, you are not willing to provide your reliable source?

Ok, yeah, that’s the ticket.

Baseless accusations of supporting terrorism should not be tolerated on this forum. I hope the mods will take appropriate action.

Objecting to Israel killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, a large percentage of them being women and children, is not supporting terrorism. Indeed, it’s opposing terrorism.

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I have t gone back and read how this thread unfolded, but I think I understand your point of view.

Dan described (I think Dan) this a precise attack. And it kind of is. But it’s also indiscriminate. When the device is detonated there is no way to know if it is in the hands of a child or noncombatant. Further, I am sure it has created a hysteria for everyone there. We were afraid of more attacks after 9/11 so we shut down all air traffic for several days (is that right? Was it just a day?). Can you imagine the fear that everyone there is facing right now?

The point of view that there is always collateral damage and that this type of attack might actually be fairly effective at preventing collateral damage should also be considered. I suppose what I think is there are some psychological similarities between this attack and terrorism. But it is not the same.