Is it time yet to acknowledge the bear in the room?

Or is this just more fake news and DEEP STATE BS?

An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.

between this and the deepfake Kamala accident guy in the other post, Putin’s been a very busy boy.

This is very likely just the beginning.

MAGAs like our friend in this room will still not acknowledge that they are reading and spreading Russian propaganda. Even if it’s not coming from Russia, channels like Fox are giving him the same bullshit because they know that that is what he wants to hear/read.

And I haven’t checked but I will guess that Fox isn’t covering this story.

I expect more charges and more people to flip.

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It is not just Tyler who parrots Russian talking points but JD Vance, and many in the GOP, spew many of the same lies.

J.D. Vance talking points ‘mirror’ Russian propaganda in DOJ indictment: ex-FBI agent (

Not surprising that the trolls that were being paid by Russia have close connections with the rest of the right-wing grifter economy. Tucker Carlson, The National Review, The Daily Caller, Turning Point, Newsmax, etc.

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That was pretty much my point.

Who can keep track of all this stuff? An aide to last two governors of New York State was working for the Chinese. The Chinese are deeply embedded in Canadian electoral politics.

The U.S. Justice Department doesn’t allege any wrongdoing by the influencers, some of whom it says were given false information about the source of the company’s funding. From the article.

And just like that we have our first “Whattabout” response. :roll_eyes:

Republican Congressmen have been promoting Russian propaganda
GOP Rep. Mike Turner: Russian propaganda is ‘being uttered on the House floor’ (

Right wing media has been promoting Russian propaganda
The US Right-Wing Media Embrace Russia’s Far-Right Ideologue | Wilson Center

The leader of the GOP regularly promotes Russian propaganda.
Trump retweets Russian propaganda about Biden that US intel agencies say is intended to influence 2020 election | CNN Politics
How Trump and His Crew Boost Putin’s Disinformation – Mother Jones

Why do you think Russia found so many “Useful idiots” in the GOP?

Though I don’t understand why the Russians used RT and unregistered Russian citizens agents when there are so many Americans eager to spread the stuff for free. Which is totally legal.

Of course ironically (but not really) the indictment example of one of the videos they were trying to spread was Tucker Carlson walking through a Russian supermarket gushing over how much better it was than America. Which Tucker promotes legally. They’ve got a free network ranging from Tucker to footsoldiers like Tyler. Why use the illegal route?

you and Blep posting back and forth on this is priceless. Neither of you has an actual dog in this November fight. He’s just honest enough to admit it.

I haven’t said a word about politics in this room since the format changed. Either keep my name out of your mouth or don’t be a coward who hides under his desk and uses it with others.

Shall we go through your posting history and find instances of your comments that align with the bullet points below?


your position on Democrats/Biden was that Democrats ignored the obvious signs that Biden was in decline until it became a political liability. And the problem you had with that is your belief that Biden’s diminished capacity was a threat to the national interest (in a very broad sense). I would argue that. But I don’t think you are out of bounds with that line of thinking.

Can you meet me halfway? Trump is running as a populist. His policies are shaped by the populism. So it is very much a problem that the populism is being informed by our country’s enemy, Russia. There is direct and indisputable evidence of this. How do you reconcile this?

It is a farce that the party of Reagan is acting in this manner.

I’m trying to follow Dan’s instructions on how to contribute to the forum. So if you don’t want to answer, how’s life going? I’m tired of living in Houston, personally. I can live with the heat and humidity, but not the power outages…

You are kidding, right??

Reagan and his minions directly subverted the constitution and the rule of law. You ever hear about Iran-Contra? And about US contracted pilots taking arms to central America and bringing back planeloads of drugs? With not a peep from the DEA ?

I believe the point was that Reagan’s populism placed U.S. nationalism as a patriotically superior force to oppose the inferior economic and cultural forces from the Soviet Union/Russia.

Tucker Carlson et al, want us to believe that now Russia is culturally and economically superior. And Putin is a manly man. They are inverting Reagan’s populism.

Ok, l will buy that.

Reagan and minions who, like trump, were criminals who openly subverted the rule of law and the US constitution. But Reagan’s criminalism was a little better than Soviet criminalism (heck the Soviets practiced mass murder). So, sure, agreed.

Many of us would think “hey this anonymous person wants to give you a large sum of money in exchange for spreading right wing talking points” is a suspicious thing that any reasonable person would immediately question.

But that is the not an unusual thing to happen in right wing media. So of course they wouldn’t question it. Normally it is not some foreign government, normally it is a Koch , Uihlein, or who ever funds the federalist. This is kinda expected in these right wing circles. There are just a bunch of very wealthy people that bank roll these people with huge money.

There are obvious lots of problems with this system, but this incident shows that the inherent corruption here allows foreign governments to exploit the already existing corruption.

Don’t tell me who the money is coming from… I want to keep the (barely) plausible deniability.



Life’s going great thanks for asking. I too am trying to follow Dan’s instructions. With the new change in format I am trying to use the opportunity to talk more about the books I am reading and the weather in Houston. We are in the perfect weather season in WI. It lasts for about 10 days every year. After that it’s shit cold for 10 months.