Is it time yet to acknowledge the bear in the room?

Gah, I was just looking at a copy of the tweet Elon deleted yesterday promoting the Nazi-loving “historian” seeking to learn the real truth about WWII. Nazis and Russians were the good guys because they weren’t woke and Americans were the baddies all along.

(nevermind Russians and Nazis being on very opposite sides of WWII)

What a tool.

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Speaking of the weather, in sunny London at the tail end of summer, it was so fucking grey and overcast today that at 1.30 in the afternoon the street lamps in my fucking road had come on.

And the it pissed down torrentially in the afternoon.

Now it’s back to plain shitty overcast.

What a time to be alive.

sorry to hear it. Maybe later I will start a “what’s the weather like in your part of the world” thread so we don’t have to get in the way of the important political topic being discussed here.

but I agree what a time to be alive and my but history (and the weather) does repeat itself


In the 30’s there were plenty of members of Congress in the pocket of Germany being fed propaganda, just like today with Russia.

James Comer and Maggie Three Names are offended by your assertation.

How perfectly on brand that a thread about Russian propaganda infiltrating right wing American media has been redirected to blithe musings on the weather.

Carry on.

It’s an uncomfortable topic for some…

600 US based influencers… when do those names drop too?

That’s a Chinese tactic. According to this Harvard study, the Chinese government employs as many as 2M people to insert random gibberish into threads that contain discussion they’d prefer not take place.

Apparently they find it more effective at times than hard censorship. Just flood the field with distraction.

so you and sphere think ajthomas and greg are trying to flood the field with distraction on this topic? that is either a very odd view (weird even) or the group here has a very overinflated view of their importance relative to the topics they discuss.

I believe the Russians and Chinese started triathlons to make sure USA employees were too tired to work or pay attention to news. They could have never predicted the lavender room as the end game. /p

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Happened across this today. A new series at The Atlantic, but finally making its way to MSN. Here is the transcript from the first podcast episode.

What a bunch of Liberal nonsense. Vote Trump. Everyone else is lying. Trump never lies.

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Meh. They’re acting like propaganda is new. We’re not special.

Everyone lies but trump, and everyone is corrupt but trump.

sorry I’m not caught up to speed on the new forum and I just read this. Yeah, what trail said was my point.

No worries.

So, do you agree, or disagree, to my post? (the one you were replying to) In other words, Reagan was a criminal and active subverter of the constitution and the rule of law, but he was still a little bit better than Soviet criminals.

how do I feel about Reagan? 100,000 Americans died of AIDS in the 1980s. Reagan called AIDS gay cancer. Reagan disgusting bigotry towards gay people, and his willful misunderstanding of how that disease spread was tragic. A straight line can be drawn to Reagan’s version of Nationalism and Patriotism to where we are today. He invented the concept that you only love your country if you love it the way he did. He also ushered in the era of cut taxes, increase spending, ignore the deficit.

I’m also quite certain that he blocked the Iran hostages being released in the spring of 1980 for political gain. Something we’ve talked about over the years here.


Very comprehensive reply, yes, all of this.

But the bolded part especially. Because Reagan was ‘Donald Trump 1.0’

And people called him a “conservative”.
Hah !

Since we are acknowledging the Bear here.

All what AJ says is accurate and a stain on President Reagan’s legacy. It took the death of his friend Rock Hudson to snap him to attention on AIDS near on 6 years into his presidency. Budgets for the CDC HHS and other agencies were cut while defense spending was increased and the national debt grew. Iran hostages and contra funding were also black marks.

As for the bolded direct line, in the sense that the Christian right influence (not quite the Nationalism now seen) gained ascendancy during Reagan’s terms in their homophobic intent and his need to bring them into his coalition, I would tie Reagan to Trump. Patriotism not so much.

But the tying strands in comparison (Trump 1.0) between the two ends right there.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War are historic events. You would have a hard time debating against Reagan’s conservative bona fides