Is Elon Musk a good parent?

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

Well, you’re purposefully leaving out a fair bit of context here so I’m not sure how seriously I need to take you or this thread, per usual.

I have no idea what kind of parent he is. He is a mildly autistic workaholic, amongst the richest people in history, CEO of multiple large companies, and has like ten kids with who knows how many women. I can’t imagine he’s spending a ton of meaningful time with his kids, but I honestly have no idea. I don’t personally look to him for guidance on parenting.

He’s got 9 other kids. Maybe ask them what kind of parent he is if it really matters to you so much.

It’s extremely callous.

He added: “I knew that from when he was about 4 years old and he would pick out clothes for me to wear like a jacket and tell me it was ‘fabulous!’, as well as his love of musicals & theatre.”

Wilson responded to her dad’s tweet saying she found it to be “the funniest” thing he said about her because it sounded more like fiction than reality.

“This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from,” Wilson said. “My best guess is that he went to the Milo school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said ‘eh- good enough’ in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.”

(It should be noted that Yiannopoulos is a far-right personality who claims to be “ex-gay” and says he regards homosexuality as “an addiction.”)

Wilson went on to point out how a few more holes in Musk’s description of her at age 4.

“I did not have a ‘love of musicals & theatre’ when I was four, because y’know… I was fucking four,” Wilson said, noting that her first real encounter with musicals came from her twin brother’s obsession with the “Hamilton” soundtrack in “8th/9th grade” when her sibling played it so often that Wilson “swore off the entire genre” for “a long time.”

Who do you think has a more accurate memory of a child at 4 years old; the child or the parent?

As a parent of a 20 year old, who routinely brings up stuff from around that age, I’ll go with the child. Our son often mentions something that my wife or I have completely forgotten about, even small details from that period of his life. It’s not like he’s some savant who remembers everything (his HS and college grades attest to that).

Not a great dad and even worse person.

Elon’s former girlfriend, and mother of three of his kids, has some kind words for Vivian.

“I love and am forever endlessly proud of Vivian.”

It’s not really that hard to be nice to a trans person, especially when it is your kid. They are not sick. They do not have virus.

His daughter speaks.

Elon Musk’s daughter blasts his ‘heinous incel nonsense’ as he offers Taylor Swift a baby after Harris endorsement (

“I saw ‘the tweet’. Heinous incel nonsense is in fact heinous incel nonsense,” Wilson said in a post on Threads, the Meta competitor to Musk’s X.

“I don’t really have anything to add to it, it’s just abhorrent. That much is obvious and if you don’t see how then you’re part of the problem.”

She added: “I would just like to say to my audience members, don’t let people talk to you like that. It’s disgusting, it’s belittling and incredibly sexist. You deserve better.”

Today’s conservatives, some not all, are so odd. Growing up in in a generally conservative part of the PNW, if a guy said something like about a woman, he’d have gotten punched in the mouth. Now he’s applauded. We are truly in a bizzaro world.