Is Elon Musk a good parent?

…meanwhile Musk’s behavior is becoming more erratic.

For a while, it seemed like he was adjusting well to his life in exile on our planet - we were even glad to have him here - but it looks like “things” might be catching up with him

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

So, you’re saying it’s kind of okay because of the reasons above?

Watch out Yeeper, DarkSpeedWorks’ classic logic is on the prowl!

I like your approach: ignore the content, go after the messenger. You were quite excited, but never heard more from you in the trump police endorsement thread.

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to ignore your phenomenal thread.

I already said in my first reply in this thread that I thought Elons statements were “extremely callous.” This particular context does not give sufficient details as to whether or not he is a “good parent.”

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

Musk wasn’t talking in the colloquial sense, more the figurative. He claims she was “killed” by the “woke mind virus”.

Fortunately she is very much alive. By her own account she is happy and healthy.

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to ignore your phenomenal thread.Thanks, but you didn’t ignore that thread. You posted to say that you were very interested in my reply.

l already said in my first reply in this thread that I thought Elons statements were “extremely callous.” This particular context does not give sufficient details as to whether or not he is a “good parent.”So, behaving ‘extremely callously’ (your descriptor) falls somewhere in the realm of good parenting?

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to ignore your phenomenal thread.Thanks, but you didn’t ignore that thread. You posted to say that you were very interested in my reply.

Oh yea, I forgot.

l already said in my first reply in this thread that I thought Elons statements were “extremely callous.” This particular context does not give sufficient details as to whether or not he is a “good parent.”So, behaving ‘extremely callously’ (your descriptor) falls somewhere in the realm of good parenting?

Not what I said big bro.

Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name.

Logic seems that it would be correct to say his son is dead.

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

So, you’re saying it’s kind of okay because of the reasons above?

Do I think it’s ok that a parent uses a colloquially accepted word/term to describe their child who is part of the community that coined said term? Yea, I absolutely do.

…meanwhile Musk’s behavior is becoming more erratic.

For a while, it seemed like he was adjusting well to his life in exile on our planet - we were even glad to have him here - but it looks like “things” might be catching up with him

Does he make anyone think of Howard Hughes?

Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name.

Logic seems that it would be correct to say his son is dead.

Already tried using logic with him. Then, as per usual, instead of saying “oh ok actually that does make sense” he doubled down and asked me the same question again but in a different way because it’s difficult to swallow that your thread might have been unnecessary and you were ::gulp:: wrong.

We all know the answer to this question: he’s a shitty parent.

You love and support your kids. I don’t care what they do, you love and support them ( I would love my children if they committed a crime. I would be upset with them. But I would still love them). If you can’t do that, then you are a bad parent. And if you are a bad parent, then you are a bad person. This has been my stance for years. You can be bad at your job and be a good person. You can be a bad spouse and be a good person. There are many things that you can suck at and still be a good person. But if you are a bad parent, then you are by (my) definition a bad person. They didn’t choose to be your kids. Put some effort into this and be a parent!

If your kids talk about you like Musk’s child does, then one can assume that you pretty much sucked as a parent.

“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Wilson said in a phone interview. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”

Wilson said that, for as long as she could remember, Musk hasn’t been a supportive father. She said he was rarely present in her life, leaving her and her siblings to be cared for by their mother or by nannies even though Musk had joint custody, and she said Musk berated her when he was present.

“He was cold,” she said. “He’s very quick to anger. He is uncaring and narcissistic.”

Wilson said that, when she was a child, Musk would harass her for exhibiting feminine traits and pressure her to appear more masculine, including by pushing her to deepen her voice as early as elementary school.

“I was in fourth grade. We went on this road trip that I didn’t know was actually just an advertisement for one of the cars — I don’t remember which one — and he was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high,” she said. “It was cruel.”

I am more wondering about people’s impressions of Musk’s behavior as a parent and as a decent human being now.

We can probably can the use of the term “parent” in relation to Elon Musk. He’s more of a sperm donor than a parent.

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

So, you’re saying it’s kind of okay because of the reasons above?

Do I think it’s ok that a parent uses a colloquially accepted word/term to describe their child who is part of the community that coined said term? Yea, I absolutely do.

Ok, l follow you.

Any thoughts about Elon’s commentary about the ‘woke mind virus’ and his child?

Given that most of what comes out of Musks mouth is complete bullshit, I am going to go with the logical response by his daughter.

Wow I am shocked. SHOCKED I SAY.

Yep, I hate the lying tool.

Now, are you going to argue that Musk doesn’t lie about pretty much everything? If so, have at it.

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to ignore your phenomenal thread.

I already said in my first reply in this thread that I thought Elons statements were “extremely callous.” This particular context does not give sufficient details as to whether or not he is a “good parent.”

Most people would agree that going on a podcast run by a virulent anti-trans propagandist to talk shit about your trans child is an example of shit parenting.

Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name.

*Logic *seems that it would be correct to say his son is dead.

Logic? Musk says his child was “Killed by the woke mind virus”. Logic would say that Musk’s claim is bullshit. Being trans is not a virus. You do not catch it. This is a lie promoted by bad faith propagandists like Peterson.

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

So, you’re saying it’s kind of okay because of the reasons above?

Do I think it’s ok that a parent uses a colloquially accepted word/term to describe their child who is part of the community that coined said term? Yea, I absolutely do.

Ok, l follow you.

Any thoughts about Elon’s commentary about the ‘woke mind virus’ and his child?

Yea it’s obvious he doesn’t believe in/support/understand transgender and is one of those individuals who believes it’s a state of mind rather than a physical reality. And he believes his child succumbed to this.

Multiple things can be true at the same time.

If only one out of your ten kids hates you, I’d say you’re doing pretty well!

But calling your son or daughter ‘dead’ (when they’re obviously not), is that good parenting, or even decent parenting?

The term “dead name” was coined by the trans community.

It’s a ver common phrase for people to say “the old me is dead.”

Even major trans supporter Taylor Swift has a lyric that says “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now: why? ‘Cause she’s dead”

So I’m not sure if musk using the term dead in a colloquial sense of his child going through a major change has anything to do with good or bad parenting but YMMV.

Musk wasn’t talking in the colloquial sense, more the figurative. He claims she was “killed” by the “woke mind virus”.

Fortunately she is very much alive. By her own account she is happy and healthy.

Except that figuratively IS the figure of speech for the colloquial use.

I did not know previously, but apparently Elon has a trans child. This is how he refers to her:

“So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus,” Musk told Peterson.”

Is Elon a great dad?

Is this a trick question or something?

No kidding. You don’t have to drag in the trans issue. Someone with ten kids with multiple women who clearly spends most of his time working? Duh

I did not know previously, but apparently Elon has a trans child. This is how he refers to her:

“So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus,” Musk told Peterson.”

Is Elon a great dad?

Is this a trick question or something?

No kidding. You don’t have to drag in the trans issue. Someone with ten kids with multiple women who clearly spends most of his time doing ketamine? Duh