Ironman Canada Race Day Thread - Lionel on deck

That Lionel limp was more pronounced today than ever. Can’t believe he still ran 2:46 while dragging that right leg.

I was on the half IM course and Lionel passed me with around 1.5km to go. He was a gentleman and giving age groupers in the 70.3 thumbs ups as he passed us. Limp was not too bad. The run course for the IM was not that easy either.

In the bike the course featured a lot of brand new tarmac that helped the fast splits. But the wind going down to Oliver and Osoyoos wiuld have been really hard. Not sure what wind IM people had on other side of Richter pass . For 70.3 it was headwind down to Oliver and coming back we were sheltered and had some but not full benefit. So I think Lionel’s time was solid all around but no swim to soften up bike legs

On the finish cam he mentioned something about the race being a test to try 320watts and see how well he could run off it. He said he did lifetime best (or almost) but paid for it on the run, he did seem very lucid and not too crazy exhausted though. Anyways this discussion can move to the Sanders thread

Here is something funny. Lionel started his full almost 2 hrs before me and finished his full in just sub 7 hrs and I was doing the half in just over 5 so we ended up “running together” in the final few km (well barely, literally 10 feet as he was running 50% faster than me)

Correct, race started later with rolling start at bike out!

were they heading out at 5 second intervals, or . . .?

My understanding is they started in race number order…with 5 second gaps.
And the tracker is reporting each athletes actual time to that spot.
So position on the road may be a bit different than what the timer reports.

There was a random draw for start order. Simon Shi went out first.

Pros were put in order of a random draw and then sent out one every 40 seconds.

AGs were sent out by order of race number and then sent out two every 5 seconds.

On the finish cam he mentioned something about the race being a test to try 320watts and see how well he could run off it. He said he did lifetime best (or almost) but paid for it on the run, he did seem very lucid and not too crazy exhausted though. Anyways this discussion can move to the Sanders thread

I was in the half IM, started late, and my run finish time was literally a few minutes after Sanders so he passed several age groupers in his final two km and was giving us all “thumbs up” while we were finishing loop one of the half (he iterally started 2 hrs ahead and his was a 7 hrs day and a bunch of us were on 5 hrs days).

He was moving 50% faster than the half IM crew going at 5.5 to 6 min km, (Lionel was going sub 4), and he did not look dead, but did not look full of energy either, but he was taking in his experience adding himself to the history of IM Canada winners and appreciating being out there and high fiving aid station volunteers and gave Steve King a thumbs up at the 41km “announcer stand”

Easy,no swim training brick for Lionel

Lionel better go sub 7 now!!!

I guess he listened to us !!! He was bang on sub 7 and that bike course was no joke and he had to do that totally solo. Chapeau to Lionel for coming out and supporting the last IMC in Penticton