Ironman Canada Race Day Thread - Lionel on deck

He just wanted to test the carb intake potential, that’s all. I’m a bit surprised by how far Appleton is behind Lionel after 110k. He was like 2-3 min behind Lionel in Michigan 70.3 2023 and PTO US Open in 2022

uh, did lionel just ride a 4:11 at IM canada? which course is this on? doesn’t that absolutely smash the old records?

4:09:07, bike course with 1900m of elevation. That’s not too bad

4:09:07, bike course with 1900m of elevation. That’s not too bad

into transition with 10 minutes in hand. . . yikes!

When I heard he’d decided to do IMC I figured part of it was for the same reason a lot of folks signed up late - it’s the last chance to do it in Penticton. And as a Canadian he wants to add his name to list of those who have won it.
I feel like he added it last minute. So hopefully he does just enough to get the win and keep his legs fresh

4:09:07, bike course with 1900m of elevation. That’s not too bad

into transition with 10 minutes in hand. . . yikes!

…and the slowest transition in the top 6. good ol’ lionel!

anyway, he’s now through the first 5k of the run in exactly 20 minutes. that would be a 2:48 which would certainly get the job done today, but i wonder about how accurate the timing mats are and what his goals for this run are. . .

…and the slowest transition in the top 6. good ol’ lionel!

He was about 30-40 sec slower than other pros. If he can run comfortably and faster by getting change to run clothes, why not? It’s totally worth it.

First 5k is uphill on a trail

First 5k is uphill on a trail

ah, that makes sense. anyway, the 10k matt seems busted, but lionel’s through 13k now and his pace has already sped up to 3:49/km.

1 thing is for sure - he’s not running fast

lionel still 8 minutes up on 2nd and 18 (!) minutes up on 3rd, but interestingly, sam appleton has so far outsplit lionel at every timing mat on the run. not by heaps, and not currently near enough to make a dent in the finish, but interesting.

If there was ever a day to jog it in this seems like it. Absolutely no reason to go any faster than what is necessary.

Are there Mpro Nice 2025 slots on the line on this race?

Yes. Don’t know how many though

IM Canada has 2m (Nice) + 2f (Kona) Pro slots for the 2025 World Championships.

Will True be able to finish since it’s cold? And her in Kona would be a mistake given her history

Was she not 8th place last year, some days she handle it well

was short live footage on PTN from Talbot, looks like he was labouring, not sure what his data conclusions will be, is this training day a success when he had no digest issues ?

If there was ever a day to jog it in this seems like it. Absolutely no reason to go any faster than what is necessary.

That more or less guarantees that LS will absolutely smash himself for no reason on this run then be cooked for Kona. /Pink. I hope.

It’s kind of sad to see IMC going out with a whimper. No swim, tt start, fairly boring race.

I remember learning about this race in highschool as my math teacher was a 6x finisher. Then in (I think) 2006 watching as the race went on despite forest fires being very close, and water bombers flying overhead etc. I thought ‘this is the most badass thing ive ever seen, I need to get in on this!’.

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uh, did lionel just ride a 4:11 at IM canada? which course is this on? doesn’t that absolutely smash the old records?

Without a swim it’s irrelevant.

That Lionel limp was more pronounced today than ever. Can’t believe he still ran 2:46 while dragging that right leg.