Iron Cowboy now erased from record books?

Jonas Deichmann just came across my FB feed as having completed 120 Ironmans in 120 days, and I had no idea this was going on or who the guy is. Did a quick search and for the life of me cannot find any results of his daily races, did he post up any times, or a set of rules he did them under?? Did anyone here follow him, should I be impressed I guess is my real question…

Did it on the Roth course, except the swim I think. Supported by the Challenge Roth team.

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His record was erased last year when Sean Conway in England did 105. jonas broke his record by doing 120.

Was it ever an official record? Or was it a self-proclaimed record to gain notoriety to further his name recognition?

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Same as for Iron Cowboy and Sean Conway, just marginally better. There’s no governing body to ‘approve’.

It’s impressive, for sure and by far. I just don’t see a value in it.

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Raids 60 IM s with 3 .20 runs is the level.
Jonas was more in jogging 4.20 h run range 1.5 min a k slower is a lot .
Swim about the same
And bike also similare but fuerteventura way harder than Roth .
Deichmann clearly wins the marketing

Ok thanks, that’s what I was looking for. Cannot for the life of me find his daily overall times, but from this seems like perhaps 13 to 14 hour range?? And yes, Rait set the bar for sure, and I believe his marathons were more in the 3;10 range, +/- a few minutes each day. And also a sub 11 hour average for his 60 is really the bar for me in these exploits. But glad to see this guy did it without drafting on the bike, was it a pool swim or in the channel? And certainly over the past 120 day he dealt with a ton of heat too. For me I have become kind of numb to these daily sleep deprivation struggles unless there is some sort of speed component that accompanies them…

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here you have the averages 1 to 10 11 to 20 etc
and 111 to 118 with a daily breakdown turns out i was a bit to positive and bike was more like 6.40 and run 4.35 rather than 4.20

but the gist is the same its just nowwhere the same level to what raid did unless one thinks a 10 hour ironman is better than a 4.10 h 70 .3
and you might well be right with raids time they could have been faster and were more like 3.1ish
and raid was more in the 10.30 range i think, deichman did at in breaks during the day about a 60 min lunch time and was more 14.45 h range

i agree as soon it gets over 1.15 swim 6 hour bike and 3.30 runs rait prevails regardless how many reapeats those guys do its not even close as 60 x 3.20 is just a total different league.
one is performance ie raids the others is finishing. not easy in itself but still bit more raygun than proper beak dancing …
deichimans performance is maybe slightly better than ray gun breakdancing but not that much . in fact 1.15 swims are worse than raygun its not even regional level. but raits swim where also weak.

he swam in the lake

Langdistanz - ‘Swim’ |…T1…|…Bike…|Lunch|…T2…|…Run…|| Total(brutto)

Schnitt 001…10 1:16h | 33m | 6:22h | 40m | 23m | 4:42h || 14:04h

Schnitt 011…20 1:15h | 33m | 6:24h | 49m | 26m | 4:53h || 14:24h

Schnitt 021…30 1:14h | 34m | 6:30h | 50m | 25m | 4:48h || 14:30h

Schnitt 031…40 1:12h | 42m | 6:22h | 57m | 25m | 4:32h || 14:24h

Schnitt 041…50 1:13h | 31m | 6:33h | 59m | 30m | 4:33h || 14:31h

Schnitt 051…60 1:14h | 27m | 6:40h | 53m | 29m | 4:25h || 14:20h

Schnitt 061…70 1:14h | 33m | 6:45h | 57m | 25m | 4:36h || 14:42h

Schnitt 071…80 1:14h | 36m | 6:42h | 54m | 28m | 4:36h || 14:40h

Schnitt 081…90 1:13h | 33m | 6:48h | 55m | 28m | 4:36h || 14:47h

Schnitt 091.100 1:10h | 29m | 6:47h | 61m | 26m | 4:36h || 14:38h

Schnitt 100.110 1:12h | 33m | 6:51h | 51m | 25m | 4:35h || 14:43h

111.LD(27.08.) 1:15h | 31m | 6:51h | 58m | 27m | 4:48h || 14:55h
112.LD(28.08.) 1:16h | 36m | 6:56h | 51m | 27m | 4:42h || 14:55h
113.LD(29.08.) 1:14h | 38m | 7:01h | 51m | 26m | 4:37h || 14:56h
114.LD(30.08.) 1:16h | 31m | 6:57h | 47m | 28m | 4:53h || 14:59h
115.LD(31.08.) 1:12h | 32m | 6:58h | 49m | 28m | 4:43h || 14:49h
116.LD(01.09.) 1:13h | 32m | 6:58h | 47m | 28m | 4:37h || 14:41h
117.LD(02.09.) 1:17h | 27m | 7:09h | 55m | 26m | 4:45h || 15:06h
118.LD(03.09.) 1:14h | 35m | 6:53h | 46m | 26m | 4:32h || 14:35h
119.LD(04.09.) 1:12h | ??m | ?:??h | ??m | ??m | 4:38h || 14:40h
120.LD(53.09.) 1:04h | ??m | ?:??h | ??m | ??m | 4:28h || 14:41h

there is an american girl riding around the world atm and she is going to break the female record by about 18en days thats more interesting

Sorry but that’s both an asinine and insulting comparison. Totally fine with different strokes for different folks but comparing him to a global laughing stock after moving that many miles each days is beyond the pale.

A more apt comparison could be say a baseball comparison of Cal Ripkens games played streak to DiMaggio’s hitting streak. Both impressive in their own right but DiMaggio’s took more skill day to day and Cal’s took endurance and longevity. Totally fine to be more impressed with one or both but they don’t take away from each other. Both can be celebrated as impressive feats without being condescending to either.

MONTY, there were a bunch of threads about Deichman on Slowtwitch.

I didn’t remember this one 120 long-distance triathlons in 120 days

But this one I remember him from, Triathlon across the world was wild to follow. Jonas Deichmann around the world doing tri - anyone else following his journey?

ray gun is actually not bad just not olympic level and neither is decihman .
like ray gun deichman has a lots of guts. and mentallly he is very strong but form an athelteic point he is an age grouper a good one but an age grouper.

and in fairness so was raid for swim and bike he is a top age grouper but his runs are pro level in the 60 60
so you need to put this performances into perceptive what they really mean.
and dont be blinded by the marketing
there is a reason why its so hard to find deichmans times …

and as a ps deichman would have dnf the swim had he raced in paris his level would not have been good enough to swim the seine upstream on race day

As much as I try to stay excited about some of my fellow “Ultra” people I find myself getting jaded by all these “events”. Right now in Lake Garda in Italy they are doing the Triple Deca Triathlon and this one is continuous S/B/R and not one a day. I have friends doing it and apart from reading Facebook updates,I am just not interested anymore.
Same goes for Lael Wilcox around the world record bike attempt. Just can’t get into it.
A guy I know finished his around the world run a few months ago and while I appreciate his huge effort,there seems to be a lot of the world that was flown over and not run. For my mind the people at Guinness who “ratify” these things leave a lot of wiggle room in their rules.

Pretty sure there’s pretty decent rules around what can be recorded as an actual round the world attempt. Minimum total riding distance and that you must pass at least 2 antipodal points. These 2 rules alone basically force you to do it properly. The world being mostly water of course forces a lot of flights.

But I agree with you on Lael Wilcox. Not sure how you justify flying from Gerogia to Perth and skipping all of Asia and consider that round the world. At least Mark Beaumonth rode to Beijing and then practically flew straight down to Perth before continuing on.

That’s a bit confusing now, first you say the rules are good
And then you say how can somebody justify a around the world cycle by following the rules.

It would appear you agree with Thailand ultra the rules are not correct.

Yeah,take the example of Mark Beaumont (among others) who stopped his ride in China and flew to Oz. The whole time I am thinking,“why ddon’t any of these people ride all the way through Asia and then catch a flight to Darwin from Bali and continue on to Melbourne before flying to NZ?” The rules have a minimum milage requirement which I think is pretty bogus. If you are going to ride around the world then ride it and don’t sit on a plane for 13 hrs.over land that can be ridden.

I guess because it’s technically round the world, so the less up and down riding you do the faster you’ll be, this I understand. Flying from China to Perth and riding from there is fine because you’re not actually gaining distance.

I think the rule should be no ‘flying forwards’ unless absolutely necessary (ie between Australia and NZ). The antipodal rule is good because it keeps you honest about how short the route you can ride will be.