I just did my 500th race…and nobody cares

My wife said “that’s nice.” 38 years of racing tris, dus, road and trail running, mtn bikes, splash and dash, 2 road cycling races, 1 open water race, and 1 swim, run, windsurf tri. Oh well, hopefully a few more years of racing left.

That’s more than one race per month on average. Pretty big deal in my book. Congratulations.

Nice. Pics of your storage facility full of race medals?

I can only pray to have such longevity in sport.

True that.

Nice. Pics of your storage facility full of race medals?

And library of scrapbooks full of race bibs (I have four full Volumes myself, working on a fifth - 3.5" binders, starting in 1982)

Nice. Pics of your storage facility full of race medals?

And library of scrapbooks full of race bibs (I have four full Volumes myself, working on a fifth - 3.5" binders, starting in 1982)

That’s dedication

I don’t have a bib, medal shirt etc from the previous 40+ years of racing

Maybe I’m doing it wrong lol

Nice. Pics of your storage facility full of race medals?

And library of scrapbooks full of race bibs (I have four full Volumes myself, working on a fifth - 3.5" binders, starting in 1982)

That’s dedication

I don’t have a bib, medal shirt etc from the previous 40+ years of racing

Maybe I’m doing it wrong lol".
Yeah,I haven’t kept any medals,trophies or numbers from my 38 years of multisport stuff. I think my sum total of race gear from 300 or so races is two Vietnam 70.3 singlets one Laguna Phuket Tri T-shirt and one Ironman Cairns t-shirt. (I do have an Ultraman Oz and UltraMX515 sticker on my rear pannier rack though)

Saving my bibs came in handy once when D’Wife was telling someone D’Kid a story of when we first started dating

“… and he was doing some sort of race every fucking weekend …”

To which I countered “my research says otherwise” and brought out the corresponding volume

“You’ll see,” as I flipped through the pages “it was more like once a month. Quite manageable. Furthermore, let the evidence show that I trimmed it back even further after we’d been together for a while”

No need to mention that we stated dating in April, and I didn’t race at all after November that year, so it looked like I took a break ‘just for you’ 😎🖤

Saving my bibs came in handy once when D’Wife was telling someone D’Kid a story of when we first started dating

“… and he was doing some sort of race every fucking weekend …”

To which I countered “my research says otherwise” and brought out the corresponding volume

“You’ll see,” as I flipped through the pages “it was more like once a month. Quite manageable. Furthermore, let the evidence show that I trimmed it back even further after we’d been together for a while”

No need to mention that we stated dating in April, and I didn’t race at all after November that year, so it looked like I took a break ‘just for you’ 😎🖤
I am a dateless loser with no family so I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. I am certain that my travelling across the Pacific to Penticton almost every year from 1991 to 2008 cost me more than one relationship.

ha!! I have well over a 1000+ and I dont care anymore…I remember a long time ago when there was some story about some AG’er who had done something like 300 triathlons, and the magazines were making a big deal. And I thought to myself back then that I probably had over 450 Multisport races and this dude is getting all the attention and accolades…That feeling passed pretty quickly and I just keep motoring on my way, without the feeling that I need to validate that type of race metric…

Let it go, keep fighting the good fight, and make most of your success metrics internal. Or not, but it did make my sporting life much more fun…

Also, to be completely transparent, the number of bibs I have in those scrapbooks is certainly inflated, as I make up my own custom bibs for any “challenge” I might come up with for myself, which I do just to keep things interesting

Examples from my IG



My wife said “that’s nice.” 38 years of racing tris, dus, road and trail running, mtn bikes, splash and dash, 2 road cycling races, 1 open water race, and 1 swim, run, windsurf tri. Oh well, hopefully a few more years of racing left.

YOU care!! That’s all that really matters. 😂

My wife said “that’s nice.” 38 years of racing tris, dus, road and trail running, mtn bikes, splash and dash, 2 road cycling races, 1 open water race, and 1 swim, run, windsurf tri. Oh well, hopefully a few more years of racing left.

YOU care!! That’s all that really matters. 😂

You are correct - I care and don’t mind that nobody else cares or even knows. I don’t have any race bibs or scrapbooks. I do have a gazillion medals in my garage. I am not sure why I started keeping track of my races but I did and never stopped. Still love racing and this year at age 66 have done 17 races. Won a jar of honey 2 weeks ago.

This year is my 40th year of racing. No way I am near 500. Typically race 4-20 times per year (depending on year) between olympic, half, full IM and swimming, running and XC ski single sport races. the 4 event seasons end up bringing things down. I doubt I am past 300. I’ll check with the guys on sportstats as to how many records they have as they cover the majority of eastern Canadian races that I have entered at least since 1997. Before that I had 12 seasons of racing when I was mainly single and childless and raced pretty well every weekend all summer and all winter (winter sports)

I must be somewhere up there. I never logged everything, so have no idea.
Running everything from a beer mile to an ultra marathon, triathons, open water swims, duathlons, road racing, CX, one MTB race, gravel racing, college XC, nordic skiing, winter triathlon, speed skating.

I remember doing 38 races one year. I was racing almost every weekend, including 3 half marathons in 5 weeks. Oh to be in my 20’s again…

I now limit my racing to about 10/year. More interested in exploring than going fast these days.

I’m impressed. I have only been racing (participating is more like it) for about 10 years now but I keep all my bibs. I happen to count them a couple days ago and I’m not even to 50.

I think I did around 750.*

*Track/road running.


More people care than you realize. The recognition gets muted along with much of the non-verbal caring of being a spouse, parent, teacher, caretaker, and as a person on our planet. BTW, congratulations on your milestone. I probably competed in an estimated 1-2% of your races–those Phoenix years went way too quickly. Hope the hips hold up for all your future races.





More people care than you realize. The recognition gets muted along with much of the non-verbal caring of being a spouse, parent, teacher, caretaker, and as a person on our planet. BTW, congratulations on your milestone. I probably competed in an estimated 1-2% of your races–those Phoenix years went way too quickly. Hope the hips hold up for all your future races.




…and I think from a distance any of us who have been around sport for multiple decades not only respect the longevity, but are jacked the more of you all are in this game. It provides inspiration that it is possible and a quality athletic life can be sustained long after the full life expectancy of humans in multiple counties on this plant .

It I look at the attrition in those in the 60+ age groups, if you can be one of the guys or girls on the startline, you likely are ahead of 500m humans in your age group

Won a jar of honey 2 weeks ago.

Those are the best prizes!!!



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